The Lonely Fox Girl: Poetic Journey of Solitude and Redemption

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – Her Soul, The Heavens and Divine Existences

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As the gentle breeze blew through the lush forest, delicate white flowers with violet to green gradients danced in the air, their shape resembling the wheels of a grand carriage. But their beauty was soon to be marred by the harsh reality of nature.

The muddy flowers were trampled underfoot, their petals torn and scattered like a broken necklace. The once-pristine flower bed was now a scene of chaos as the mud-smeared armored men sprinted towards something, their heavy footsteps crushing the delicate blooms beneath them.

Eight knights, their physiques intimidating and their armor gleaming in the sunlight, charged forward with determination in their eyes. Each one bore a crest symbol on their cloaks, representing their rank and standing among their comrades. They had lost their armored horses for some reason and now sprinted forward in a desperate bid to regain them. But their heavy armor weighed them down and the horses were faster, and they were unable to catch up.

With a sudden jolt, the horses came to a standstill, their eyes wide with fear as they caught sight of a white, wriggling form crawling across their path. A loud, panicked neigh escaped their lips as they turned around, bolting wildly in the opposite direction, hooves pounding against the ground in a frenzied escape. As the horses galloped away, the bag full of fruits on one horse hanging from its saddle slipped and fell to the ground, spilling its contents in front of the white creature.

The white creature, revealed to be the white fox girl, watched in shock as the horses disappeared into the distance. The horses’ sudden departure felt like a cruel twist of fate, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of solitude again. But as she gazed upon the fallen bag of fruits, her stomach growling with hunger, a spark of hope flickered within her. She quickly made her way to the spilled fruits, eagerly devouring them one by one with relish, feeling a sense of joy and gratitude for the unexpected gift.

As she munched on the fruits, she noticed a change in her senses. Her vision became clearer, her hearing more acute, and her sense of smell more powerful. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the fruits and its trees, as they seemed to have sharpened her senses and strengthened her body beyond what she thought possible.

As she ate, she suddenly heard the sound of hooves in the distance. She quickly realized that it was a group of humans wearing shiny things, and a moving beautiful flat colorful box. Her heart began to race. She remembered her mistake from before and knew that she couldn't let them see her. She quickly hid behind a nearby tree, peeking out to see who they were.

She watched them in awe, taking in their shiny things covering their bodies unlike her clothing made of furs, their shiny sticks attached on their waist, and their impressive steeds.

The white fox girl couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and wonder, but also fear, as she didn't know if they were friendly or not.

As the group passed by, she breathed a sigh of relief and emerged from her hiding spot. She looked back at the fruits, which were now almost all gone, and felt a sense of happiness and contentment.

With a smile on her face, she took one last bite of the fruit and closed her eyes, trying to remember the strange and profound dream she had before waking up.

As the white fox girl closed her eyes for the final time, she was suddenly enveloped in a warm and comforting light. She opened her eyes to find herself standing in an endless expanse of pure, serene skies that stretched to eternity.

The clouds were fluffy and white, and the sun shone bright and warm on her soft fur. She felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over her as she looked around at the beauty of this place.

The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and she could hear the distant collective warm voices.

The white fox girl took a deep breath and closed her eyes, feeling the weight of all her troubles and sorrows lifted from her shoulders.

When she opened her eyes, she was in the company of two shining angels, colossal heights as mountains and whose brightness was so intense that it was unbearable for her eyes to look at.

The white fox girl was awestruck by the beauty of the two shining beings, but also filled with fear and uncertainty. She couldn't even begin to comprehend the conversations they were having. As she looked around again, the place was an endless space of pure, serene skies that stretched to eternity. It extended beyond her vision and gradually vanished into the perfect vista. It was a place of absolute solemnity and a soothing atmosphere, with no edges or boundaries. It seemed more like an illusion than anything that reality could offer.

The white fox girl couldn't believe she was here after she died, yet she was filled with dread, not knowing what was to come next. She knew she should be respectful, but couldn't help but feel small and insignificant in the presence of these divine beings. She didn't dare to look up in their direction, knowing that one mistake could bring her condemnation.

