The Logbook Quest

Chapter 11: Chapter 11, in which we save our stalker from a demon

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Instead of Paige, next to me was a tall creature made of dark rotten flesh, which was bearing its three rows of teeth.

Another demon, had I become a magnet for these things?!

I took a sharp step away from it and summoned my sword and firmly adjusted my grip as both of my hands clasped it.

I monitored the demon's movements carefully as I instinctively loosened my knees and prepared myself to jump in any direction.

At first, the demon looked confused, then it seemed to realize I wasn't backing down from this fight and lunged at me.

I sidestepped its approach and noted the claws on its hands had barely missed me. I didn't leave any time for it to realize what had just happened and charged at it, angling my sword so that I could slash at it.

Shit, it moved at the last second and missed it by a hair.

We stared each other down, its eyes glowing red now. Don't tell me it was enraged now?!

It launched at me but this time, it was faster and I made the split-second decision to charge back at it with my sword extended, instead of going on the defensive.

It paid off, as it impaled itself on my sword and it started smoking and falling apart like the one Paige slayed yesterday.

My first reaction was celebration, I had defeated one of these things by myself. A very stupid one but I counted this as a win.

As soon as the demon fully disintegrated in front of me, I heard Paige's voice calling out to me.

"Stop screaming, what happened to you?!" I asked as I ran up to her with my sword recalled to my inventory.

She looked roughed up, with dirt on her clothes.

"You killed it, right?" she heaved as she put a hand on me to steady herself.

At this point, Asrin flew to us and surveyed the two of us.

"That was an illusion demon," Asrin confirmed my suspicion. "It had probably tracked you all day, in order to split you up and attack you like that. You're lucky it was alone, they normally travel together with shape-shifting demons.

"Either way, we have to celebrate your first demon kill, once we get to the Desert City," Paige said, straightening up.

We walked a little further but we were still feeling uneasy. Asrin kept coming back from circling the sky around us and telling us we were in the clear, but we couldn't shake it off.

At last Asrin came with some news.

“There’s someone else the demon has jumped to, they’re running this way being chased by it,”Asrin informed us.

“We have to go back and help,” I said, tugging at Paige.

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“And risks getting attacked again? Are you out of your mind? What if a shape-shifter demon is just waiting for us to show up for that bait?”

“Paige, you’re seriously arguing about going back and killing a demon?” I stared her down in disbelief.

She rolled her eyes at me and relented. “Lead the way,” she turned to our pocket dragon.

We ran back, maybe a kilometer and a half before we finally saw who was being chased by the demon - Brian, the Balcksmith’s apprentice.

We both sprinted toward him, he was bleeding.

“I’ll take care of the demon, you drag him out of here,” Paige instructed and I sounded my agreement.

As soon as I got to him, Brian basically collapsed into my arms. I saw, out of the corned of my eye, Paige slashing at the demon and  the stench of rotten flesh finally vanished from the air around us.

Brian wasn’t entirely conscious, so we dragged him off the path and into the side, where, thankfully there was one of the rare trees, growing in this grassland area we were trekking through.

“We’ll have to set up camp here,” Paige concluded. “Realistically, we can’t drag him any further. I’ll probably manage to patch him up after I eat something and restore some energy.”

“Patch him up? I don’t think the alcohol and bandages will be enough for this,” I stated, pointing at the state Brian was in. His shirt was tattered and there were deep gashes from the claws of the demon all over his chest on top of multiple small ones on his arms, shoulders, and legs.

“I have healing magic. Admittedly I haven’t trained it, nor is it very powerful, but it should be fine,” she assured me, as she started getting the food out of her backpack. “You should eat something too.”

“Yeah,” I answered, leaning Brian’s mostly limp body on the tree. “I’m worried we won’t have enough food for the road though, especially with having to feed him as well. He’s got nothing on him.”

After we ate, Paige finally got to healing Brian and her hands flashed with bright white light as she carefully traced each gash on the guy’s chest.

Brian somewhat woke up, enough for Paige to offer him some food.

“I got let go by the Blacksmith for what I did,” he explained. “And I had nothing better to do, kinda stupid of me, I know, so I decided to follow you. I didn’t know the road was going to be that dangerous, though.”

Paige was very displeased with that, I could see it by the way she looked at Brian from under her eyebrows. 

Though as the night came over us, Paige and I got comfortable around the tree and prepared to sleep. Brian had fallen asleep right after finishing his food, maybe an hour earlier.

Asrin had landed on the very top of the tree and was standing watch, as we had agreed.

Paige fell asleep first, she had taken her backpack onto her knees and hugged it, and fell asleep like that. Brian was on the other side of me and as I was falling asleep something hit me - I hadn’t seen a crystal on him.

I whistled in order to get Asrin to come down from the tree and pointed it out to him in the quietest voice I could muster. His eyes widened and he went to inspect him himself.

But before he could do that, Brian got up and launched at him, as if he hadn’t been injured at all.

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