The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 152: Chapter(Hundred) Fifty One: Strip For You

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Author's note

Grab a glass of water because you all are about to get thirsty.


Resting atop soft sheets and draped with an even cozier blanket, Becca slouched on the bed, immersing herself in the soothing comfort it brought— a comfort she knew she would never get enough of. 

Her lips unraveled a smile. Dinner was over minutes ago and with Leo in the bathroom taking a shower, Becca took the opportunity to soak up the softness of the bed she was now sprawled on. It was frankly her favorite thing in the whole house. 

Moments later, the bathroom door creaked open, taking Becca's focus with it. Leo emerged into view. His dark curls were sopping wet, dribbling drops of water down tanned hard muscles. Becca eyed a droplet, slightly envying it as it trickled down Leo's inked chest, sinking to his abs until she caught sight of the towel sheathed loosely around his waist. 

Somehow, that was the last thing she noticed.

With a firm grip on his cane, Leo walked to his side of the bed where his pajamas and towel lay neatly. Each of his movements, Becca followed with lucid stares. She watched— revered— how the muscles of his back and forearms flexed as he grabbed the towel from the bed, drying his wet hair. Her face was a rictus of sheer delight. She was undressing him with her eyes again, only this time her fantasies were fueled by reality.

" You love what you see?" Leo chuckled, once again noticing her pellucid stares on his body.

" Yes, very much actually." The levity with which she spoke was wholly appalling. 

A smile dragged the corners of Leo's lips. " Do you want me to strip for you?"

The enchanting sound of his voice, coated with thick layers of virility, streamed into her ears like a placid wave, flooding her thoughts to the point of incomprehension. 

" Please do." She bit her lip as soon as the words came out. Who the hell injected her with truth serum?

As If the towel wielded minuscule power, Leo tugged it off with little to no thought whatsoever, letting it drop to his feet as he stood there, stark naked in front of her.

The sight of him was ambrosial, so sumptuous, that Becca, for a moment, forgot to blink. She forgot to breathe. Even after seeing him bare, time and time again, she was sure she would never get used to the sight, never get enough of it. 

A blush crept into her cheeks as her gaze remained clamped on him, drinking in the sinful sight.

Seconds later, Leo's strong arms—corded with muscles— pressed on the bed, inching him closer until he hovered over her. He nestled his groin between her thighs, careful not to crush her with his weight.

His lips loomed over hers, teasing her with every passing second, the desire growing unbearable. With a smile splotched on her lips, Becca smoothed a hand over the honed flesh of his arms that were now propped beside her, caging her body between him and the bed she laid atop.

Leo's warm breath on her skin flickered a spark, pulsing like a living force pulling them closer and closer than they already were. He licked his lips.

" You never cease to amaze me, my love." His thumb caressed her blazing cheeks in a lover's touch, the insistent pressure of his strokes did nothing but stoked the furnace burning within Becca.

The humor his eyes once held vanished, now there was just a devil lurking. A fierce, perilous glint that danced and seduced and for an interim period, her brain lost the ability to conjure up thoughts.

His touch soothed and seduced at equal proportions. Slowly, he pulled down the spaghetti straps of her sleeping dress. Becca only registered his actions when he pulled the garment down to her waist, leaving her chest completely bare for him to feast his eyes upon.

Her heart raced.

The silence of the room serenaded the smoldering passion and gradually, everything around them faded to nothing till there was only him, the heat and the swirling atmosphere sucking them both in. 

" You are so beautiful." He muttered against her neck and Becca felt her innards melting.

She let out a low moan of need as his hard cock nudged at her lace panties, now slicked with the wetness of her arousal. The excitement that engulfed her was so intense, it was terrifying. It was amazing.

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And then Leo finally claimed her lips with a kiss— so soft yet so passionate, he took her breath away. Just like he always did. Without parting his lips from hers, Leo pulled off her sleeping dress and tossed it askew, not caring where it landed. Becca too didn't care, she just wanted him and to experience the beautiful catastrophe he loved wreaking in her. 

Their lips parted and warm, skillful fingers slinking down her body burnt her skin hotter. For a moment, Leo's touch lingered on the lace of her panties— the last piece of clothing on her body— teasing, prolonging the agony that came with waiting. She didn't want to wait. She just wanted him.

Just when she thought he wasn't going to touch her where she badly wanted him to, Leo slipped his fingers in and removed the lace. His gaze swept through her body, admiring her glamour, worshiping her with his eyes.

" You are so beautiful, I can't help but want to stare at you forever." 

But Becca wasn't even listening. Dizzy with lust, consumed by sensation, Becca wrapped her arms around him to anchor herself to stability in fear that she might fall with how fast her head spun and how thick the air between them was. She squirmed; he hadn't even gone inside her yet, but she already felt the pressure building in her core. 

Soon she felt the throbbing of his cock against her folds, the delicious sensation, and the electrifying pleasure. Gently, he slid inside her, his cock immediately coated with the wetness of her core. 

Becca moaned, driven by a pulsing masculine heat as he rubbed her clit, hardening his thrusts until they moved in a seemingly perfect rhythm. She felt her body tremble and jerk until she was blind with need. And Leo took her higher still, twining her body tighter and tighter until she tottered at the borders of ecstasy. 

With a sudden increase to his speed, he sent her over the edge, leaving her struggling to keep a firm helm on reality. She gasped, shuddering as her orgasm rippled through her, and with eyes squeezed shut, she tried to catch her breath. Leo's thrust grew harder, hungrier as his release drew closer, both their bodies slicked with sweat. He groaned Becca's name as her body contracted around his, milking out his release. 

His breathing came out as jagged pants. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her, steadying her. Becca clung to his shoulders and eventually the world around her calmed. She felt the drumming of Leo's heart against his chest as they both struggled to recover from the intensity of the experience.

Pulling his cock out of Becca, Leo pressed a kiss to her temples then rolled to his back, taking her with him. Her hair flipped onto his chest and even as she rested her head limply on Leo's shoulders, a smile still played on her lips. She allowed herself to douse in the warmth of his body and in the silence. The silence that let her listen to Leo's steadying heartbeat like it was refined music.

" Leo." Her voice was soft as she called out, unable to focus on anything other than the hardness of his body underneath her.

" Yes, my love?" 

" Why are we going to Italy?" Becca asked. 

Many reasons actually. Reasons best known to him alone.

He smiled as he gazed at her naked body that was propped on his. " I already told you it's because I have work to take care of over there."

"Yes, you did." She traced one of his tattoos with her finger. " But you never told me why you wanted me to come with you." 

" I wanted to use this opportunity to show you my country." His lips unfurled a grin." Plus, It just wouldn't feel right to travel on a plane without you after all the fun we had on our first flight together." 

True, he did want to show her his country but there was so much more to it. He wanted Becca by his side, he needed her as close to him as possible, especially now that Johnny's anger hadn't simmered down yet. And till that finally happens, Leo would make sure to keep Becca far from the brewing tension, to take her where he wouldn't stew over the thought of losing her.

To take her far, far away.

Becca hummed, nestling herself deeper into his embrace. " You still should have asked me about it first." 

" Fine." His chest rumbled as he chuckled. " Do you want to accompany me to Italy?" 

Becca couldn't help biting on a smile.

" I will think about it." She said, blushing profusely as Leo pressed kisses to her temples.

" I'm sure you will." He drawled. The connection between them was fierce, so perfect that nothing seemed to matter more than this; the two of them in each other's arms.

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