The Mad Sorceress’s Beloved Daughter [Female Isekai Slowburn]

Chapter 1: Chapter 1.1: Rebirth/Cursed

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Chapter 1.1: Rebirth/Cursed

Bright, yellow light. 

That was the first thing Elaine saw when she opened her eyes. Instinctively, she tried to move her arm up to block it. But to her surprise, she was unable to, instead feeling a cold numbness. This numbness started to spread down both of her arms to her legs. Elaine tried to wiggle her toes only to feel the same coldness take hold. 

'I can't move.' She thought as the brightness grew in intensity. Her fear began to grow as she realized that the light was consuming everything. 

Her eyes shook as she tried to close them. Nothing was working, her body refused to listen to her brain. Instead, she just felt a wave of chills overtake her. It paralyzed every nerve that was trying to spark. She desperately wondered if something had happened while she was sleeping. She prayed that whatever it was wouldn't be permanent.

Soon enough the light hit its peak of brightness, her eyes watering from the sheer power it had. Tears dripped down her cheeks as her body froze. There was a low buzzing in her ears as she strained to hear. There was something talking, their voice was behind whatever force this light was. The tone they were speaking in was rushed, words jumbling over one another in the haste. 

Elaine struggled to move her mouth to reply to them. She didn't know who they were but she knew they could help her. If this was some sort of paralysis she would need urgent aid. Fear was guiding her as she tried to utter a single word. The light was disappearing with a slow crawl as her throat began to contort itself. 

Her eyes were starting to make things out. Walls began to appear before her as she failed to scream for help. Her frustration grew as she noticed the walls looked different from her bedrooms. The teenager's room had pen ink from its previous owners drawn from the floor upward. Whoever home she was in had clean, brick walls that Elaine had only ever seen in schools.  

'Oh god,' The walls became more solid as her eyes darted around the stranger's room. What looked to be prison bars blocked her view. 'No no no.' 

Frustration morphed into terror as Elaine fought to let out a scream. She was unable to move in a cage with no memory of getting out of her bed. All she could think was that someone had drugged her. Somehow, they managed to knock her out and take her to this unknown place. They might have hurt her parents, and her family in the process. 

She would vomit if she could work her muscles. The only thing that worked was her eyes as she desperately tried to scan her location. The bars were painted pink, with what looked to be ribbons tied around them. This sicko decorated the cage he had trapped her in. She wanted to bang her body on the bars but her body refused to function properly. 

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The voice stopped from somewhere near and she heard something heavy. Footsteps. Elaine was terrified to face whoever her captor was. Her brain was going through millions of scenarios. She wondered what they were going to do to her. The teenager prayed her hardest that they would let her go after they did whatever they needed to. 

Out of nowhere, long fabric-covered arms reached down. Elaine managed to finally let out a small noise, a tiny squeak of fear as the arms came closer. The hands looked soft as they grabbed onto her body and pulled her up. She closed her eyes, too scared to face her captor. She kept them shut as she felt the sicko wrap their arms around her body. 

They must have been huge to carry her so easily. Elaine wasn't fat but she had the body of an average teenage girl. It was almost as if she weighed nothing in their arms. This made her only more terrified as she knew they could destroy her. If she managed to make a break for it they could easily grab her and make her pain worse. 

Something rubbed on her cheek, she recoiled inwardly at the sensation. Her captor let out a happy-sounding sigh as they began to rock her body. Elaine was losing her mind. Some sick fuck had not only drugged her but was treating her like some toy. 

"Wake up sweetheart," Her stomach twisted at her captor's loving, feminine voice. It floated in the air of how soft it sounded to the teen. "Mommy's here, honey." 

Elaine's eyes flew open at the woman's words, staring up in horror. Instead of seeing her long legs in the air behind the woman's head, she saw nothing. She instead saw her full body being held on the woman's massive chest. The woman wasn't staring at her nefariously with bad intentions. Her face was full of love as she looked down at the teenager and bounced her again. 

Her entire body seemed to have shrunk. Elaine had no breasts but a flat chest that was naked. Her arms were tiny and chubby, with the hands she had fought so hard to move now tiny fists. The same had happened to her legs with them now being short and stubby, like a baby. A realization hit her that Elaine struggled to fight back into her mind. 

'I've become a baby,' The woman cooed at her and once again started to rub her fat little cheeks. 'I'm this woman's, newborn baby.' 

She wanted to demand answers from the woman. Like how the hell she went from a five-foot-eight teenage girl to a newborn. But from what she could see, the woman earnestly believed she was an infant. And the prison she had been in was just a crib to the woman who had left her in. She realized she hadn't been drugged to keep from talking. 

To her horror, she knew the truth. That she couldn't talk, she wouldn't be able to for years. Because she was a fucking infant. She wouldn't be able to move on her own for months. Talking was going to be taken from her for years and she couldn't stop it. Elaine trembled before letting out a scream that suspiciously sounded like a woman's.

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