The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 327: 327: 327: Principal

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"Wait, what's going on in that refugee camp?"

Aslan stopped everyone from speaking, looked at Altria and asked.

Altria nodded and said: "Those are all refugees who have fled from the war border between the Ten-Party Alliance and the Kingdom of Cleveland. Because several other areas are still repairing the wounds of the war, there is no time to worry about these war refugees, so they replenish the territory population as a reason. Sent to us."

Aslan frowned slightly and his eyes suddenly beamed. Since war refugees have begun to appear, he can also ask the Tianping Chamber of Commerce to receive news of willing war refugees from the Spread Merlot area on the border between the two sides.

After all, the next development, whether it is a factory or a breeding farm, will require a large number of people.

No matter what era, population is GDP and taxes.

As for other areas, they are just not ready. After sending these refugees, it is estimated that they have already begun preparations for resettlement.

"It's no wonder that both Marur and Vatini are vigorously building farms. It is estimated that they are preparing for future war refugees." Aslan whispered.

"Lord Lord! How should we arrange these people next?" Will Xin, who finally arrived, asked out of breath.

Essien hurriedly added: "Yes! Lord Lord, there is no way to continue like this. There are too many unstable factors for such a large-scale refugees to stay outside of Merlot."

Aslan nodded and waved his hand.

"Throw it directly to the labor reform farm."

Wilshin was in a hurry, and said quickly: "Lord Lord! These refugees did not commit a crime!"

Aslan rolled his eyes and said with no anger, "Is it a crime to go to a labor camp? They all settle there and work. The frequency of work does not need to be as high as that of a labor camp. , The people who want to settle in Merlot can be transferred out."

Wilshin and Essien understood instantly.

It is hard to leave their hometown. Now they are forced to leave their hometown because of the war. If they are now resettled, and they will run back secretly once the war is over, wouldn't they be in vain.

As for the innocence of the family, that is just to avoid the infiltration of spies from the surrounding forces.

Anyway, Aslan built more than a dozen large-scale labor reform farms. Each farm covers an area of ​​more than 200,000 mu, and there is enough land to accommodate these refugees.

As for the original reform-through-labor prisoners, in addition to criminals, they are prisoners of war. As long as they behave well, they still have a chance to become a person in the Merlot area. As for those who do not reform, they can only stay in the reform-through-labor farm until they die. Domineering, kill the first time.

Aslan and Wilshin were talking about the labor reform farm, and they carefully asked about the expansion of the army.

"What's the matter?"

Upon hearing Aslan's inquiry, Willson and Essien laughed at the same time.

"What's the reason? Next month will be the day when the first batch of students from the Swordsman Academy and the Magic Academy will graduate."

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Will letter's words made Aslan understand instantly.

At the beginning, he invested a lot of manpower and material resources for the two colleges, and the students who were able to enter the two colleges, in addition to their parents having money to send them in, also admitted many highly talented students, as long as these students can complete the courses and training tasks on time , Not only exemption of tuition fees, but also free board and lodging. Among them, outstanding students can also get scholarships.

With multiple rewards, the students studying in the two colleges almost worked hard to practice and study. In just half a year, hundreds of junior swordsmen and more than fifty junior magicians were born.

This news was just released, and it immediately caused a berserk by the Merlot Army regiments, but the students had not graduated before they were suppressed by Wilshin and Essien. This is why when Aslan came back, the officers of the various regiments were all in succession. Come to apply for army expansion, it is all preparation for these college students.

Aslan immediately laughed.

The Swordsman Academy and the Magic Academy broke the monopoly of knowledge by the nobles in the past, allowing civilians to learn systematic vindictiveness and magic, which made Goode's vindictiveness and magic that he relied on groping more suitable for their cultivation, and the speed of cultivation was also accelerated.

Although the talent for both is very high, don't forget the huge population base.

Only one out of ten people can awaken fighting Qi. This is fighting Qi not cultivated by awakening. If there is a systematic cultivation, at least five or six people out of ten can cultivate fighting Qi.

As for magicians, they are indeed more talented, but one or two of dozens of people must be born. The reason why there are so few professionals in Sino Continental is that the real reason is the monopoly of knowledge by the nobles, which created this situation.

There is only one purpose, to ensure the absolute power of the ruling class.

As for whether Aslan will be overthrown by his own people in the future, there is no need to worry too much about this.

He only needs to guarantee the absolute high-level power, and with the development of science and technology, the weapons are becoming more and more advanced, and ordinary middle and low-level professionals can't fight against it at all.

As long as the power of these countries is mastered, this country is still in Aslan's plan, and at the same time, it can also establish Aslan as a good model for the country and the people.

Looking back on the way back to the City Lord’s Mansion, I don’t know how many people bowed to him, especially the students from various colleges. After seeing Aslan, they all showed enthusiastic eyes and bowed to Aslan.

After all, Aslan also guest-starred the principals of all colleges in Merlot.

The so-called higher academy, in addition to the swordsman academy and magic academy, there is also a high school, as for the university, there is not yet because conditions do not allow it.

Nowadays, high school courses are still being perfected. There are very few students who can complete high school courses. Moreover, the university is positioned as a cultural palace for Aslan as a place to train students in batches in the future. Now the entire Merlot area is still in a state of literacy. The first batch of students They are all too old, and it is a bit difficult to get homework for high school courses, let alone university courses.

Aslan has set his sights on the current elementary school students, and it is estimated that the first batch of college students will be born from them.

Looking back on the way back to the City Lord’s Mansion, I don’t know how many people bowed to him, especially the students from various colleges. After seeing Aslan, they all showed enthusiastic eyes and bowed to Aslan.

After all, Aslan also guest-starred the principals of all colleges in Merlot.

The so-called higher academy, in addition to the swordsman academy and magic academy, there is also a high school, as for the university, there is not yet because conditions do not allow it.

Nowadays, the high school curriculum is still being perfected, few students can complete the high school curriculum, and the university is positioned as a cultural palace by Aslan

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