The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 603: 603: 603: Lithography machine

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An important industry in Arizona is the electronics industry. There are about 150 enterprises, mainly engaged in the production and service of precision electronic parts, electronic design software research and development, positioning systems, lasers, electronic data transmission and storage, and large-scale optical lenses and parts.

High-end equipment such as lithography machines should be available, but the nano-level should not be too high. After all, the most cutting-edge lithography machines are expensive, and only the top large companies can afford them.

99-28nm low-end lithography machine should be available in Phoenix.

At the same time, the powerhouses of the Maxim empire entering the beautiful country made various looting as soon as they came up, even the big trucks on the road, forcibly stuffed into the magic space of a magister, and then the beautiful Encirclement and suppression of the country.

Countless fighter tanks were dispatched, and the response speed was unexpectedly fast. The saturation attack of missiles and artillery shells caused them to flee in embarrassment. Among them, two great sword masters have fallen.

Aslan clearly felt the violent wave of magic for hundreds of kilometers, and there was obviously a magician fighting.

Payton and O'Neal looked at Aslan.

Aslan shook his head, took out the dollars he had just made, and bought five long-distance bus tickets to Phoenix. The five people went to the station to wait for the bus. It’s a remote place with a small population like this. In the town, the only means of transportation are cars and coaches.

When they arrived in Phoenix, it was already evening, and now the sky can see fighter jets and helicopter gunships flying by from time to time.

O'Neill couldn't help but marvel as he looked at the behemoth passing by the sky.

"The development of science and technology in this world is really amazing."

This sentence was approved by everyone.

On the other side, the National Guard of the beautiful country has surrounded the town where Aslan appeared, and sent a large number of troops to search the way they came.

Obviously, they already have the technology to catch the emergence of portals.

It's just that they didn't expect Aslan to react so quickly, and to be able to integrate into this world so quickly.

"General! We have already appeared at the location of the alien portal, except for the appearance of five figures at the beginning, and then those five people disappeared without a trace."

In the temporary headquarters of the small town, a staff officer said unhurriedly.

The man called the general took off the cigar from his mouth and said dissatisfied.

"Where did those hateful aliens come from? They have come to our world again and again. We must not let our guard down on this matter. We must increase the scope of the search and we must find them."

It was less than two years since the last appearance. At that time, the beautiful country directly dispatched two aircraft carrier formations to hunt down. Originally thought that they would beat the other back, I now think that this time they actually sneaked in in a small area, one by one weird aliens. With strong individual strength, many can directly release lightning and thunder, just as exaggerated as the superheroes in Marvel.

Coming out of the station, Aslan and his party looked around like a curious baby, and they were quickly spotted by a group of gangsters.

The group was taken to a small alley by two glamorous foreign girls, and immediately surrounded by a group of gangsters, several of whom were still holding guns.

"One person, use magic to refine their language memory." Aslan said lightly.

Everyone immediately understood, only Cu Chulin showed a disgusting expression. As an elf, he didn't bother to do this kind of thing.

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But Peyton and O'Neal have no psychological barriers. They have been forced to move in the dark by people from the entire continent. They have done something more evil than this.

The real reason for choosing to refine their language memory is that people have too many and too complicated memories. They don’t have so much time to refine, they can only choose what they need. As for the technical knowledge, such a group of low-level gangsters can also have What can Aslan learn.

After staying in the alley for about half an hour, everyone came out without any hurries. Among them, Nomiri and Kuchurin did not extract each other’s language memory. Aslan wanted to be able to integrate into the world more quickly. Master English, as for his own English, he returned to the teacher a few years after graduation.

Aslan soon came to a company responsible for the production of chips, although the main production is low-end chips, no matter where it is, it is regarded as high-tech technology, and Aslan and the others are not allowed to get close at all and start to rush people.

"You are waiting for someone outside. You should have seen the security of the security here. It will definitely not hurt me." Aslan sat in the coffee shop opposite the chip company and said while drinking coffee.

Peyton and the others naturally did not disagree, but Nuomiri disagreed.

Aslan persuaded her for a long time before she reluctantly nodded.

Entering the factory area is very simple with Aslan's strength, but does not want to enter the surveillance video range of the beautiful country. Aslan can only use stealth magic to enter the factory area in an unmanned corner, and then swagger around in the workshop.

Soon he found the lithography machine workshop. Aslan stayed in the workshop for more than ten minutes. He directly caught an engineer who was going to smoke. Aslan directly hypnotized it, and then gave all the technical memories of the lithography machine. Recorded in the crystal ball, wait to go back to study.

It took four technical engineers, Aslan, to cause a big fire in the workshop, which suddenly caught fire, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger. It was likely to engulf the whole workshop and scared many workers in the workshop to rush out one by one.

As the flames were about to engulf the workshop, Aslan directly threw all five machines weighing dozens of tons into the magic space, and then swaggered away.

As for whether the fire will arouse the suspicion of the beautiful country, Aslan is no longer considering it.

When Nomiri couldn't sit still and wanted to take a look, Aslan had already returned to the coffee shop.

"Let's go!"

Everyone sighed in relief.

A few people randomly found a three-star hotel to stay in, planning to leave the city tomorrow and find a place with no people to escape.

Aslan and Nomiri both took off their clothes and went to bed, but the explosions one after another forced them to get off the bed quickly.

Nuomili pulled the sheets, revealing her snow-white back.

"There are mentor-level powerhouses fighting."

Aslan had changed his clothes, and Nomiri wanted to wear that black armor directly, but Aslan stopped him.

"Don't expose your identity, let's continue to lurch and see what else in Sino Land has come to Earth."

Nuomili nodded, and just came out of the room, Kuchulin and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"Let's go to the rooftop to have a look, maybe this will be crowded with people."

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