The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 376: 376: 376: Push Hands

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"The long-barreled weapon should be an enlarged version of the magic weapon similar to a spear stick. As for the final flame, after I have confirmed it again and again, it is an incendiary bomb produced by Lord Merlot, which is a conventional weapon."

When talking about incendiary bombs, Kira's eyes lit up.

"Incendiary bombs are conventional weapons." Duke Jibril shivered immediately.

Conventional weapons mean that they can be mass-produced.

Duke Jibril's expression became extremely gloomy at the thought of the fire in the inner city of Tok.

"You want the technology of that thing!" Duke Jibril said calmly.

Kira said without hesitation: "That's natural, but it's a bit difficult to seize those weapons without using the great master-level powerhouse."

"You want to attack the province of Melox!" Duke Jibril said with a look of contempt.

In the past, he might still have confidence, but now he can do nothing. Not to mention the just lost subordinates, now he still has to guard against the Gorland rebels in the Tok area, and it is very difficult to maintain the ten-front defense zone he is responsible for.

"Yes!" Kira finally smiled satisfied.

"The Kingdom of Cleveland will not sit back and watch." Duke Jibril said calmly.

"I naturally have a way to keep the Kingdom of Cleveland from interfering." Kira said confidently.

"Then what do you plan to persuade other princes to send troops together, not to mention the technology of new weapons, even if many technologies are given to them, they will not be able to produce them." Duke Jibril said with disdain.

This is their experience for many years. It is not that they cannot produce, but that many of the production costs are more expensive than the Maxim Union. The most important thing is that they are not as easy to use as Maxim.

Over time, the Grand Duke of the Ten-Party Alliance, with the exception of Duke Rumsfeld, the spokesperson of the Maxim Confederation, who is still producing ordnance, all the other princes are developing their own pillar industries.

"Locust plagues have broken out frequently in various places during this period, and many places have no harvest. If this continues, within half a year, there will be huge famines and even cannibalism in various places."

"What the **** are you trying to say?" Duke Jibril said coldly.

"According to reliable information, Melox has effective locust control techniques. Only small-scale locust plagues occurred in the territory, and the Duke of Medea sent people to clean them up. Simply put, in the next few years, locust plagues will not affect Melox. The province will have any impact, and after the Duke of Medea became the governor, he vigorously developed agriculture. The number of farmland is several times the original. In the future, it will definitely become a major agricultural province of the Kingdom of Cleveland." Kira said without delay.

"What's the matter?" Duke Jibril asked indignantly.

He is not an idiot, none of these things can immediately come up with food.

"If those in Mellocks province, I believe that the army will no longer need to worry about food in the future." Kira said, only mentioning the army, not the people. Obviously, there is not much confidence in the agriculture of Mellock province.

"And then?" Duke Jibril asked impatiently.

Kira cursed secretly.

"Old fox!"

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"Internal news, when Lord Merlot Aslan returned to the province of Melox, he took a loan of 200 million DM from the Federal Commercial Bank of Maxim. For the next six months, the Marquis of Aslan borrowed. The Maxim Federal Commercial Bank purchased hundreds of millions of tons of grain..."

"What!" Duke Jibril could no longer calm down and stood up abruptly.

"What did you just say? Hundreds of millions of tons of food."

"That's right! A few days ago, Maxim Federal Commerce purchased more than two billion yuan of materials, of which tens of millions of tons of grain." Kira threw a blockbuster again.

"Wow, I didn't make a mistake just now!"

"Yes! One two hundred million, another two hundred million."

"This Queen of Aslan is so rich?"

The think tank next to him couldn't help discussing it, especially Darsin was more aware of the energy behind the money, and at the same time, he was extremely vigilant towards Maxim Federal.

To be able to give Aslan such a high interest-free loan and help purchase such a large-scale material, in theory, the Maksim Federation should have long regarded Aslan as an ally.

But now he betrayed his allies without relenting.

"I came forward to contact the other dukes to send troops. You only need to settle the reinforcements of the Kingdom of Cleveland." Duke Jibril said decisively.

It's not that he doesn't want to think about any more time, but reality does not allow it.

The impact of the locust plague is more serious than what Qila said. Every day it drags on, the conflicts among the people in Arran's province will become more intense. In particular, there are still many Gorland rebels in the area who are fanning the flames. In the past, he still had the confidence to suppress, but with his current strength, he was very reluctant to maintain the line of defense, and there was no extra force to suppress the rebels.

Aslan did not expect that the Maxim Federation would use the entire Ten-Party Alliance to attack Melox Province, and even the Kingdom of Cleveland would be calculated.

He didn't stay in Billy City for long. Since he had long expected that the Maxim Federation would secretly encourage the military-industrial complex in the Ten-Party Alliance to act on him, he naturally wanted to go back and speed up preparations.

For example, shipping a large amount of inventory of ordnance to Billy City, so that the unified army in the four major regions can be equipped as soon as possible.

The resident United Army in Billy City is 60,000, and there are 30,000 reserve forces. There were 70,000 united forces in Cox City and 40,000 reserve forces. When the Gorland rebels did not take the Tok area, it was the front line.

The army in the main city of Naris is also the same as the city of Cox. As for the reserve service, for the time being, it refers to those troops that have not completed training and reorganization, or in short, they are recruits.

The original city defense forces in the Merlot area were also all integrated into the unified army. The Merlot army was still independent of the unified army. Like the Rose Knights and the Tax Police Headquarters, they were the trump cards of the three major regions.

The United Army in the Merlot area has now reached 60,000, and the reserve force has reached a terrifying 200,000. Once the general mobilization of the war is launched, 150,000 elite troops can be drawn out as quickly as possible.

The reason for the emergence of so many troops is that on the one hand, the threat of the North Wind Prairie, on the other hand, is that there are too many refugees pouring into the Merlot area. In order to solve the employment contradiction, serving as a soldier has naturally become the first choice. Ten thousand reserve troops, of which one hundred thousand construction corps.

It can be seen that the scale of civil engineering development in the Merlot area is huge today.

Aslan had just returned to Merlot when he heard the good news that almost made him jump with excitement.

The elves have two mentor-level powerhouses to restore their strength, greatly enhancing the high-end combat power of the Merlot area.

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