The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 610: 610: 610: Merlot Army

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On the one hand, it is hoped that Aslan will send troops to attack the ten-party alliance back and forth, and on the other hand, it is the supply of ammunition.

As the size of the Shangtong tree became larger and larger, the production of cypressin gradually increased, and the production of ammunition also increased. However, as the scale of the war expanded, the consumption of ammunition became faster and faster.

Aslan asked the messenger to wait for him in the living room.

"What a troublesome guy!" Aslan murmured, turned around and said to Altria: "I'll go ahead and talk."

As Aslan was about to walk out of the door, he suddenly turned his head to look at Altria who was about to reach out to grab a snack.

"Don't eat too many snacks, let the servant prepare something for you if you are hungry."

Altria stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "I know, you are so long-winded."

Aslan smiled blankly, and Nuomili quietly followed behind and left.

In the reception room, the messenger hoped that Aslan would send troops as usual, and also promised to allocate the Gorland Plateau to Aslan as a territory, and even gave the title of Prince.

However, Aslan remained indifferent, and in the end he could only fire it with 200,000 rounds of revolver bullets.

At present, the main rifles in mainland China are revolver rifles. On the one hand, they are semi-automatic. On the other hand, they have no rifling and are easy to produce.

Nowadays, more than half of the revolver rifles appearing everywhere are not produced by the Maxim Empire.

The messenger wanted to continue to fight for it. After Arthur walked in and whispered a few words in Aslan's ear, Aslan hurriedly left.

In the study, Addison had been waiting for a long time, until he saw Aslan, he pulled his hood off.

"The Maxim Empire is ready to take action against the Kingdom of Cleveland. The entry point should be Kyoto, but I don't know what plans they have." Addison didn't have any greetings with Aslan, and couldn't wait to say.

Aslan asked Nomiri to serve Addison a cup of black tea and quietly looked at the documents on the desk.

"Who else will accompany this time?" Aslan asked.

Addison shook his head and added.

"Except for me, none of the mentor-level powerhouses of the Ten-Party Alliance have moved. The powerhouses of the Maxim Empire should have personally dispatched, and I also noticed that Kira Yamato has disappeared from the territory of the Ten-Party Alliance for a long time. "


Aslan's eyes drenched, and said lightly.

"Your Excellency Addison, during this time you are mainly protecting yourself, don't care about other things, if your identity is revealed, come to Merlot!"

Addison was waiting for Aslan’s promise. He was very worried that when the second and fifth sons were exposed, Aslan would also turn his face and deny him. Then he would really be cast aside by all the forces on the entire continent. At that time, Maxi If the Mu Empire really wanted to kill him, he really had nowhere to escape.

Before he left, Addison scolded Gudraf secretly. Now his life has passed the better. He heard that he has also changed his whole body equipment, several legends, but because he was dragged into the water, he frightened every day.

"Do you want to reinforce Kyoto?" Nuomili asked.

Aslan shook his head and said: "I don't know the situation in Kyoto. Sending a strong man out will only arouse the speculation of the nobles in Kyoto. When the time comes, we will fall into a passive position. It is good for us to wait and see what happens."

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Nomiri nodded and took away all the black tea that was not on the table. Aslan suddenly raised his head and said, "Let Arthur and Gawain come to see me."

Nomiri took the teacup away, and waited for more than half an hour before Gawain and Arthur arrived.

Fortunately, Arthur has been supervising the training of the Cavaliers’ Guards in Fort New Merlot, but Gao Wen is not good enough. Now he leads the new troops of the two corps to train in Baxia Town. After receiving the order, he immediately Come here.


When the two came in, they said in unison.

"Well, sit down!"

Aslan put down the documents in his hand and asked urgently.

"How is the Merlot Army training?"

Gao Wen groaned for a while, as if he was organizing language, before he spoke for a long time: "The Merlot Army has completed the reorganization, and the soldiers have begun to adapt to the new weapons and equipment. After the subordinates are given the next month, the Merlot Army can directly enter the battlefield. After all, The Merlot Army itself is an elite of all battles."

The Merlot army formed by Aslan is based on the elite of the original Merlot army. His idea of ​​forming the Merlot army is different from that of the major forces in Sinoe.

They all formed a new army of rifles by non-professionals, and another army by professionals, which seemed to increase the overall combat effectiveness, but in fact left an indelible contradiction between the two.

With the new army of rifles becoming the main force, the soldiers composed of these ordinary people may be inferior to professionals, but if they are fighting in groups, the low-level professionals can only see them by detours, and the frontal impact is dead or no life.

Over time, the soldiers of the new army of rifles will be fascinated and confident. They are the main force of the army and should not be allowed to step on their heads by professionals. Sooner or later, conflicts will erupt between the two.

But the Aslan Merlot Army is different. They are all elites from the Merlot Army. With one bar, even if it hits the Knights head-on, it can harden steel, let alone an ordinary army.

This is what Aslan learned from the Conrad World. Almost all the soldiers in the independent regiment learned fighting spirit, no matter if they had no conditions, it was just a slight improvement.

With the increase in strength, the physical fitness and nervous response will also be greatly improved. No matter how powerful the rifle is, as long as it fails to hit the opponent, everything is in vain. Even if the ordinary person holds a gun, it is not an opponent of intermediate professionals in a short distance. , The aiming speed cannot keep up, and it is easy to get close.

If an intermediate professional is holding a rifle, he can fly a kite alone with a group of intermediate professionals.

"It's too late. Just send the Merlot army to the border and put on a military exercise appearance." Aslan finally made a decision, he must at least show his attitude, if there is any accident in Kyoto. , Affecting the war in Solaf Plain, he then considers whether to shoot to maintain balance.


"What do you think of the situation on both sides of the battlefield?" Aslan continued to ask.

Arthur took the lead to speak.

"With the current strength of both sides, as long as the supply of ammunition and food can keep up, there will be no problem in fighting for another three months."

Aslan nodded and looked at Gawain.

"Master! The strength of the two sides in the war is almost the same. Adding our stern eyes, it is impossible for both sides to do their best. No matter which side wants to win, we must find another way. We have to guard against it."

Gawain's answer made Aslan frowned, thinking of the intelligence that Addison had brought, and he became more and more certain that the Maxim empire would be conspiring.

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