The Mad Sorceress’s Beloved Daughter [Female Isekai Slowburn]

Chapter 7: Chapter 3.1: Mother’s Nature

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Chapter 3.1: Mother's Nature 

Elaine didn't need to be told twice as she embarked on a dreamless slumber. Her body was weighing her down as she breathed. She felt like had been pulled underwater to be drowned in its blackened depths. The teenager was weakened to a point she wondered if this was it. That when she opened her eyes again she would be back home with her real mother. But it was getting harder to remember how a woman looked when all she found herself seeing was Lucille.

The woman was overprotective and loving all at once. She protected the teenager who she saw as nothing more than an innocent child god blessed her with. Elaine didn't give a damn that she was a witch or that she was a ditz. She cared for the woman and didn't want her to be hurt for the teenager's freedom. It was clear that her death would send the woman off the edge. The look she had given her in bed made her feel scared. It was something about the light in her eyes that was wrong.

They didn't look like the woman who spent every waking moment with her.

They looked like the light that plunged her into this forsaken world.

"Ngh." Elaine felt someone move her body which woke her up. Her head felt dizzy and she could taste an acidic flavor in her mouth. She must've thrown up in her sleep. 

Whoever was moving her made a point to slow down. They soothed her, rubbing her wet forehead with their hand. A sick feeling overtook Elaine. These hands weren't Lucille's, they were much larger and harder than hers. This made her feel disgusted. The touch was like a scolding iron was being put on her. Her thoughts came to a stutter as the person began to whisper in some language she couldn't understand. 

Could Lucille have taken her to a doctor of some sort? She wasn't sure if this world even had doctors like she did back home. While she was excited to get proper treatment for her wounds she was frightened. The teenager hadn't seen anyone but the witch her entire stay in this world. She didn't know if this person was a friend or a foe. She hoped that the witch was close enough to protect her.

Her face scrunched up and she coughed painfully. Her throat felt like it was sore, it was throbbing as she breathed in and exhaled. The person sighed and put something on her lips. It was nice and cold with water dripping from it. A rag, one she bet was previously cooling her head. They wiped her mouth down to her chin with care, being gentle not to hurt the girl any further. Soon, they pulled back and she heard them finally talk. 

"Ma'am, your daughter is very ill. I believe she will need treatment for many moons." They sounded older than she expected, like a grandmother.  

"I'm fine with that," It was Lucille who was speaking now. The teenager could see remnants of her gaze which was still gold. "I will pay you for any necessary potions your healers use on her."

The mysterious person she spoke to looked hesitant from the intensity of the woman's stare. "Ma'am I worry that she may need more than a few potions." 

Lucille's signature smile turned foul as she tapped her fingers on her face. Her fingernails were bitten down to the point of bleeding. The jewels on her neck slumped as she leaned her head to the side, bright eyes narrowing. A somber feeling overtook the teen as she watched the woman grow more passionate with her questions. 

"You work for the best healer in the countryside, correct?" 

The stranger swallowed thickly, sweating as they hesitated to answer. "Well, yes. Mistress is one of the strongest healers I've ever been taught by." 

"And I've already paid you a month's worth of gold for my daughter to be treated immediately, right?" 

Elaine whimpered and wished she could curl up into a ball. The thought of the witch spending so much for her foolishness stung. And by the sounds of it, these healers couldn't help. She had led the woman into being overtaken with worry and scammed out of possible hundreds in a day. The teenager wanted to sink into the bed, close her eyes and disappear from the witch's sight. 

"Yes…" The mysterious person's body began to shake under the heat of the woman's judgment.

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"So," Lucille's eyes looked like an abyss of light as she touched her dress belt momentarily. "What is the problem, Apprentice?" 

"Ma'am I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you that with her injuries and her age it may be hard to…"

"To what? Don't tell me you've taken my gold to just give my daughter a sponge bath." 

Elaine found herself flinching back at the tone the witch took. She was taken aback by her sudden shift in personality. The apprentice was trembling and unable to form a proper explanation. The woman stood up allowing the teenager to see what she had touched earlier. On the belt she wore above one of her many loose gowns was her crossbow. The same bow Elaine had witnessed her kill the moose with.

'Lucille is too kind to kill a simple scam artist,' The teenager started to fidget in an attempt to gain the two adults' attention. 'She's just upset, I'm hurt.'

With her wide, pupil-less eyes and smile, Lucille did look scary. She was completely still as she stared at the panicking younger woman. The teenager found herself uncomfortable with the display. She understood that any mother would lose it in this situation. But the appearance of the witch was just unnerving. Was this a witch in full power, something so frightening? She could only hope not as she managed to open her mouth and interrupt the trampling. 

"Mama." Her throat ached as she uttered the word. Elaine knew she had to act fast and decided to appeal to the woman's heart. 

Lucille clasped her hands together as if she were praying, tears filling her eyes. "Rebecca?" 

It was like a flip of a switch when she realized her daughter was awake. Her smile turned from that of a snake to a puppy's, pure joy overtaking her. The apprentice was ignored by the woman as she threw herself at the girl. Taking her into her arms gently, she held her close with snot and tears on her face.  She looked like she was close to collapsing atop the little girl from how overwhelmed she was. 

"Rebecca!" The witch cried with a heave of her chest. Her hands moved to touch the girl's bruised face gently. "Mommy was so worried!"

Elaine whined and used all of her strength to hug the woman back. God, how could she ever think the witch was a bad person? She knew that she'd have to find a way to communicate with her soon. Using a weapon to threaten a doctor wasn't something she'd ever appreciate. But she understood why the woman had done it, she was a mother after all. And mothers tended to lose control over their emotions when the people they loved most were in harm's way.

She hiccuped and wiped her cheek against Elaine's. "You wouldn't wake up after so many days! I thought…I thought you were going to die!" Lucille looked the girl in the eyes, crying uncontrollably.

'God. I didn't think I slept that long.' The teenager found herself tearing up as she gave the woman a weak squeeze. 'I'm such a shitty person.' 

She wanted to apologize. Her actions had caused Lucille so much grief and agony. The poor woman was sobbing so loudly she could hear people outside the room gossiping. The bed creaked under both of their weight as the witch continued her blubbering as hiccuped again.

"Mommy won't ever let you get hurt again," A soft kiss was planted on Elaine's forehead followed by one on her nose. "The healers here will make you all better. I'll make your favorite porridge when this is finished and add in plenty of sugar how you like it."

"Okay." Lucille wanted to say sorry and beg the woman to stop crying. But the one word was all she managed to croak out. "Okay, mama." 

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