The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 492: 492: 492: President of the Confederation Maxim

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When the four of them finished chatting, the attacking army was almost dead, 70% died on the high ground, and the remaining 30% died in the hands of Otter’s supervising team.

Of the 200,000 army, there are now less than 100,000 left, of which slave soldiers account for the majority.

Otto took a deep look at the battlefield. He felt more and more that the horror of the Merlot army, and the changes in the weapons of war, made most of the cavalry that the Ottoman Kingdom proud of had lost most of its effect.

At night, the entire camp was very depressed, the manpower was reduced by more than half, and many slave soldiers were pulling weapons and armor from the soldiers' corpses.

Ott secretly supported this, and promised that these slaves would be promoted to kingdom soldiers as long as they followed him.

The Ottoman Kingdom is a regime established entirely by nomads.

There is no civilian class in their social system.

The slaves were divided into three grades, and then they were soldiers. Soldiers were equivalent to landlords. Each soldier had more than a dozen slaves and herds, equivalent to knights among the nobles.

Above the soldiers are the tribal warriors, composed of the strong among the soldiers, and then the tribal chief, which is equivalent to the tribal leader, or the tribal chief.

After the chiefs are the nobles of the Ottoman Kingdom, they are high above and control 70% of the kingdom's resources.

Even if Otto possesses mentor-level strength, he is no more than a leader in the Ottoman Kingdom.

A short figure suddenly appeared behind Otter.

"My lord is here, you can arrange it."


In the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, Otter and Yeluke three instructor-level powerhouses gathered together, but they were all lying respectfully on the ground at this time.

Aslan sat on the main seat, with Gudraf and Arthur standing beside him.

The great swordsman instructor's aura was exposed, and the four Ottos could not breathe.

"This time you performed well." Aslan was affirmed by Otter's performance as soon as he came up.

"Master Xie praises! It is my honor to share your worries for you."

Otter's head fell lower.

"Well, it will be more perfect when you solve the problem." Aslan said casually.

Otter said without any hesitation: "Qi Chu Department has rushed here to join our army, but now our forces are only half stronger than Qi Chu Department. It is difficult to capture them."

Aslan nodded.

"The defeat of the Qichu Department will be handled by the United Army. Your task is to gather the defeated troops of the Qichu Department and return to the Ottoman Kingdom."

Otter subconsciously raised his head and asked, "My lord, what do you mean?"

"Go and muddy the water of the Ottoman Kingdom. Relying on the three powers you have annexed is enough for you to make trouble in the Ottoman Kingdom, annex other tribes, and prepare for the future unification of the Ottoman Kingdom." Aslan said with a smile.

Ot's breathing couldn't help but rush, he understood Aslan's purpose in doing this, and he was ready to make him the king and manage the Ottoman kingdom on his behalf.

"Subordinates must live up to the adults' expectations." Otter said excitedly.

Aslan smiled and arranged a new task for Otto.

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When Aslan returned to the high ground, Gudraf asked, "Lord Lord! Most of these nomads are white-eyed wolves, and they have no chivalry spirit. If you cooperate with them, you are not afraid of raising tigers."

Aslan smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "I can support Otto to come up, and then I can support Yeluke to come up. By then, the entire Ottoman kingdom will be in turmoil."

"No matter how they fight, it consumes the national power of the Ottoman Kingdom, but we can profit from it. A chaotic country is more reassuring than a stable country." Aslan said calmly.

Gudraf nodded seemingly.

Aslan does not intend to capture the Ottoman Kingdom now, because he does not have enough population to immigrate to the Ottoman Kingdom, without national support, and relying on the Ottomans cannot establish a stable and loyal system to him. He can only rely on the soft policy. Once Aslan Decline, these people will rebel in the first place.

They are different from foreign races, they have their own country and culture.

Before the racial integration could not be achieved, any conquest was futile, unless Aslan would unite troops permanently in the Ottoman Kingdom.

That’s why Aslan was prepared to support the agent and split the entire Ottoman kingdom into countless large and small forces, and he profited from it as a businessman, and at the same time spread the prosperity of Merlot and slowly spread the culture of Merlot. At that time, every Ottoman will be proud of being a Merlot.

If Aslan sent troops again, conquering the entire Ottoman Kingdom would be as easy as drinking water.

Ethnic integration and cultural integration are the key to the stability of a country.

Back in the high ground, Aslan directly rested on Elitelina's lap and looked at the stars.

"I really don't know when the war will stop. I just farm and create people with peace of mind." Aslan sighed.

Eletelina covered her mouth and chuckled. She has become accustomed to the creation of people in Aslan's mouth.

Every time he wants to do that, he uses this as a reason, and then involves the future heirs of Merlot, and all kinds of uploads go online.

"After defeating the Ottoman Kingdom this time, what do you plan to do with the Northern Wind Prairie?" Eletelina asked.

Although an agreement has been reached with the Allied Forces of the Grassland on this matter, Savannah is still uneasy, and she has sent inquiries several times.

"I divided the Changfeng Plain and the Beifeng Prairie into two different ethnic autonomous regions, and immigrated to the two autonomous regions at the same time, until the cultural integration of the various ethnic groups. We are all people from the Sino mainland. Why should we divide them so carefully? Are Luo people okay?" Aslan said with a smile.

Eletelina's eyes almost narrowed.

At the same time, the capital of the Maxim Confederation was recognized as a business capital by mainlanders.

Baijinghan Palace, the residence of the highest government, is a huge palace made of countless white crystals.

A middle-aged blond man with a stubborn face came out of the basement, followed by a group of curvaceous and revealing women.

"It succeeded! I finally succeeded."

The blond middle-aged man raised his hands and cheered.

Outside the hall, the Yamato family, known as the four major families of the Maxim Federation, the patriarchs of the Aznable family, the Kahn family, and the Links family gathered together to quietly wait for the call in the lobby.

"Come in!" The blond middle-aged man has finished his dressing and turned into a handsome middle-aged charming uncle.

"Congratulations, your President!"

The four masters saluted as soon as they entered the door.

The blond middle-aged man named Ful Fronteau, the son of the founder of the Maxim Confederation, is also the current president, and is known as the first inventor on the mainland.

The Maksim Federation was able to achieve the mainland's commercial hegemony in just a few decades, and Fuer made great contributions.

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