The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 374: 374: 374: Kyoto Rebels

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Marion was also very frightened when he saw Victoria and several aviation wizards who had been sent to him.

Could it be that those Gorlan rebels were really white-eyed wolves and ambush Aslan halfway.

Malthio sent Victoria into the treatment room for the first time, with a gloomy face and ran to the meditation room on the top floor.

After hearing the news that Aslan might be attacked, the Duke of Medea was still calm on the surface, but veins appeared on the back of his hand that no one noticed.

Soon, someone from the Military Intelligence Department stationed under the Magic Tower ran up.

"Great victory! Lord Raul ambushed 20,000 reinforcements from the Ten Sides Alliance dozens of miles outside the city of Tok, and won a big victory! Beheaded a mentor-level powerhouse of the enemy."

"The Nine Masters ambushed 30,000 cavalrymen in the Guolan area in Rank Gorge, and won a big victory, beheading two of the enemy's mentor-level powerhouses. Now he has led his army to attack the Guolan Ranch."

Hearing the report from the Ministry of Military Intelligence, Marion was a little dumbfounded.

How does the world change so fast?

Didn't Aslan'escort' the Gorlan rebels to leave the country? How to assist the Gorland rebels to attack the territory of Duke Jibril.

"The fighting situation? The banner?" Knowing that Aslan was not attacked, the Duke of Medea relaxed a lot and leaned directly on the sofa.

"The two ambushes were very successful, and our army suffered very little. Lord Raul and Master Nine were both under the banner of the Gorland rebels at the time."

The rapporteur of the Ministry of Military Intelligence said bluntly.

With such a lofty name as the Ministry of Military Intelligence, in fact the real task of this department is to take over the reports of the unified forces in various regions.

Simply put, it is a telephone operator.

"Oh! It's just fine without using our flag." Duke Medea said lightly, and stopped taking care of it.

Marion also retired in embarrassment. This time she was too unstable and reported to the teacher without asking.

When everyone had retreated, the Duke of Medea let out a long breath, and said in a huff: "What a worry-free guy."

When Maru returned to the treatment room, he suddenly remembered one thing: Aslan attacked the Guolan Ranch.

Wouldn't it be necessary to bring back a lot of war horses and horses? Will they also be able to raise war horses on a large scale in the province of Mellock in the future?

"Immediately ask about Xiao Jiu's spoils."

When Aslan and Raul rendezvous, the 60,000 army escorted tens of thousands of prisoners and tens of thousands of horses back to Billy City, the entire Billy City was shocked.

Even the Duke of Medea was alarmed, and he nodded in satisfaction when he looked at the tens of thousands of horses sent into the barracks.

As for the equipment of the Ten-Party Alliance, the Duke of Medea didn't care and let Marathon distribute them all. During this period of expansion, Vatini and Natal did not send fewer people to apply for weapons and equipment.

Aslan can share the worries for her no matter what, much better than the other two guys who opened their mouths and stretched out their hands for money.

As for why only 10,000 horses were left, the Duke of Medea didn't care.

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As long as you want it, you can. After all, there is no pasture in Billy City. Ten thousand knights are already at the limit. No amount can be eaten. There are large-scale facilities. The food and grass for raising war horses can be eaten more than people. A war horse. The food eaten in a day can match a few ordinary soldiers.

Don't think that the horses only need to eat grass. In order to maintain sufficient physical strength and combat effectiveness, they often need to raise concentrate.

Concentrate is the livestock feed produced specifically for the breeding industry in the Merlot area. It is the general term for the food of animals raised by everyone. In a narrower sense, general feed mainly refers to the food of animals raised in agriculture or animal husbandry. Feed includes more than ten varieties of feed materials such as soybeans, soybean meal, corn, fish meal, amino acids, miscellaneous meal, whey powder, oil, meat and bone meal, grains, and feed additives.

Now it has almost become one of the indispensable food and grass for the unified army, especially the knights of the Knights of the Rose. The horse carries a small bag all the year round, just to quickly restore the horse's physical fitness at the critical moment.

The remaining nearly 30,000 horses were escorted by Aslan to the horse farm on the Changfeng Plain.

Aslan came down to the top under the leadership of Mart.

The Duke of Medea saw Aslan for the first time, and said angrily: "You will really cause me trouble!"

Facing the question of the Duke of Medea, if it were other disciples, 80% would be frightened, only Aslan would not. He smiled and said: "Why, we were all Gorland rebels at the time, but with hindsight. The Erlan rebels really couldn't eat the horses and equipment before they sold it to us."

The Duke of Medea snorted coldly, apparently he knew the truth, so he didn't go into the matter further.

"This time Duke Jibril has suffered such a big loss, do you think he will give up?" Duke Medea asked.

Maru and Genalito couldn't help but **** up their ears. This is what they worry about the most.

Aslan confidently said: "If you are not reconciled, you can't do it. This time, we will kill the five mentor-level powerhouses under Duke Jibril. With the addition of nearly 200,000 elite troops, plus a Tok area, it is enough to make He has a broken muscle and bones, but relying on his own strength, he is already unable to shake us."

"But Duke Jibril is also a member of the Ten Party Alliance." Genalito reminded kindly.

"This shows the strategic significance of the Tok region. With the Gorland rebels in front, the entire Kerx region is invincible. As for the Naris region, it depends on the ability of Sister Natal and the support of the teacher. Up."

As soon as these words came out, Genalito and Malau couldn't help but their faces became serious.

This is about to go to war with the Shifang Alliance.

"What news did you get?" asked the Duke of Medea.

Aslan said with a gloomy expression: "A traitor has emerged from the Kyoto nobles and brought Lee Enfield's spear to the military-industrial complex behind the Shifang Alliance."


At this moment, Marion and Genalito were no longer calm.

They know very well that the power of the rifle stick, especially the Magic Legion in Billy City, is changing in the same way as the Aviation Magic Brigade, and they are sent to the Merlot area to participate in aviation training every once in a while.

"If I didn’t guess wrong, after this battle, I should have entered the line of sight of the Maksim Federation. I believe it won’t take long before they will send personnel to contact us. Before that, the Ten-Party Alliance would have launched a campaign against us. Large-scale offensive, in order to threaten me as much as possible." Aslan said confidently.

This kind of routine is too normal.

While adopting diplomatic means, the other side constantly uses armed military oppression.

It's exactly the old American routine, but it's called a military exercise on the earth. Don't let it go, this Maxim Federation has learned 10% of the routine of Uncle Sam from the previous life.

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