The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 49: 49: 49: Rank status

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"Too much! Where there are too many. These are the number of Lord Lord who has calculated and planned. You pointed out to me that there is something wrong. It is because the lives of those of us who threw their heads and blood on the front line are worthless. "Gut, the big boss, jumped out and cursed without showing any weakness.

This is a bit cruel.

Gawain glared at Gut and told him to sit back.

Will believes calmly and calmly spoke out the previous army establishment. As for Gut’s words, he ignored them directly. He could not answer these words, no matter how to answer them, he will be in front of the soldiers in the future, he will no longer be human inside and outside. .

"Which of the two have the strongest fighting power?" Aslan just asked rhetorically, Wilshin was instantly dumbfounded.

Essien looked at his nephew next to him, Velocity shook his head insignificantly, not wanting Essien to show the limelight, Velocity had already received a lot of news about this matter.

This motion is imperative.

"This?" Wilshin is just a scholar. He also reads about military affairs from books. As for combat effectiveness, he can't understand it even when put together. He just opened his mouth and stopped talking.

"The army is the town of Merlot, no, it is the foundation of Merlot in the future. What I want is not the militia of those lords, but the brave and capable fighters. The garbage army like the militia is not what I need, nor is it. What the people of Melo need, power comes from the sword, there is no absolute power, how to protect the entire Melo area."

Aslan's voice was firm, sonorous and powerful, and all the military representatives he said were full of enthusiasm.

Although Willshin and Essien understand the meaning of Aslan’s words and understand Aslan’s attitude towards the army, military expenditures will surely become the largest expenditure in the Merlot area in the future.

"To put it another way, if we don’t have a strong army, how good our Merlot city would be, but the fat sheep in the eyes of other high lords come to gather their wool every once in a while. What's the point for us? Meaning, both military and political hands, neither side can fall. A strong army is the confidence for the prosperity and stability of the territory and the people."

Aslan changed his mind and said.

This is also the biggest advantage of Aslan. When persuading others, he never imposes his own ideas on others, but discusses them from each other's standpoint and overall situation.

"My lord is wise! Everything is for the Merlot area, the people of Merlot."

Don't flatter at this time, but wait for a while, Alfonso knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.

Lai Anning took a look at this, and knelt down and praised Aslan.

"Lord Lord is like the stars in the sky, leading us forward, like..."


Aslan hurriedly raised his hand to stop the two people's flattery. Although it sounded great, it still felt too numb after hearing too much.

Other people couldn't help but chuckle when they saw these two people.

"My subordinates have reservations about this, and I hope to have the opportunity to see the Merlot army show its mighty power." Weil Xin reluctantly sat back in his position and began to estimate how much money this group of people would have to spend each month.

His meaning is very simple. He agrees to this motion for the time being. If the Merlot army fails to show its due combat effectiveness, he will definitely put it forward for discussion.

"That's it. Now I'll set a salary arrangement for you. The town magistrate Essien pays thirty-five silver coins at the nineteenth level, and Treasurer Willsson, the same is the nineteenth-level salary. Forty-five silver coins for the 17th level of the captain, 40 silver coins for the eighteenth level of the deputy captain of the Gawain Merlot army, and 40 silver coins for the eighteenth level of the deputy captain of the Gawain Merlot army.

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All of them were sitting right-handed, looking at Aslan nervously. As for the treatment of the Cavaliers, they didn't dare to jealous, because they knew the combat effectiveness and importance of the Cavaliers very well.

"The salary of Captain Goode Squadron at level 19, the salary of Deputy Captain Gut at level 20, Captain Lai Anning at level 19, and the salary of Captain of the Willyk City Defense Army at level 19..."

A lot of rewards went on, and many people were excited to salute Aslan.

"Please pay attention to everyone, if anyone dares to neglect their duties, the lord must be dealt with by the Merlot Constitution. As for those who are unable to hold their positions, I will also demote them. You can understand." Aslan Said without prestige.

Laianning's scalp was numb, and he felt so stressed that it would be ashamed if he was demoted.

Welik couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Originally, he felt a little embarrassed, but now he is much better. At least his pressure is not that great. Isn't it the city defense army? He is still confident that he can manage it well.

Alfonso pointed to his nose subconsciously. Everyone in the room had a job salary, but he didn't even pronounce his name.

What does it mean?

Lord Lord doesn't want to pay him?

"Alfonso, what does your gesture mean, don't want to be lazy, give me a good training and restraint of these surrender guys."

Aslan turned his gaze to Alfonso and said.

Alfonso immediately slapped a spirit, and hurriedly saluted and said, "Yes! Lord Lord!"

"If the performance satisfies me, I can give you a twenty-level salary, and the occupational allowance will be issued to you as usual. If you are not satisfied, the salary will be twenty-five and all allowances will be cancelled." Aslan suddenly added.

Others also looked at Alfonso with sympathy on their faces, only a flash of surprise flashed in Alfonso’s eyes, his family was involved, and as a slave, even if Aslan let him work in vain without pay, He also has to work honestly, so he has a twenty-first-level salary when he hears it.

What does this mean?

People like Gut who have followed Aslan for a long time only get a 20th-grade salary, and he can get a 21st-grade salary just after surrendering, and he can be regarded as a close friend of Aslan.

"Yes! Lord Lord! Guaranteed to complete the task." Alfonso said with an excited salute.

It would be nice to have an explanation when I go back.

Compared to those of poor ghosts like Gut, dozens of silver coins are so important. Alfonso himself has a savings of hundreds of gold coins. What he values ​​is not money, but identity.

It can be seen from the salary level positioning that this is also the identity positioning of the town of Merlot.

Aslan nodded in satisfaction, and the next meeting was irrelevant. Essien was responsible for the new residents' move-in, and Wilshin was watching the salary and food distribution.

Arthur and Gawain are in charge of the army and security. Aslan is the master of idleness in the domain. In addition to studying messy things and studying magic, he is a veritable shopkeeper.

But with the prophetic foresight of the rebirth I, Aslan has far more strategic control over the overall situation than ordinary people, so many times, Aslan likes to make arrangements in advance.

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