The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 772: 772: 772: Pirate

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On a three-sail sailboat, a dozen fishermen put down their work, raised their hands to block the sun from the sky, and looked at the Billy-class frigate more than ten kilometers away.

Because of the distance, they could not judge the size of the Billy-class frigate, but they could tell from the splashing water that the speed of the warship was very fast.

The captain is an old fisherman. Naturally, his eyesight is not comparable to these young fishermen, otherwise he would not be appointed as the captain by the noble master.

He took out a single telescope and looked at the Billy-class frigate.

Soon his mouth opened into an O shape, because he has a certain ability to judge distance.

According to preliminary estimates, the fishing boat is nearly 100 meters long, more than double the size of the largest fishing boat of the Gwen Fisheries Company.


When the old captain was observing the Billy-class frigate, a crew member shouted with a trembling voice.

"What's the matter?" the captain asked dissatisfied.

"Pirates, there are pirate ships rushing towards us."

The young fisherman shouted.

When the captain Pace heard this, he immediately struck a sharp spirit and looked sharply in the direction pointed by the young fisherman.

A pirate flag with a black skull and crossbones was fast approaching them.

It was a Kante warship, a continental general-purpose warship, and the main warship of the navies of various countries. Well-known in the mainland for a long time. It generally has 4 masts, with two masts on the front and jibs on the back. The standard length is 25-35 meters, the displacement is 200-500 tons, there are several long decks, and the **** is very high. The large Kangte stern deck has 7 floors, with a displacement of up to 1,000 tons and a draft of 8 meters. It has a good endurance and is the largest sea-going ship on the mainland for a long time.

This Kangte belongs to the smallest 200-ton class, because it is small and has a very fast speed, which can reach a speed of 20 knots, while the fastest speed of Pez's fishing boat is only 15 knots.

"Quickly, let go of all the fish on the boat and all the heavy objects." Pace shouted decisively.

He ran directly to the rudder and began to turn around and escape.

Pirate attacks have always been targeted. They will not attack from behind. That would be too troublesome and time-consuming.

They usually circle to the front of the target to launch an attack, so that the target has to turn the bow of the ship and speed up again, giving them a chance to quickly pull in the distance.

All the fish caught on the fishing boats were thrown into the sea, and a large amount of stockpiled materials were also thrown away. The fishing boats began to accelerate, and they were also driven by sails.

It's just that the speed difference between the two is too big.

At the speed of a fishing boat, you may be caught in less than ten minutes.

Most of the pirates along the coast of Willis are from the southern part of the mainland, where sea trade is developed, and this kind of zero-dollar pirate industry naturally breeds.

Only because of the invasion of the Blue Star Gonzal Kingdom, the Magic City formed a large-scale cruiser fleet to avoid being taken advantage of by the Gonzal Kingdom again.

This was a pain for the pirates in the southern part of the mainland. Facing the imposing magical capital fleet, they were mostly surrounded and suppressed. Many islands were also occupied, making the southern waters of the mainland more peaceful than ever.

Those pirates who fled quickly flee to the north or east of the mainland.

The pirate ship in front of us was a defeated soldier who had just fled to the northern part of the mainland.

The captain is called Jenny, a small and famous pirate leader in the southern part of the mainland. In his heyday, he owned seven or eight pirate ships.

This time, the sea area of ​​the Magic City was cleaned, and he was defeated steadily. Only his fast-moving warship escaped. The other men either fed the fish or were hanged at the coastal port pier.

They tried their best to avoid the hunting of the magical capital, but they used all kinds of supplies. When they first arrived, they shouldn't attack fishermen in unfamiliar waters, but they couldn't stand the shortage of supplies. The tongue came over for questioning.

As for the Billy-class frigate dozens of miles away, they didn't take it to heart. They could solve the battle in just a few minutes, and then quickly evacuated. When they arrived, Jenny had already escaped.

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They are still very confident about the speed of their own Black Hague.

Inside the bridge, the radar controller immediately reported the news that the fishing boat was being pursued by the pirate ship.

"A Kangte warship appeared in the southeast of our ship, which is suspected of being a pirate ship, pursuing our fishing boat."

Gwennaville heard this, his eyes lit up instantly, and he shouted: "Distance?"

"Sixteen nautical miles."

"The main gun turns on aiming, turns the rudder left, and pursues at full speed." Gwennaville decisively issued an order.

Everyone looked at Aslan subconsciously, after all, he was the emperor of the empire, the highest leader of the empire.

Aslan waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Gwennaville is fully appointed to deal with it, and you can cooperate fully."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

"Aim at the main gun, the enemy pirate ship, and move towards the target at full speed." Captain Allen calmly gave the order.

Allen is a little lord near the sea in Willis Province. Because the territory is mainly sand and stone, it is impossible to develop agriculture. In addition, the transportation is inconvenient, and the life has been difficult haha.

After Gwennaville threw the olive branch, he became a follower of Gwennaville, and he was also the first batch of students at the Merox Imperial Naval Academy.

The turret of the electromagnetic gun began to rotate the muzzle, the blue arc of light was constantly beating, the muzzle split, and a silvery shell inside was quickly turned over under the stimulation of the arc.

"The charge is complete!" the gunner yelled.


Gwynnaville yelled in front of Alan.

Allen's raised hand awkwardly put it away.

Two shells with blue light had already fired at the pirate ship at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

On the pirate ship, Jenny looked at the fishing boat close at hand and couldn't help clapping his palms. The fishing boat in front of him was well-designed, and they could continue to use it with a little modification.

"Captain, that big ship is coming towards us."

Shouted the observer on the observation platform of the highest mast of the Conte warship.

The next moment, a blue light flashed, sawdust flying in the sky, and the strong wind shook the Kante warship violently, causing Jenny to almost fall to the ground.

When he stood up cursingly, he happened to see that the observation deck above his head had disappeared without a trace, the top of the huge mast was also broken into pieces, and the huge sails were slowly falling, blocking most people's sight.

The entire pirate ship was in chaos, and they couldn't be more familiar with this kind of scene.

"The shelling of the Free Magic Alliance."

A pirate shouted in horror.

"Turn the rudder to the right and move forward at full speed." Jenny shouted loudly after a brief period of confusion.

He knew very well that the speed of the sea warships in the Magic City was originally only slightly faster than them. If he escapes now, there may be a silver lining.

When Jenny ran to the rudder, he happened to see the Billy-class frigate rushing towards them at full speed, which was far beyond his expectation.

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