The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 482: level electrician

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Arthur came to the house and glanced around. The best building was the city wall next to him. He didn't hesitate to walk to the inner city gate.

Casillas saw Arthur coming and greeted him respectfully. He had already received news from Gelit that Arthur might be a powerful swordsman.

"Mr. Arthur! Do you need any help?" Casillas asked politely.

"I thought about installing something on the wall to say hello to you." Arthur said lightly.

Casillas smiled and nodded, cursing in his heart, do I have the right to refuse?

"Mr. Arthur, please."

Arthur nodded and jumped onto the city wall with one leap, so that he jumped directly to the two arrow towers in the area where Aslan lived, and fixed them to the arrow towers as Aslan taught.

The windmill turned quickly, and Arthur skillfully connected the wires, and threw them to Bowes, who had been waiting for a long time.

Bows hung the wires on several huge wooden poles prepared in advance, and the two knight instructors skillfully did the work of electricians, and finally connected the wires to the transformer, and the entire resident was instantly energized.

The first place to be energized was naturally the laboratory and Duke Medea’s trailer.

After completing the laying of the wires, the two electricians will also go into the tent to install magic lights, especially in the center of the station there are a few searchlights, so that the station can be lit up at night like daylight.

Arthur carried a magic chandelier into the tent where Pea lived, and a family of seven squeezed into this tent, which was less than 15 square meters.

When Pea saw Arthur, he quickly put down the meat in his hands and greeted his brothers and sisters to stand up and salute. His parents are now stationed to help the workers. The family of seven can now eat their food every day. For the people of Maratabao, they It is undoubtedly happy, so Pea cherishes his current life very much.


"Yeah!" The electrician of the instructor-level powerhouse installed the magic chandelier and put down the line to turn on the light.

"This line is the light switch. Pull it once to turn it on, and pull it again to turn off the light." Arthur explained carefully. He still valued the disciple Pea very much.

Pea nodded earnestly, and when the light came on, Pea felt that the whole world opened up to him.

"Thank you teacher!" Pea said excitedly.

"Well! If you want to change your current life, you must practice hard. When you become a qualified knight, you will understand the value of all these efforts." Arthur said lightly before leaving.

When night fell, the entire Maratha Fort was in darkness, and the inner city was in that area, but it was as bright as day. Aslan and his party sat quietly in the empty ground, drinking tea, and looking at the sky.

"Master! My hometown didn't write to us all day today." Arthur reminded me carefully.

The letter from my hometown actually means that Merlot didn't give them magic words today.

"If you don't, there will be no chanting, that proves that my hometown is calm and there is nothing that I need to worry about." Aslan leaned on the beach chair, saying like a salted fish.

Under the curtain of night, many refugees outside the station secretly looked at the glimmer of light, especially the dangdang snacks and red wine on the table.

Enjoying a rare leisure time in Aslan, the sky over the city of Pune was surrounded overnight by the Aviation Magic Brigade. Fifty combat squads quickly dispersed, searching for Aslan's location.

Jato and Tokins came directly outside the lord's mansion and let people notify Durab, lord of Pune city.

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Durab and Mukla greeted them into the lord's mansion with solemn expressions. Within half an hour, Jato and Tokins hurriedly left. Following their departure, Pune City also dispatched fifty thousand city defense forces to follow suit.

It can be seen how important it is. After all, the city defense forces in Pune City have only more than 68,000 people.

The Aviation Magic Brigade only took a short rest and went straight to Maratha Fort, the city once destroyed by their own hands, and now it seems that hundreds of thousands of refugees have gathered.

The sky was bright, Aslan held the Duke of Medea and just turned over and suddenly opened his eyes. Not only Aslan, but almost everyone in the resident reacted like this.

After a while, Bowes' anger came from outside.

"court death!"

The double-sided axe danced violently, hacking to death a large number of people who had rushed into the station.

Aslan dressed neatly rushed out of the trailer, and saw that the resident was surrounded by nearly a thousand people.

Aslan's face was terribly gloomy.

The person in the lead was the man who snatched his cheeks two days ago.

"I said, you are dead." Dahan Hu showed his big yellow teeth and said grimly.

"Where's Gelit? I need an explanation." Aslan had just finished speaking, Casillas squeezed in with a group of people and stopped in front of Aslan.

"Do you forget Rubio's lesson yesterday?" Casillas raised the cross sword in his hand with one hand, and asked in front of the beard-faced man.

Rubio sneered coldly, without questioning Casillas' question.

"Does Robin need to get permission from Gelit to do things?" Behind Rubio, a gloomy, crooked middle-aged man walked out and said coldly.

Casillas's face paled when he saw the visitor.

This person is the deputy commander of the inner city, the person who controls most of the inner city's wealth and military strength, and the only person in Maratha Fort who can check and balance Telit.

"Commander Robien! Commander is already on his way. If there is anything, wait for the commander to come!" Casillas said with a smile barely.

Robien smiled coldly and said: "Wait until I do someone else." He waved his hand after speaking.

A large group of soldiers in simple leather armor rushed forward.

Aslan stepped back, Bose roared and turned a big windmill, and a huge axe flew out, directly slashing the more than 70 soldiers who rushed up, and the entire garrison was instantly stained with blood.

"Great Sword Master!" Robin's face changed slightly. Although he was also a Great Sword Master, he was not sure to kill so many people with a single sword. The strength of the two-meter tall man in front of him was far above him. I really mentioned the iron plate.

Bose slashed to the ground with an axe, hooked his fingers at the people in Maratha Fort, and said provocatively, "Why are you trash? Let's go together! Hurry up, Lao Tzu's axe is already hungry and thirsty Up."

Aslan suddenly spouted a mouthful of milk, and he was amused by Bose's words. Suddenly, Aslan raised his head, not only Aslan, but also the Duke of Medea.

Just as Robien wanted to speak, he saw a huge shadow over his head in the sky, and subconsciously raised his head.

More than five hundred heavily armed aviation wizards were standing quietly in the sky looking at them, with the weird weapons in their hands pointed at them.

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