The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 396: 396: 396: My cutest leaders

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The flame shield can only defend against fire attacks, not against any elemental attacks, and consumes very little mana. Even elementary magic can be used to display dozens of them in one go, let alone advanced magicians.

For a time, the fire damage of the incendiary bomb was perfectly restrained, but the incendiary bomb still couldn't stop, and the fire had to continue to drop the incendiary bomb because there was no fire attack caused by the incendiary bomb.

The defensive united soldiers were even more fortunate. Many enemy soldiers were half killed, and the flame shields on their bodies were burned alive because of the time limit.

If there is no cover of the sea of ​​flames, the enemy forces in the rear can drop more soldiers into the battlefield.

Every minute passed, the united army soldiers were dragged into the flames or hacked to death.

It's just that the price paid by the ten-party coalition forces is several times, even ten times.

Xia looked at the battlefield quietly, and the noble lords next to him were trembling.

They feel bad!

From yesterday to now, they have killed nearly 100,000 troops because of the storm.

Thousands of them had their heads chopped off by the supervised team.

Xia Ya was so crazy that he used violent magic on ordinary soldiers, making these soldiers like beasts out of control, constantly rushing to kill the wall of the united army.

The Duke of Medea almost put all the troops on hand, even the Magic Legion.

After a three-hour break, the Aviation Magic Brigade also stepped onto the battlefield again and began to perform the Pyroblast technique on a large scale, successfully clearing out the enemy forces in several areas.

Carpet bombing is not a joke.

Only this time, the enemy army also found a way to target them. Several mentor-level marksmen led dozens of marksmen from the army under the cover of magicians, and successfully shot and killed three magic soldiers and wounded more than twenty. The famous magician soldiers slowed their offensive uncontrollably.

Aslan was also helpless. After all, it is now a city defense and not a mobile warfare. The Aviation Magic Brigade cannot use its mobile advantage to fight at all. This situation is inevitable.

In this battle, it was not until the evening when the Allied Forces of the Ten Sides finally retreated.

Aslan personally came to the front of the battle.

The original wall has already been pushed down, and the enemy has advanced nearly a hundred meters into the camp.

All the soldiers of the United Army were exhausted, and one by one couldn't wait to fall to the ground.

"Young Master Nine!"

"Lord Lord!"

"Master Marquis!"

One by one, the names kept ringing, and all the soldiers looked at Aslan with blank and confused gazes, but they did not hinder their respect for Aslan.

Aslan kept saying to the soldiers: "Thanks! You all worked hard."

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Aslan didn't stop until he reached the gate of the original camp. Seeing the burnt earth and the smell of barbecue surrounding him, Aslan frowned slightly.

Today's fight is too tragic.

The United Army killed more than 20,000 and injured more than 40,000.

The ten-party coalition sent out 300,000 square formations. When they finally retreated, fewer than 15 were able to maintain the establishment and retreat. The loss was nearly 150,000, of which more than 100,000 soldiers were killed, and fewer soldiers were injured.

Aslan walked slowly to a collapsed platform, and the flames next to him kept beating.

"A lot of people are at a loss. Why did we fight with the Shifang Alliance? Today I will tell you the reason."

Aslan's voice quickly attracted the eyes of all the soldiers, even the soldier who was bandaging the wound raised his head and looked at Aslan.

"Because of our land, our wealth!"

Aslan asked a simple question.

"As soldiers, have you not got any land?"

"No, my family is in the Kerx area. It was originally the leader of the **** Viscount Lokne. After he was defeated, the land was taken back by the lord of Vartini. Because of the merits of the uprising, I divided two acres of land."

"Yes! I'm Billy City. We should be the first group of soldiers to be assigned to the fields."

Someone immediately showed off.

The soldiers in the Merlot area couldn't help laughing, and said proudly.

"Wrong! Wrong! The first to be assigned to the field soldiers should be our Merlot area. The land division system was still proposed by our lord."

"That's right! It's because of the land. The soldiers present were allocated at least one acre of land. Soldiers who had made great achievements in the battle even divided ten acres of land. How many soldiers we have, nearly 600,000 soldiers, think about your occupation. How much land is definitely more than one million mu." Aslan shouted loudly.

"This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed by the nobles in other provinces, and the common people are not allowed to own their own land, because you are the wealth and slaves of the lord."

When Aslan said this, the whole scene was silent, and even the Duke of Medea was not calm.

"When I first came to the Merlot area, there were only a few hundred people in my territory. There were only a few acres of land that could be cultivated. Many people lived a life full and hungry. I feel extremely ashamed, because I am their lord. As the lord, I can't let the people lead a good life. That is my original sin."

"At that time, my thoughts were so simple, but several lord friends laughed at me for being whimsical. They said that serfs and commoners are both cheap species. There is no need to let them live a good life. Just squeeze them well. Many people should After living a year of hard work for the lord, in the end, I didn’t have enough food every day, because most of the food you worked so hard to cultivate was taken away by the lord."

Aslan said, looking around for a week, many soldiers slowly stood up, looking at Aslan with complicated eyes.

"Yes, this is the essence of the lord of the nobility, but then I discovered one thing, a lord and the people can be mutually beneficial, that is, distribute land to the people, and the ownership of the land and grain is the land and the people who cultivated. Just collect taxes from the people."

When Aslan said this, all the soldiers were stunned. They had always looked at Aslan as if it were about to collapse.

"Later I succeeded. The people in the territory are living a prosperous life. They are willing to take the initiative to pay taxes and work for me. With the assistance of the people, the territory is developing better and better. This makes me understand one thing. I am your lord, and it is my mission to lead you to a prosperous life. As people, you also accumulate wealth for me bit by bit and help me build my territory."

"Water can carry a boat and it can overturn it! I am the lone boat on the water. It is because of your support that there is the current Merlot region, the current Marquis of Aslan, and the current Lord of Aslan! I am for you. Proud of my dearest leaders!"

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