The Lost Rider

Chapter 1: Eating a Wizard

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With a burst of flames did he suddenly appear, biting through what looked to be a green bolt of energy. A flaming skeleton suddenly stood in the middle of a room, dressed in what looked to be a floral shirt that showed off the ribcage and flaming interior of the skeleton's naughty bits.

With a pair of beige cargo shorts and flip-flops that weirdly seemed okay despite the fire that his toes caused.

He stood there, the green energy still rattling around his mouth before he spits it out, the bolt shooting across the room and impacting a wall, causing it to crumble a bit on impact.

As he turned to look around the room, he locked eyes with a beautiful, all-be-it-crazy-looking woman.

The skeleton despite its humorous appearance was terrifying, the fear of an actual death in her eyes as it raised its hand towards her. ''You hot, crazy bitch. Get over here.''

Suddenly the skeleton seemed to grip at the air, it hissing with heat as a glowing white chain seemed to materialize from thin air as he suddenly cracked it like a whip, it shot out and wrapped around her thin waist as she was suddenly dragged towards him and he caught her with a flaming hand around the throat.

Her screams filled the suddenly quiet hall as he brought her in and down, forcing her to look into his eyes as the flaming skeleton loomed over her, her eyes struggling to look away from the abyss that was his own.

''Let's... Let's get a little taste of your sins... Shall we?''

The woman began to scream, thrashing about and punching at the skeleton.

Despite the attempts to get away, he held strong without flinching, pulling her in deeper as he began to inhale, darkness left her mouth and eyes as he suddenly sucked her dry, tossing her to the ground as she laid their motionless.

Once he stood straight he chuckled, a soft rattle as he spoke. ''So... Harry Potter Hm?''

He began to steam as tendons, flesh and muscles began to slowly form over him until a large man stood where the skeleton once did, a handsome man as he reached down to pluck the wand from the witch's hand as it began to flake, the outer appearance starting to smoke and burn as it began to go under rapid changes. Growing rapidly to 16 inches, seeming to become thicker as the wood began to alight, colors of blue and gold began to appear. After it was finished, he sort of just, put it into his pocket.

He suddenly turned to open his arms to Sirius and Harry. ''A pleasure to meet you two! What a lucky draw of cards for me to appear at this exact moment, in this exact place, under these exact circumstances!''

''A...A spirit of Hellfire?'' Moody muttered to himself, confused at the situation as he stared at the man.

Colt turned and pointed towards Moody. ''Crazy eye gets it! Yes, I am a spirit, I go around punishing people depending on the severity of their sins!''

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Taking Harry's hand he began to rapidly shake it. ''It's cool as hell to meet you, you know I used to wa--... Oop, that's against a rule. Well either way it's cool to finally meet THE Harry Potter, and Sirius! A pleasure as well.''

Sirius shifted a bit, pulling Harry slightly behind him... He knew what this man did, he took a killing curse, to the mouth and didn't even flinch, even held it in his mouth for a bit before spitting it out like bad food.

But what he did past that, was save him. No one would've been fast enough to stop that killing curse, she had him in her sights, but this... The thing suddenly appeared and took it for him, like a quick bite.

''What do you want?'' Sirius asked, he was thankful, but weary if this man could shrug off killing curses... How much power did they have against him?

''Oh me? As I said! I go around punishing bad people... 'Least I think I do, and here I am, in a world of wizards, witches, and magic!''

Colt spread out his arms with a slow chuckle. ''Consider me your... Light Crusader for your Order of Light, I will now help you on your goal to purge the Darkness and to slay Voldemort!''

Colt pulled the wand from his pocket, looking at it a moment before he spoke. ''If I'm lying, may my magic be stripped of me!"

Colt swore a magical oath, right there in front of everyone like it was just that easy, a ball of flame alighting above the wand as it slowly turned in the air before he also cast the light charm Lumos, the ball and light vanishing as it returned to his pocket.

''So, what's a tourist got to do to get some food around these parts?'' Colt asked, his hands clapping together as he rubbed his palms together. '' 'Course, someone else will need to pay, I'm broke as shit since I didn't think to bring any cash on me while on a Yacht.''

Moody released a grunt. ''Well, he swore a magical Oath, and what we know of his kind means he can't... Lie, so we might as well accept his help, Spirit of Hellfire are incredibly strong creatures...''

There was a growl from across the way, a blond-haired woman was standing by a few other teens, holding her stomach with a smile. ''I'm actually quite hungry myself... What about you Harry?''

Harry was confused, but hearing Luna's voice snapped him out of it, and after thinking about it? Yeah, he was actually really hungry. ''Yeah... I could eat.''

Ron stood up slowly. ''Thank Merlin someone else brought it up.''

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