The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 136: 136: 136: Wild Elf (third more! Ask for a recommendation ticket!)

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"Hi! Man, where are you working now?"

This sudden greeting made Gareth look dumbfounded.

"Go to work? What class do you go to?"

The half-elf waiter looked at Gareth with a confused look. Just when he wanted to continue speaking, he heard the restaurant owner's shout.

"Mark, you are lazy again, believe it or not, I will deduct your salary."

Hearing the boss's roar, Mark, the half-elf waiter, immediately slapped a spirit, and said to Gareth: "Sorry! Brother, I'm going to work, so as not to be deducted by the boss."

The elf who was next to Gareth led the way with a smile and said, "It seems that Mark is used to life now."

"What do you mean by this?" Gareth said in a daze.

"Lord Lord once said that he does not raise idlers. If he wants to live here, he must learn to support himself. Mark was the first person to choose to find a job." Gentle Windor said with a gentle smile.

"What about you guys?"

Gareth's words refer to these elves.

Wendor shook his head helplessly.

"Many people have been enslaved for too long and still can't adapt to the current life. They can only learn from Master Elijah."

Gareth looked at Windor in doubt.

"how about you?"

"Me?" A frenzy flashed in Wendor's eyes.

"I was originally selected by the lord to be a teacher in the school, but Mr. Wilshin was chosen by Mr. Wilshin and became the secretary next to him, responsible for helping him with his daily affairs."

"Mr. Willson is a very wise old man. He has taught me a lot and has benefited me a lot..."

Gareth looked at Windor, who was in the tuberculosis mode, and didn't bother him. Instead, he quietly listened to him talking to himself.

This is a disease, and many elves who have just recovered their freedom have their spirits that have been suppressed for too long burst out completely. They love peace by nature, they don’t like fighting, and they don’t use killing to vent their emotions, so it’s best for them to become stubborn. Way of venting.

Gareth also got a lot of very important information from it.

For example, Lord Merlot's attitude towards aliens.

Coming outside the city lord’s mansion, Elijah had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Windor who was still talking continuously, she had to say sternly, “Wendor, are you too idle? You put a little load on it."

Wendor instantly returned to his gentle and elegant appearance, bowed to Eliya and left.

"Master Elija!" Gareth gave a very standard elf gift.

"I already told you in the letter, you can answer whatever you want, don't worry too much."

Elijah whispered.

The subtext is very simple, that is to make Gareth reject Aslan's request to buy a war horse.

Gareth nodded. He knew the power of the cavalry charge and the fighting power that could erupt in the Changfeng Plain could definitely make all the aliens on the Changfeng Plain despair.

In the reception room, Aslan was very lazy and half lying on his leather sofa.

Two great swordsmen, Cruze and Ulus, stood behind him. As soon as Gareth entered the door, the great swordsman's aura showed no doubt, this was to show Gareth's muscles directly.

The corners of Gareth's mouth twitched slightly, and he sat idly opposite Aslan.

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The two fell into staring at each other like this, and neither spoke to each other, while Aslan drank freshly cooked milk on his own.

The cow was pulled from the top ten lord, only a dozen, and was raised by Aslan as a baby bump.

Milk is a good thing, it can be made into countless delicacies and nutritional products.

He has asked Jason to buy cows back in large quantities.

Aslan finished a glass of milk and ate a few more cookies.

Gareth couldn't help it anymore, he was really tempted by the food in front of Aslan.

Although the Changfeng Plain is dominated by plains, the foreign races have also cultivated many fields, but the output is not satisfactory, and they can barely feed the foreign races on the Changfeng Plain.

In this case, it is natural not to be too harsh on the taste of the food.

"Lord Aslan, this is your way of hospitality!" Gareth asked dissatisfiedly.

Aslan really shook his head indifferently.

"Do you want to be my guest?"

Gareth frowned slightly, and asked angrily: "Lord Aslan! What do you mean?"

"No! I just want to say that if I want to be my guest, there must be enough places for me to value, otherwise I will treat anyone with courtesy. Isn't it exhausting?" Aslan suddenly sat upright. Body, said with contempt.

"Are you insulting me?" Gareth put his hand on the hilt, his aura was swelling, and he might attack at any time.

"Haha! Seven hundred and ninety-five elves, and four thousand six hundred and seventy-seven half-elves."

Aslan suddenly broke a statistic, Gareth's face changed drastically.

This number is the total population of his tribe. Why Aslan knew about this? Even Elijah didn't know this.

Seeing Gareth's expression, Elijah suddenly guessed the meaning of Aslan's words, her face changed drastically.

"It seems that Lord Aslan knows the alien races in the Changfeng Plain very well!" Elijah said with a smile, hoping to break the cold, if Gareth really draws his sword, then he will undoubtedly die.

When Gareth heard Elijah's words, he couldn't help letting go of the hilt of the sword, and barely smiled.

"Sorry! I was so excited just now."

Aslan shrugged indifferently.

"You foreign races are not good things. If you don’t have a good life, even if you still want to hit me on the idea of ​​Changfeng Town. If it weren’t for the budding fruit tree just planted, it will take the next year at the earliest. Plundered."

Aslan's words slammed his heart, and Gareth opened his mouth slightly, and couldn't say even the slightest retort.

Elijah was also anxious at hearing. As a foreign race, is she still unable to recognize the facts?

Actually planning to attack human towns on a large scale, it will cause the same enemies of the human race to resent.

At that time, if the Marquis of Medea of ​​Billy City also sent troops to help Aslan crusade against the aliens in the Changfeng Plain, it would really be the end of the Changfeng Plain.

Elijah has always been looking for an ecological chain to coexist with the human race. What she hates most is those idiots who wage war against the human race, because they can't win at all. The initial victory will only usher in the cruelest revenge of the human race in the end.

Gareth noticed Elijah's murderous gaze, and his heart felt guilty.

"Huh! You wild half-elves have a stronger personality, but you have been hiding in the remote mountains for a long time, but you can't recognize the facts." Aslan said mockingly.

Elijak said without a word: "Lord Aslan, Patriarch Gareth just listened to the slander of other races, please give him a chance."

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