The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 336: 336: 336: Observation

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"This is the temporary headquarters, I have received it!"

The communicator made Aslan's voice. Because it was an experimental product, it required a magician to operate it in many places, and ordinary people were not allowed to take over it temporarily.

"We have found the target of the battle. The two sides are fighting 50 kilometers directly in front of our army." Nigor said in surprise.

"Very well, the command commanded. From now on, you two will change from an experimental mission to an observation and reconnaissance mission. Don't be discovered by the magician of the Ottoman Kingdom."

After receiving Aslan's, Nigor and Elijah replied in unison.

"Roger that!"

The two of them stretched quickly. They stretched from the original 2,000-meter altitude to the limit of 4,000-meter altitude. They quickly walked around. Because they also used the invisibility technique on their bodies, they stayed in such a big way. Over the battlefield of the Ottoman Kingdom.

The cavalry of the Ottoman Kingdom was consumed by an army of trench half-orcs.

Nearly 100,000 half-orcs are under the attack of the Ottoman Kingdom’s cavalry, retreating steadily, and there have even begun to appear many routs of half-orcs.

"The distance is exactly one kilometer." Elijah estimated the distance between the battlefield position and a hill one kilometer away, then began to take notes, and then reported to the headquarters.

In the command vehicle, after receiving the report, Aslan began to write and draw on the map, and quickly marked the location of a hill.

He quietly looked at the map in front of him, and finally woke up, and said decisively: "The whole army goes to this position and moves along this route. It is absolutely impossible to reveal their identity."

Gawain and Altria on the side said in unison.

"Yes! Lord Lord!"

Aslan waved his hand and told them to go down and make arrangements first.

Nowadays, in the frontal marching formation, Gao Wen and Altria are in charge. Most of Gao Wen is assisted and deployed, and the combat power and command have been completely arranged by Altria.

Today, Altria's battlefield command ability has been recognized and praised by all the upper ranks of the Merlot Army, which is also the key reason for being able to act so quickly.

The army began to turn, moving towards the hill where they were, and in order to avoid being spotted, they left the main road very early and began to shuttle through the wilderness. Anyway, with the assistance of the Sky Aviation Magic Brigade, it is impossible to get lost. It is even more than the navigator. not bad.

Altria quickly came to the Qianjun and led the Knights to the gathering place in advance.

She wants to inspect the garrison location in advance so that she can make arrangements for the future.

In the Merlot Knights, in addition to Torram, the eldest swordsman, Mordred and Valentine are also her deputies. The original Yadong has now broken through the Grand Knight Commander and has become Altria’s left. The right arm of the arm.

Most of Mordred were in the Valkyrie army, but when such a large-scale war broke out, she, a powerful knight, was usually sent to Altria.

Compared to the commanding great knight commander Altria, Mordred is a combat great knight commander. In addition to large-scale group assault training, it is also the practice of personal vindictiveness. Without the influence of cumbersome military affairs, the strength and combat effectiveness have been lost. A big part of Altria.

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Known as the great knight commander closest to the knight instructor in the Merlot army.

The Merlot Knights quickly left the team and soon came to the hill indicated by the map. After observing it, Altria looked at the battlefield with his eyes beaming.

The Ottoman Kingdom had already rushed through the trenches of the battlefield and was confronting the defenders of the Union City. After all, the tall and heavy Rebel was still carrying a shiny spear, and there was a tall and thick tauren behind it.

A large-scale cavalry charge, even if they can rush through a tall and heavy refusal, the cavalry in the first few rows will definitely be squeezed into flesh.

Obviously, the commander of the Ottoman Kingdom did not want his army to be damaged too much here. After all, he also saw thousands of archers behind the Tauren troops, and there were more than 1,000 alien cavalry cruising on both sides. As for the tall and mighty Behind the Tauren troops, tens of thousands of elite alien infantry.

"The alien race of the Changfeng Plain! This general is the vanguard general of the Ottoman Kingdom, Ferhart, I advise you aliens to lay down their weapons and surrender. We will reduce your punishment for the support of the foreign races on the northern wind prairie. Once defeated by our army, The price of slaughter of foreign races in this place will be paid without leaving any alive.

In the army of the Ottoman Kingdom, a tall horse came out, sitting on it, a middle-aged brawny man in leather armor, full of breath and exclaimed.

When Belmod next to him heard this, he was furious, and almost rushed out with Rezabi.

But he was held back by Andre. He knew very well that this Ferhart was overwhelming.

Andre was also prepared, and took the initiative to fly into the air, shouted heroically.

"This is the Kingdom of Cleveland, and the territory of the Marquis of Aslan Sarah in the Merlo region of Mellox belongs to the Changfeng Plain. If you continue to enter the army, when the army of Aslan lords arrives, you will be killed. Do not stay."

Hearing this, many aliens felt depressed and helpless.

This is caused by the status of their alien races in Sino Land.

The reason why they are now able to live in the Changfeng Plain is that they are all the shelter and tacit approval of Aslan, otherwise they would have been attacked by the army of the Kingdom of Cleveland.

"Ha, a mere regional lord! Do you aliens look down on my Ottoman Kingdom?" Ferhart said with a disdainful face.

In front of him, how can a district lord be qualified to be his opponent, let alone what is the situation in the Merlot area, and there are several neighboring countries who don’t know the situation in the Merlot area, otherwise they will not let it go. The land of Connaught is deserted.

No matter in the eyes of any country, the desire for land has been deeply rooted in their bones. The real purpose of their army entry this time is the same. They don't want to occupy the Merlot area. It is just an addition. They intend to use this as a springboard to attack Cleveland. kingdom.

Why did the Kingdom of Cleveland fall into a divided civil war?

Above the sky, Nigor sneered coldly, put down his telescope, and began to report his position again.

Elijah can already be sure that there are no magisters in the vanguard of the Ottoman Kingdom, and there are only three mentor-level powerhouses, which is not impossible to fight.

As for ordinary magicians, the highest flying magic is only a kilometer, and the magician may reach this height, but since the opponent does not have a magician, they can observe more safely and securely.

The two sides did not attack each other, but after they scolded each other, they started to retreat and camp. After all, the two sides have been fighting each other in the past few days, and they also need to rest well.

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