The Lord Who Wants to Be Emperor

Chapter 98: 98: 98: Charge in person (fifth)

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"Lord Merlot personally led the knight to charge."

This exclamation drew everyone's eyes from the Merlot Crossbow of the Crossbowmen.

"Twenty to six hundred! Is he going to commit suicide?"

Natal frowned slightly.

"Huh!" Altria said in surprise.

The twenty knights who were charging suddenly accelerated. This acceleration was very obvious. There was still a contact distance of one or two seconds, but under this acceleration, the joint cavalry appeared in front of them in an instant.

Bose held up the crescent halberd and pulled up the big windmill. With his terrifying speed and power, he directly overturned the cavalry in front of him.

Sean wanted to stop this terrifying windmill, but as soon as the shield was lifted, it was directly smashed. The broken shield flew over the head of a cavalry who flew over, directly cutting off half of the opponent's head.

It can be seen how terrifying the shield's flying power is.

Sean and Boss collided for the first time, and the knight's shield was rotten. He barely stabilized his figure and headed towards Aslan, who was dressed the most.

Aslan watched Sean coming, holding the spear in both hands and stabbing, Sean swept the sword and slapped the tip of the spear away.

Following the power contained in the tip of the gun, Aslan flipped the spear in his hand, and the corner of the gun's tail slammed into Sean's chest.


Sean spurted out a mouthful of blood, but fortunately, he had gone wrong with Aslan and didn't have to face his attack anymore.

A brief clash was missed. Bowes was in front and Aslan was behind. The guns shot out like a dragon, and the allied cavalry fell off with the cooperation of Aslan and Bowes.

Although Aslan is only a junior magician, his body has always been tempered with magical elements. Its physical strength is not as strong as that of a high-level knight. With the addition of auxiliary magic, great power and light body skills, it can burst out. The combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of the advanced knights.

Aslan didn't know how many people were dismounted, he only felt that his hands were numb, and the hand holding the gun trembled slightly.

The force generated by the frontal collision of the cavalry is extraordinary. Even if Aslan, who has such a wealth of combat experience in his previous life, fights against so many cavalry in one breath, he is somewhat overwhelmed.

The nineteen knights who followed him to charge can still follow him at this time. Only fourteen people. The other five have fallen in a pool of blood. Their former horses are bowing their heads and arching their masters, hoping for them. Able to stand up again and fight side by side with it.

"Lai Anning! Cut them off for me." Aslan's chest was raging, turned his horse's head, and shouted loudly.

Sean didn't account for how many cavalry soldiers were around him. He was already scarred, his armor was sunken in many places, and blood was constantly overflowing from his nostrils and corners of his mouth.

But before he was lucky enough to survive, he saw a group of steel monsters rushing towards him. One of them was a giant two meters tall holding a sword that was nearly two meters long and slashing at him.

Sean only felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole person was flying. He saw that a half-length body and his foal were cut apart by the terrifying giant.

"I'm dying." Sean felt an unprecedented ease at this moment. He didn't expect this battle to be so difficult.

The cavalry and the heavy guard were mounted together. The weapons used by the other heavy guards were not Laianning's huge two-handed swords, but extended and heavy swords.

The heavy sword slashed down, no matter whether it was the horse or the knight on it, it was cut in two, and the blood splashed away.

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Before the first row of heavy guards confiscated the sword, the second row of heavy guards followed suit.

The swing of the knife is neat and consistent, like a wave rushing, one wave is higher than one wave.

When Lai Anning saw Aslan, the cavalry that had been blocking his sight were all beheaded.

Six hundred cavalry and a dozen knights collided head-on with twenty knights of the Merlot army and two hundred steel monsters. In the end, the entire army was wiped out.

It's not that they don't want to escape, but when they crashed into the formation of the heavy guards head-on, they had already sworn their fate when they failed to break through the formation of the heavy guards.

Aslan took the lead back to the original battlefield, jumped off the horse, picked up a knight on the ground, not even letting go of his weapon and armor, and fixed it to the knight's armor.

He put it on the back of his war horse, pulled down his cloak, and covered it.

Bows and the other knights had red eyes, and followed Aslan to find out the body of their comrades, and the weapons and equipment in front of him.

Aslan held the corpse of his subordinates in one hand, and took the reins with the other, returning to the army without delay.

All the spectators were silent. The nobles were thinking about what should be done if they confront Lord Merlot during the war? Or how to befriend Lord Merlot.

Those guarding knights and swordsmen looked at Aslan with complicated faces. They also hope to follow a master like this. At least one day they will not die in the wilderness, let alone be buried with other corpses like rubbish. .

"Hello, isn't Lord Merlot a magician? How could the charge just now be more powerful than a knight?"

This sentence instantly led everyone's eyes to Natal and Vatini, who were both Aslan's nominal senior sisters.

Natal frowned. She was quite sure that Aslan had just used magic, but she didn't know what magic he used. After all, the distance between the two was too far.

"The first one should be the mass acceleration technique, and then the auxiliary magic to increase its own combat power." Altria said with a solemn face while resting his chin.

Almost all the knights on the scene awakened after listening to Altria, and the head of the Rose Knights around Natal quickly attached to her ear to explain.

"Lord Merlot is not only unique in crossbowmen, but also in cavalry tactics, especially the riding and horse martial arts he showed when he first charged, which is even more admirable. Five-body cast."

At this point, Altria's eyes were full of appreciation.

In Billy City, she is also a person with a higher eye than the top, but after meeting Aslan, she understands what it means to have a heaven outside, and there are people outside the world.

Olga was a little uncomfortable to hear that Altria praised Aslan so much.

"Miss Pendragon!" Olga's name just now seemed to have caused Altria's dissatisfaction, so he changed his name.

"Then do you think our Xiaojiu can win?"

Altria glanced at the opponent, and said nonchalantly: "You can win by five or five points! The old Thor knight is also a long-time veteran on the battlefield."

The spectators were all messed up in the wind.

They wanted to question Altria loudly, the confidence that came to say that the outcome was five to five points.

The coalition only lost 1,500 soldiers and horses. In theory, they still have 15,000 troops, which is three times that of the Merlot army.

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