The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 406: 406: 406: Battlefield Hospital

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Aslan suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, I almost forgot, I still owe you one million tons of food!"

Alonso suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Then give it to him when Yitzhak comes back!" Aslan said casually.

Alonso's face was green.

If that was the case, he would have suffered a heavy loss that time.

"Haha, you only now understand why the other two groups sent you over to take over the camp of the Ten-Party Allied Forces!" Aslan's mocking laugh made Alonso almost spit out blood.

He was thinking of stepping on Aslan under his feet, but he neglected a very important thing.

That is the new defeat of the Shifang Coalition, and the surrounding hinterland cannot gather large-scale troops again. In other words, many places in the Shifang Coalition hinterland are in a state of emptiness.

The other two are using the idea of ​​plundering the hinterland of the Ten-Party Alliance.

Alonso was also ruthless, and left without saying a word, and then rushed directly to the southwest.

The northeast and southeast directions were occupied by the Iron Wall Legion and the Kingdom’s New Army. In order not to meet them, they had to go southwest.

Nomiri appeared behind Aslan.

"Master, why remind that disgusting guy."

Aslan laughed very cheerfully.

"If you don't remind him to go, how can there be refugees in that direction? Build a front line fortress here and let people prepare in advance. It won't take long for a large number of refugees to come. This is the best opportunity to increase the population."

All the people present murmured subconsciously.

Lord Lord is really sinister.

The factual war was as expected by Aslan. Yitzhakcaral and Alonso led their troops to plunder back and forth in the hinterland of the Ten-Party Alliance, spanning at least two provinces and more than a dozen regions.

The people of the terrible Ten-Party Alliance have suffered.

Regardless of the veteran elites like the Iron Wall Legion and the Snow Fox Legion, or the rising stars like the Kingdom’s New Army, the General Law had long been forgotten when they were able to rise up.

Fornication and captivity, murder and arson, all evil is committed.

In just half a month, countless people could not stand such oppression and fled to various places.

Because of the locust plague, many people have no surplus food in their homes. After being robbed by the Kingdom of Cleveland, they even have no last food for their lives. They can no longer survive if they continue to stay here.

At this time, the spies from the Tianping Chamber of Commerce began to spread about Melox Province as a paradise. There was no locust disaster, and the people there were well-fed.

Soon people who could not survive dragged their families to the province of Mellocks.

They don't know the way, but every time they reach an intersection, someone will appear mysteriously, and then guide them to the road to Mellocks Province.

In the past half month, tens of thousands of people swarmed around. Vatini, who stayed at the camp, quickly set up porridge sheds to let the inbound refugees eat a meal first, and then let the soldiers **** them to various farms.

Nowadays, it is not only the Merlot area, but even other areas are Daxing Farms, only preparing for the future acceptance of the refugees from the war.

So this time the influx of refugees, let alone hundreds of thousands, even if they come in a few million, or even tens of millions, will surely be able to eat in the province of Mellock.

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The fortress is being built in full swing, and a dozen miles away, a battlefield hospital is in full swing.

Of the 160,000 casualties, more than 40,000 were killed and the rest were wounded. Among them, more than 3,000 soldiers have been determined to be disabled. As for the remaining 100,000, many of them were very seriously injured.

However, under the medical system established by Aslan, as long as the injuries are not fatal, they can be rescued, especially this time it is mainly defense. As long as the soldiers are injured, they will retreat for treatment as soon as possible, so that the casualties are not further expanded.

In the era of cold weapons, the biggest casualties in war were not when fighting, but when treating the wounded after the war. Many large wounds could not stop the blood without healing magic, let alone the tetanus caused by weapons. Inflammation of the wound.

But these are in front of the field hospital in the Merlot area, without any problems at all.

Natural antibiotic medicines extracted from garlic flowers and Merlot Baiyao, which quickly stops bleeding, are still far superior surgical techniques in this world. Many soldiers were pulled back from the hands of death by doctors in the battlefield hospital.

It's just that the casualties are too large. Considering the distance to the nearest main city of Naris, a battlefield hospital was established here. As long as the soldiers who are not life-threatening will be sent back to their respective cities to recuperate.

The severely wounded are basically treated at the Yeba Field Hospital.

The so-called battlefield hospital was actually transformed from an old military barracks, and there are 20,000 soldiers outside to protect it.

The soldiers in charge of guarding the barracks watched every day the soldiers stabilized because of their injuries and were sent back to their respective barracks by carriages. Many guarding soldiers showed happy smiles at the same time.

That's right, it's a happy smile.

Although many colleagues still died, more of them survived.

Seeing the red cross flags floating around in the barracks, they felt relieved like never before.

Such a joke is circulating among the soldiers in the barracks today.

No matter how badly the soldiers are injured, they will say one thing, I should be able to rescue them.

Although it is a joke, it also indirectly proves the importance of the battlefield hospital, so that soldiers can feel more at ease when fighting, at least if they don't die on the spot in the battle, they will have one more life than the enemy.

After all, the armor of the United Army is notoriously strong, and it protects the deadly vitals of the human body very well.

Although many colleagues still died, more of them survived.

Seeing the red cross flags floating around in the barracks, they felt relieved like never before.

Such a joke is circulating among the soldiers in the barracks today.

No matter how badly the soldiers are injured, they will say one thing, I should be able to rescue them.

Although it is a joke, it also indirectly proves the importance of the battlefield hospital, so that soldiers can feel more at ease when fighting, at least if they don't die on the spot in the battle, they will have one more life than the enemy.

After all, the armor of the United Army is notoriously strong, and it protects the deadly vitals of the human body very well.

Although many colleagues still died, more of them survived.

Seeing the red cross flags floating around in the barracks, they felt relieved like never before.

Such a joke is circulating among the soldiers in the barracks today.

No matter how badly the soldiers are injured, they will say one thing, I should be able to rescue them.

Although it is a joke, it also indirectly proves the importance of the battlefield hospital, so that soldiers can be more secure during the battle.

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