The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 9: 9: 9: Jianghu

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Why is Aslan so sure that Lai Anning will not betray him? The reason is very simple. When it comes out, someone must believe it. Then Aslan can even bite back, saying that Lai Anning wants to destroy the stability of the Merlot area and cause disputes. At that time, maybe they will be jointly attacked by people from the entire Merlot area.

With the current strength of Merlot, it is impossible to attack Wood Village at night, but Aslan is still very confident.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, just as there are infighting in the small town of Merlot today, let alone Wood Village.

Wood Village is divided into two major forces, the village chief Gulan is the strongest, and the clan old Gude is second.

When Goode competed with Gulan for the position of village chief, he was killed by Gulan. Although he eventually escaped, his only son died because of it. It’s just that Gulan did it very concealedly. Goode had no evidence, and was unable to get the support of the villagers at the time. In the end, he could only bury the seeds of hatred deeply.

Over the years, Goode worked hard, and only barely had the qualifications to fight against Gulan, but he wanted revenge, but he was still a little bit short of it.

Aslan naturally knew about the things in Wood Village. Back then, there was an internal fight in Wood Village. In the end, his vitality was severely injured. Goode was defeated and fled to Aslan. It was precisely because Goode brought the technology of planting buds. Only then completely solved the food problem in the small town of Merlot.

Although Aslan now knows how to grow buds, he is not a professional after all, he just knows a general idea. If Gudra can be brought in, it would be more perfect.

Unfortunately, Goode couldn't believe Aslan and refused Aslan's request to meet.

Aslan didn't care about this either, he knew Goode's character very well, as long as he had the opportunity, he would never let it go.

"Arthur arranged for a shrewd person to put this letter in Goode's hands."

Arthur nodded, and finally handed the letter to Lancelot, who was responsible.

Lancelot's performance recently was calm and smooth, and not as old-fashioned as most knights do. Arthur was very satisfied and began to focus on training.

Three days later, in the village of Wood, Goode was holding a letter tightly in his hand. The letter was made of linen with the lord's badge and autograph on it, but he was hesitant to make a decision.

But just giving up like this, he was not reconciled.

Less than half an hour before the night attack, Goode walked back and forth in the room, thinking about all the possibilities.

Gulan's house in Wood Village.

Gu Lan had just drunk a little bad quality ale, his face flushed, but his consciousness and thinking were unusually clear and sharp.

In the past few days, Goode has been a little too honest.

The small town of Merlot was still arguing with him and wanted to reduce the amount of salt. Obviously, he realized that his strength was not as good as the compromise made by Wood Village, which made Gu Lan very satisfied.

If the Goode faction can be subdued, wouldn't it be his plan for the Merlot area in the future?

As for Maisi Village and Laianning Village, he has consciously ignored them, because they have always maintained absolute neutrality. As long as they provide enough food, I believe the two villages will sit idly by.

Gulan considered this very Zhouxiang, but unfortunately he miscalculated one thing. They could accept the neutrality of interest given by him, and naturally they could also accept Aslan's interest to act on them.

In the final analysis, it is all taking advantage of the home game. I think that Aslan is new, and he has not been able to get on the line with other villages so quickly, so I dare to make such a big threat. If another year or a half is passed, Gulan will definitely visit in advance. Two villages, let them watch from the sidelines, instead of planning to give some sweetness afterwards.

"Goode has been too quiet recently. Will there be any conspiracy?" Gulan couldn't help but ask, looking at his son.

Kerry is the youngest son of Gulan, who has average talent for fighting spirit. He has only barely entered the realm of swordsman apprenticeship, but he is the brain of the entire Wood Village. Many of Gulan's conspiracies come from this young son.

"There must be. I have been staring at Goode's people for the past two days, and I am very worried that he will unite with the people in Merlot." Kerry said after thinking for a while.

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After Gu Lan listened, he burst into laughter immediately.

"The town of Merlot now has only one intermediate knight, seven junior knights, plus three junior swordsmen. Even if this kind of combat power is combined with Goode, can it threaten us?"

Kerry thought for a while and said, "It's better to be careful."

Gu Lan is very aware of the little son's caution, and he also needs this caution to help him.

Outside Wood Village, Aslan and Laianning met in the dark night. The two of them just nodded and did not speak, and then touched Wood Village.

The wall of Wood Village is not as high as Max Village, but there are many gaps, allowing people to see inside, but at the same time, it is also convenient for people inside to stab the spear out.

There is a torch every some distance on the wall of the village, but in the dark, it is still incapable of looking after the whole wall.

Aslan began to count silently. In the past few days, he has kept Lancelot lurking here, watching the frequency of the patrol guards in Wood Village.

"It's almost there," Aslan said softly.

Lai Anning nodded, holding the bone sticks in his hands and lifting them high, leaping forward, and using the power in the air, a stick banged against the wall of the wall.

The wooden pillars thick enough to be buckets were smashed to pieces by Lai Anning with a stick, and the huge sound shocked the entire Wood Village.

Goode, who was still hesitating, almost couldn't hold the cup in his hand, and the water spilled all over the floor.

The early warning bell in Wood Village rang, and every family of young people ran out with weapons.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

Goode's cousin, Gut rushed in with a two-handed sword.

"Big Brother attacked."

"I know."

Goode nodded to indicate that he knew, and then sat quietly in the chair, looking at the messy door of the house, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Gut was very puzzled when he saw Goode like this.

"Big Brother?"

"Yeah!" Goode raised his head, his eyes flashed fiercely, and asked: "Do we still have a chance to take revenge?"

Hearing this, Gut was silent immediately before shook his head and said for a long time.


There are now five mid-level professionals in Wood Village. Good and Gut are two of them. The remaining three are all from the Gulan. The most important thing is that the eldest son Chris also broke through the Intermediate Swordsman and became a historic swordsman in Wood Village. The youngest mid-level professional ever, even in the village, there are rumors that Chris may have the opportunity to attack senior swordsmen in his life.

Once Chris breaks through the senior swordsman, let alone revenge, he will be lucky not to be settled by the autumn queen.

"Then we can only do it." Good took out his one-handed sword and strode out of the house with a shield in one hand.

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