The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 245: 245: 245: Good dogs don't stand in the way

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However, with the current development momentum of Elijah, she will surely become a pivotal figure in Merlot in the future, and it is inevitable for such a figure to become the wise help of Lord Lord.

Wilshin, Essien and the new military chief Gao Wen have reached a consensus.

After all, letting Elijah become an independent lord, it’s easy to be used by those who want to use it. Once you become an official who clamps down on the lord, it’s absolutely not allowed. Eventually, it will escalate into a bloodshed event. Aslan’s hard-to-establish racial integration will Will become a joke.

This will surely become the fuse of the internal war.

Elijah also knows this very well, so she herself has agreed that even if she cannot become a normal couple with Aslan, as her strength and status increase, she will find a reason to live in the City Lord's Mansion.

A swordsman instructor, a dean of a magic academy, although only a magician, his identity is extraordinary.

In this way, the pressure on Altria, the true lady, is not negligible.

Torram's face was very solemn, and it seemed necessary to remind Altria not to conflict with these two women as much as possible.

In Aslan's happily sultry sister, on the front line of the Xian army, Alonso overturned all the tables in the big tent.

He led the army aggressively for more than a month to the province of Mellock, but because of the advance actions of the ten lords, he had to stop the attack.

Just for not wanting to cause a rebellion among the Eleven Lords, Governor Jack Su was also very tacitly silent. He just arranged the army on the border and had no intention of attacking at all.

The Duke of Jibril of Arrans is one of the ten lords, and the province of Arrans is bordered by the province of Melox. Once the Marquis of Medea is forced, she will join forces with the Duke of Jibril. The military power in the Kirks area is simply unable to resist.

So the current situation, let alone creating disputes, dare not even friction, lest it cause a large-scale war.

At that time, Alonso patted his **** and ran away just like the last time, but he almost lost all his underwear.

So at this time, everything was stable for the Kers army, and Alonso had no other choice but to get sulky.

Even Patrick personally sent an order to let him and the army coordinate with the X area to face the possible offensive of the Arrans province and the Bili area.

The reason why Alonso was so angry was that on the one hand, he could not attack, and on the other hand, Aslan wanted to marry the beautiful knight of Billy City.

Since it can be called Yiqi, it is naturally a famous beauty in Billy City, and according to the news, this beauty knight has extremely high talents. She is already a great knight commander at a young age, and there will indeed be an impact on knight instructor qualifications.

Such a woman actually wants to marry Aslan that bastard, so he is not angry.

Yuri looked helplessly at the book man in his hand, and let this nephew go crazy, anyway, after venting, it will be much better.

Suddenly, Alonso turned his head with a smile on his face.

"That uncle, in this situation, we will not be attacked when we go to the wedding party in Billy City?"

Yuri was taken aback for a moment, then said after a long silence.

"No, just like we can't create disputes, the Belize region dare not create disputes so as not to be attacked by the kingdom's army."

"That's great. Now that the nine disciples of the Marquis of Medea are married, as the brother of Aslan, it is only natural for me to attend the wedding." Alonso said excitedly, and he was going to beat Ah. Silan's face.

Yuri nodded after thinking for a moment, and asked to inform Governor Jack Su.

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After all, it's still a good idea for such a big matter. After all, both sides are now grasshoppers on the same line, and they have to cooperate and coordinate to contain some rebels in the Bili region and the Arrans province.

When Governor Jack Su heard the news, he almost jumped up and scolded his mother. He wanted to point to Alonso’s nose and scold him for no brains, but he could not find a reason to stop him. In the end, he could only agree, and he was also prepared to accompany him. Necessary conflict.

He is now more and more sure that this Alonso is a waste material, and that the accompanying Yuri is not better there, or else he would not agree with the proposal of such an idiot as Alonso.

Two days, fleeting, and the day of Aslan’s wedding has arrived. There is no such thing as a worshipping hall, only the oldest and most prestigious old man presided over it.

Almost all the officials under Aslan's command have arrived, a simple and clean German army coat wearing a Merlot army, showing the true nature of a man.

Many crowds watched Aslan's greeter team, and they all showed expressions of amazement, as did Natal and Vatini.

In terms of military quality and combat, the Rose Knights and the Tax Police Headquarters are not much worse than the Merlot Army, but they are far worse in terms of military appearance and image.

Watching the Merlot army march forward is like watching the moving male hormones.

The neat pace, the bright leather boots stepped on the ground, making a neat popping sound, for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is simply the most beautiful music in the world.

Aslan restrained Altria from the Pendragon’s mansion, but Altria did not get into the carriage prepared in advance, but instead rode her war horse. Although she was wearing a wedding dress, it did not affect her at all. Beautiful image.

A light gauze shrouded her face, giving Altria an indescribable hazy beauty.

The welcoming team drove around the major streets in Billy City before slowly driving towards the Marquis Mansion.

But at the gate of the Marquis's mansion, a group of uninvited guests greeted.

Alonso stopped at the door with a group of guards and greeted Aslan with a smile.

"Brother's marriage is such a big deal, my brother is only here now, so I am really embarrassed.

Aslan looked at Alonso, but with a contemptuous smile on his mouth, riding high on his horse, looking down at Alonso.

"How come, it's my rudeness that I didn't notify my brother in advance."

Alonso and Aslan looked at each other, with no intention of giving way.

Arthur and the Knight Guard were furious, and wanted to draw their swords to drive away those who were in the way.

"A good dog doesn't stand in the way!" Aslan said slowly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Lord Aslan is newly married today, don't you plan to give the head a lottery?" Alonso said with a smile.

Anyway, he was here to sabotage today, and he just didn't think Aslan was better than him.

"Cross head?" Aslan stretched out his hand and counted behind Alonso.

"Five mentor-level powerhouses! This color is heavy enough, but I like it."

As soon as the voice fell, four senses of mentor-level oppression immediately appeared in the city lord's mansion, and one appeared beside Aslan.

"Five-to-five is just right! Wait a minute, the teacher's and a few friends will wait, just leaving you to win the prize." Aslan looked at Alonso mockingly, but let Alonso's His face was instantly blue, and his breathing started to become difficult.

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