The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 102: 102: 102: Merlot Baiyao (fourth more! Seeking recommendation votes)

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After rescue by several magicians, Aslan slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the green tent roof above his head and sat up fiercely.

The intense pain on his body made him feel dizzy and dizzy, and his ears were still deaf, which was the subsequent effect of the violent explosion.

"How are Bowes and Ulus?" Aslan forced his body to sit up and asked nervously.

This time he really miscalculated. He didn't expect that there would be such a figure in the coalition army, who would dare to arrange the magic scroll of the corpse explosion in advance.

That is a high-level death spell. If you want to write a spell scroll, it is impossible to make it without the strength of the Great Sorcerer, and its price is as high as thousands of gold coins.

All the soldiers of the ten lords died, and they were not worth the money.


Aslan's eyes sharpened in an instant, and the fellow Flada was really keen, and he stared at him so quickly.

Hearing Aslan's voice, Maru and a group of senior brothers and sisters all came in. Seeing Aslan struggling to stand up, he hurriedly stopped.

"What are you doing?" Maru asked angrily.

"I'm going to see my men. Arthur! Gawain!"

Aslan broke free of Maru's hand, stood up swayingly, hissing and shouting.

He still clearly remembered that when the explosion happened, Ulus pressed himself under him, and Bowes waited for the knights to form a wall for him.

Arthur heard Aslan's call and hurried in.

"Master! I am here." Arthur quickly supported Aslan and asked the attendant next to him to bring the cloak over, and wanted to put on Aslan.

But Aslan stopped him, he just wanted to bring the wounded to meet the soldiers, let them know that even if the Lord Lord was wounded, he would not forget them.

Aslan walked out of the camp with the help of Arthur, his eyes flushed with the surrounding sights.

In the eyes are wounded soldiers. People with relatively minor injuries are sitting outside the tent. Only the severely wounded are eligible to live in the tent.

"Lord Lord!"

When a soldier saw Aslan, he struggled to stand up and salute.

Aslan held him back.

"You have worked hard!"

"Lord Lord! It's great that you are fine."

The soldiers stood up one by one and took the initiative to salute. Everyone was joyful from the heart.

Aslan nodded at them, but soon frowned again.

The wounds on the wounded soldiers were very crudely bandaged, as if they were **** indiscriminately with cloth strips.

Aslan realized that he had always focused on the development of Billy City, but Merlot had neglected many details.

For example, the medical system and medical soldiers.

"Who is responsible for bandaging the wounded?" Aslan said with a hint of anger. He neglected the development of this aspect, but he was even more angry at such inconsistent bandaging.

"Lord Lord!" Arthur yelled softly, winking at the side.

Not far away, some blood-stained women trot over, their faces full of horror.

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One of them, Aslan, felt a little familiar.

"See Lord Lord!" The woman took the lead and knelt down, Aslan still looked unhappy.

"You bandaged these wounds?" Aslan's expression was much more relaxed, he had already remembered that these women in front of him were all rescued from the Kaimen Bandit Band.

"Yes! Lord Lord, we used to do this kind of work in the bandit group." The leading woman was the woman Lannia who asked Aslan on the initiative.

Aslan nodded, pointed to a wounded soldier's bandage, and said with a calm expression: "You can't bandage the wound like this, and the wound is not treated well and it is easy to get inflammation."

Aslan finished speaking, squatted down and untied the bandage on the wounded soldier's thigh.

Aslan expected, the wound had become inflamed. Many veterans looked at the wounded soldier with pitiful eyes.

In Sinoland, there is no such thing as disinfectant or anti-inflammatory drugs, so wound infections are almost incurable except for the bright magic of the priest. When the army encounters this situation, most of them cut off the whole piece of meat. The serious thing is that the entire leg is sawed off.

Aslan used the water-based zero-level magic cleansing technique to treat the wound again. The water condensed by magic is free of bacteria and is very good for cleaning the wound, and then another zero-level magic, light-based eradicating plague.

The main function of this magic is to disinfect.

"Bring my medicine chest." Aslan shouted.

When Arthur saw Aslan treating the wound, he ran back to the camp and took out the white medicine box of Aslan's red cross.

Aslan found the white powder in a large glass bottle.

Pour out the powder carefully.

"It hurts a bit at first, bear with it," Aslan said softly.

The soldier was already moved beyond words, gritted his teeth and nodded.

Aslan carefully sprinkled the powder on the wound, and the powder quickly merged with it. After a while, the bleeding wound slowly solidified. It was the blood clotting powder prepared by Aslan in the previous life, named Merlot Baiyao. .

Merlot Baiyao has an inhibitory effect on the release of inflammatory substances, and is effective in improving microcirculation and changing vascular permeability. In the treatment of trauma, it can effectively treat local redness, heat and pain, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and inhibit swelling. In addition, Yunnan Baiyao also has antibacterial effect, which can prevent wound infection.

Aslan skillfully tied the cloth strips and explained carefully: "It's just like this, do you understand?"

Lannia nodded earnestly. She bandaged the wounds for several years. She naturally understood Aslan's method, and she also got a lot of inspiration from it.

"Arthur went to the camp and took out all this powdered medicine. This is the hemostatic knife wound medicine I configured before. I brought it all this time." Aslan put the glass bottle away and said without hesitation.

Arthur nodded and went to run errands again, because this was a rule set by Aslan, whether it was the city lord mansion or the camp, as long as it was a place where Aslan was resting, no outsiders were allowed to enter.

So Arthur could only run errands by himself.

When Arthur brought a wooden box measuring fifty or sixty centimeters in size, Aslan dealt with three more wounded soldiers. They were all injured in different parts, and the injuries were very different. Aslan also handled them one by one. explain.

"This kind of medicinal powder is expensive and difficult to configure, so try not to waste it." Aslan handed the wooden box to Lannia and said seriously.

Lanya solemnly took the wooden box that Aslan handed over, her eyes full of reverence.

The soldiers around were even more excited and grateful.

Invisibly, Aslan earned another wave of loyalty points. This scene made Maru stunned. She always felt that there was something wrong.

Natal looked at Aslan's gaze, also full of kindness.

The rumor that Lord Merlot loves his people like a child seems true!

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