The vulnerable soul was frozen in place, unable to move or change positions, as the two divine entities began to talk about her life in the ancient forest in detail. Their dominant voices trembled her, and she felt like she was going to fall or be crushed by a huge tree any moment.

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At first, the white fox girl barely saw the two divine entities. They were not in humanoid form, but rather they were perfectly synced rings like a gyroscope. The white fox girl couldn't be sure, as she only caught a momentary glimpse. The other entity was much more apparent, with a ginormous plus sign and golden spiral vibes. They also had countless white wings and clouds surrounding them.

She wanted to say howl and bow before them, but she didn't have the courage to disturb the divine existence in their casual talk. She couldn't even move from her fixed position. Her soul continued to lay flat on the ground and face downward in reverence and fear. She had always been too magnanimous, gallant, and lofty as an individual. It had been quite a long time, and she never changed her posture, staring at her reflection on the floor.

Suddenly, the white fox girl noticed something within her was purified. Her negative emotions, including her regrets that were hidden deep in her heart, vanished as the two colossal divine beings stopped and gave attention to the little soul. They talked to her through premonition, without the use of context, sounds, or telepathy.

The white fox girl understood their command clearly. Stand up. She complied immediately, looking downwards because of the intolerable brightness.

Suddenly, a series of white lights enveloped the white fox girl's soul.

The two divine beings looked upon her with compassion and decided to give her a gift. They reached out their translucent, colossal hands and placed a spark of wisdom and knowledge into her soul.

As the spark ignited within her, the girl's glowing golden eyes widened with understanding. She could now see the world through the eyes of others and understand their thoughts and feelings. However, her gift did not include the ability to speak or write as the divine beings believed that true understanding comes from listening and observing. With her newfound wisdom and knowledge, the white fox girl has gained enough intelligence and perception to know everything around her.

She closed her eyes and gave a genuine, warm smile that no one could apprehend. Although she could not see them, she knew that the divine beings were pleased with her. They communicated through the language of the heavens, a language that transcends words. She understood that the two divine beings nodded in silent approval.

The white fox girl realized what they intended to do with her now.

Her thoughts were brought to a screeching halt as a deluge of information flooded her mind, delivered by the angel on her right. The other angel, however, was nowhere to be found, leaving her in a state of perplexity. But the gentle breeze that swept through the area dispelled her confusion and the angel bestowed upon her a plethora of advice, which she eagerly absorbed. Shutting her eyes and tilting her chin upwards, she gave a nod of assent.

With bated breath, she took a step forward and laid her hand upon something unseen. And in that instant, a colossal mirror materialized before her, and she beheld her own beauty in awe.

The white fox girl was a creature of breathtaking beauty, her waist-length white hair and silver, with few strands of gold that reached her waist, sharp as needle points. Her form was delicate yet strong, and she carried herself with the grace of the wind. Her eyes were deep pools of gold, and her gaze was imposing. Her tail was bushy and her ears were those of a fox, both black-tipped. Her lips were like the petals of a lotus, and as she let out a soft howl, "Aaoh~", a force beyond description pushed her gently, causing her to lose her balance and fall through the mirror, creating ripples as she tumbled into an endless pit, as if there were a hole in the very fabric of reality behind her.

As she descended, the light faded and darkness enveloped her, until she found herself in a void of nothingness and awoken in a second when a flash of light reached her.

Lying among the flowers in the lower ground, the white fox girl couldn't understand how she had ended up there, her memory a blur. Just as she was beginning to lose hope, she noticed a man standing a few feet away, his back turned towards her. With her last ounce of strength, she crawled towards him, her hand reaching out to grab hold of his right foot in desperation, as she was starving and in need of help.

But contrary to her expectations, the man sprinted away in terror, screaming as he went. She was left confused, wondering what could have possibly frightened him so greatly.

As the white fox girl crawled there trying to make sense of the situation, she couldn't help but notice her stomach rumbling with hunger. So, she decided to find fruits deeper in the forests.

And as for what happened to the man, who knows.

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