The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 108: 108: 108: Together with the local host (fourth more sent! Ask for a recommendation ticket!)

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Obviously, Vattini was about to abandon Baron Jimmy.

As long as Baron Jimmy is fed to Aslan, the loss of other lords may be less.

Because of this, other lords have consciously distanced themselves from Baron Jimmy, even his cousin, the cousin who took his biological sister.

The only thing he can do now is how to protect himself. As long as the territory is still in his hands, he has a chance to turn over, and he can calculate all the property in the territory as much as possible.

Aslan's carriage entered the camp, and Gawain ran ecstatically with the Merlot army officers.

"See Lord Lord!"

Gawain exclaimed, and the others looked at Aslan enthusiastically.

Aslan smiled and waved to them.

"I still have injuries, so I won't help you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone quickly stood up, standing on both sides properly, standing separately according to their positions.

Lai Anning exclaimed excitedly: "Lord Lord, you are fine, I have been so worried that I can't eat for the past two days."

Aslan couldn't help laughing when she heard Layan's words.

Given the appetite of this guy, Lai Anning, he didn't eat for two days. Under the current conditions, he couldn't bear both meals, let alone two days.

"Stop nonsense." Aslan said in an angry tone.

"Tell me about the casualties!"

Gao Wen took the initiative to stand up and said: "In the decisive battle in Meilihe, our army killed 251 people, injured 465 people, and captured more than 11,200 enemy troops."

As for the wounded enemy soldiers, they are probably buried in the pit with their bodies.

"What will happen to the captives?" Aslan asked, knocking on the handrail.

"Except for a few surrendered slaves, the other prisoners were escorted back to Merlot Town." Gao Wen said lightly.

Aslan rubbed his temples subconsciously. He has always hated using slaves the most.

Slaves are too unexpected, and work efficiency and combat effectiveness are not strong, but it is not that simple to want to convert all into free people for a while.

Although he could solve it with just one sentence, that would also bring too many unstable factors to the territory.

Gawain seemed to see Aslan's embarrassment and quickly said: "Lord Lord! There are many Merlots among the slave soldiers."

Aslan's eyes lit up suddenly, and he couldn't help laughing. This smile affected the wound, making his face suddenly green.

"Lord Lord!"

"I'm okay!" Aslan covered his wound and waved his hand.

"Gawain attack!"

"Yes! Lord Lord!" Gao Wen immediately led people back, preparing to attack the city.

This time Gawain's performance, orderly advance and retreat, and steady use of troops, gave Aslan a big surprise.

It's a pity that the previous life died young, and it was only now discovered by Aslan.

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"You don't want to go, Chief Johnson, let's talk." Aslan called Johnson, who was about to attack the city together.

Johnson didn't have too many accidents, and he did not humble or overbearing the mage's etiquette.

Aslan smiled in return.

"Please sit down!"

As soon as Johnson took his seat, the female soldiers immediately brought tea.

"Thank you for the help of the village chief this time. I don't know how the village chief thought about my proposal?" Aslan asked with a smile watching the army march out in order.

The last time his proposal was to allow Johnson to lead the entire village of Max to join Merlot to enrich the population of Merlot. This time, he captured so many slaves and the small villages on the border that could not survive. The population is estimated to exceed 50,000.

Therefore, Aslan was not anxious about the merger of Mais Village. Melo Town developed too fast to withstand such a large population, and for the sound development of Melo Town, several outlying villages and towns had to be developed.

The Maisi village in the previous life was the first town in the Merlot area, with a resident population of more than 20,000. It has opened up a large tract of bracts and fruit trees. The annual grain output reaches 200,000 tons, making it the largest granary in the Merlot area.

Johnson had long seen that the population of Merlot had reached the endurance limit for the time being. The lord asked, naturally he did not want the population of Max Village to increase the burden on Merlot.

"From a subordinate point of view! Melo Town can no longer receive too many people in the short term. It is better to stay in place, and I have also inspected the planting of fruit trees. The location of Maisi Village can be planted on a large scale, as long as the lord grown ups……"

Johnson didn't say what he said next, and the implications were very clear.

It depends on Aslan's belief that he doesn't trust him.

"Haha, just what I want." Aslan nodded with a smile.

"I also have this plan. I am going to turn Maisi Village into Maisi Town and become the granary of our Melo area, in one fell swoop to solve our Melo people's persistent food shortage dilemma."

"Lord Lord Shengming!" Johnson said with some excitement in his heart.

"But I have one condition."

"My lord, please speak."

"All the militia units in the Maisi village were sent to the new barracks for training and then redistributed. Your village will also send a large number of personnel to Melo Town to learn the laws of the Melo area."

Aslan said lightly, Johnson also listened quietly, and did not overreact.

Because of these conditions, he had long learned from Essien and Willson. Now that he is ready to join Lord Merlot under the command of Lord Merlot, he naturally has to be clean. As for future taxation issues.

He has secretly visited the people in Melo Town, whether it is the landlord or the serf of the lord’s family. No, now they are called tenants, which means farmers who plant the land for the lord. Although the days are not as good as the landlords, they also have surplus food every year. Life is getting better and better.

As for the newly-built Changfeng Village, there are more than 500 tenants there. It is said that the land to be reclaimed in the future will be registered, and then one-tenth of the land will be allocated to the tenants so that they can become landlords.

It is said that more and more people are going to Changfeng Village. It is believed that Changfeng Village will become a major food spot in the Meruo area soon.

It can be seen that Lord Aslan is really a good Lord who considers the people.

If Aslan knew about this, he would definitely make complaints. At the beginning, he planned to divide it in half, but in the end, under the pressure of Essien and Wilshin, it was reduced and then reduced to one-tenth now.

"Lord Lord! How should we divide the cultivated fields in Max Village?" Johnson asked cautiously.

"Naturally, like Changfeng Village, I don't want to lead the people and only farm land for this lord. I want each of them to have land in their homes, and they are also landlords, so that people like this can live a truly good life."

Aslan remembered what the boss said to them when she was working in her first life, work harder, get dividends, and become bosses together.

Sure enough, when Johnson heard these words, the gray-headed old man couldn't help getting excited, and was also attracted by the pie drawn by Aslan.

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