The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 213: 213: 213: Mobilization (second more! Seeking recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!)

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"Lord Lord once said what Gamperson's law is called, that is, the less likely it is to happen, the more likely it is to happen."

Gao Wen said confidently.

"Indeed, all of them are professionals, and the worst is also a great swordsman. It is not as difficult as expected to climb Hanskami Mountain."

Ulus realized that he had also taken someone to board at the beginning.

Others also nodded. In the eyes of many people, Aslan was a wise man.

"So we have to gather all our forces and intercept them in front of Hanskame Mountain." Gawain clenched his fist and slammed it on the table.

Everyone understands Gao Wen's meaning, this time the rescue, the strength is too bad, there is no need to go, and it will only increase the casualties.

"I have sent all the knight guards, not only in Billy City, but also in Changfeng Plain." Elijah suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him, even Kuchurin, who came to join in the fun, looked at this woman.

He was curious, why the alien tribes in the Changfeng Plain would rescue Aslan.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Gao Wen's plan.

In particular, Arthur is more determined. From now on, it is better to leave military affairs to Gao Wen. He only needs to be responsible for Aslan's security work.

Everyone withdrew separately, and Kuchurin looked at Veletta with a complex expression.

"Brother, let's save Lord Lord!"

Cuchurin said in a huff: "Have you forgotten how they treated us?"

Veretta nodded and defended Aslan: "Lord Lord is only experimenting with me. He said that our problem of over-reliance on sunlight has penetrated into our bones, and we can get rid of this dependence as long as we break through the mentor level. , He has been looking for a solution."

Cuchurin glanced at his hands subconsciously, and asked in confusion, "How do you know this?"

Veretta said indifferently: "I'm with Lord Lord, he will talk to me occasionally, and I don't understand many things."

Cuchurin took a deep look at Veretta and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"I won't believe what the human race said."

"Brother!" Veretta called.

"Don’t think too much, I just want to stay in Merlot. There are not only barbarians, half-elves, and even forest elves. Recently, there are more and more alien races on the Changfeng Plain. I just Looking forward to the kingdom that Aslan spoke of." Cuchurin said lightly.

Veretta immediately hugged Cuchurin's arm, her face full of joy.

Elijah returned to the elf farm and sent the bamboo bird out as soon as possible. The content was very simple, that is, to ask the Gareth tribe for help.

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Then she looked at the fellow elves who surrounded her.

"I want to hear your thoughts, now you are all free."

Wen Na raised his hand, looked at the light of the elements slowly flowing in his hand, and said, "I heard what the Lord Lord said to you. I also think he is right. If he dies, then we must leave. Here."

Elijah frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

"But now that he is not dead, we still have a chance. As long as we rescue him, we can continue to stay here and create a forest that belongs to us." Wenner finished speaking, looking at the ten lives behind him in a blurred vision. Big Sequoia, it was the seeds that Elijah spent more than ten years before collecting.

The living giant sequoia is a large tree that can grow up to 200 meters in height and 18 meters in diameter at breast height. The bark is reddish brown. Such trees are called natural trees. They have a long life span and are the most stable source of natural mighty power in the forest.

These twelve giant redwoods of life were spawned by the natural magic of Elijah. They have grown to tens of meters in height and have begun to slowly release their natural power, because the land can supply enough nutrients and does not need to be maintained by natural magic from time to time. Just let it grow naturally.

With these twelve large redwoods of life, coupled with the arrogant natural power of the Elf Farm, many elves have begun to recover, and Winner is one of them, but they have just recovered to the realm of an apprentice magician.

Because they dare not absorb the natural mighty force too much, they are afraid that the natural mighty cycle that has been established with difficulty will be destroyed, so the recovery speed is a bit slow.

"Yes! Next month, the Sequoia cedar will secrete seeds. Then we can plant hundreds of trees around. As long as we plant all of them and wait another six months, we may be able to fully regain our strength." An elf said excitedly.

"Yes, I also support the idea of ​​Lord Lord. Maybe one day, we can build a world where humans and elves coexist." More and more elves echoed the support.

Elijah breathed a sigh of relief. She just selected three people to start with her. These three are all elven warriors, and they are also called elven archers by the mainland people. In addition to their superb sword skills, they also have a hundred steps through Yang. Swordsmanship, the most important thing, they do not rely heavily on the mighty power of nature. With the help of Elf Farm and Elijah, their fighting spirit has been restored. Now they have the strength of great swordsmen, and they are the main guarding force of the Elf Farm.

The barbarians are more direct. In addition to sending messages to Belmode, they gathered the whole clan of young and old.

Both Yorkf and Reyes came fully armed. After a year of recuperation, their bodies have returned to the appearance of middle-aged people. Although they cannot reach the peak age, there is no problem in fighting for such a short period of time.

Especially when Yorkf broke out with all his strength, he could explode the strength of the Great Sword Master's peak within ten minutes.

"In this battle, we must rescue the Lord Lord. Even if we all die in the battle, we will not take a step back. Without Lord Lord, we would not be the barbarians today." Lai Anning shouted loudly.

An unprecedented determination flashed in Yorkf's eyes, because he knew it clearly, and he saw it more clearly than Layan.

If Aslan is still the lord of the Merlot region, their status and prestige can still suppress other discriminatory gazes in the Merlot region, but once he is dead, Arthur and Gawain may continue to implement Aslan. However, the people in the Merlot area will not necessarily follow their instructions. Separation is an inevitable trend, and they will be miserable when they are aliens.

This is also the reason why Aslan asked Elijah and the others to flee from Merlot. The two clans are too small to protect themselves.

The barbarians are better, now there are tens of thousands of people.

"This battle must be won!" Yorkf suddenly shouted.

"Sure victory!"

"Sure victory!"

A halfling who had been doing business in Merlot left the town of Merlot overnight and hurried towards the Changfeng Plain. He was the nephew of Germain. He was sent to Merlot because of his average talent in cultivation and business talent.

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