The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 44: Forty Three: Voodoo

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" Why would you think something hurt me? What could have given you that crazy idea?" Becca nervously laughed and her eyes started examining every single part of Leo's car to avoid eye contact with him. 

" I'm not blind, Becca. I can see the sadness in your eyes even when you smile. So tell me, my love, and your secret will be safe with me." He coaxed her to tell him and she let out a sigh.

" You wouldn't understand, Leo. It's complicated, I'm complicated, let's forget about it, and let's talk about something else. Something like how well Leonardo Kane treats his woman because that's what I'm dying to know." Becca trailed her fingers down Leo's spine, intentionally diverting their conversation and blowing off his question.

Leo smirked at her, he knew what she was trying to do but instead of stopping her, he let her continue. He wanted to see where she was going with it.

" Why?" He narrowed his eyes at her playfully and when she saw the look he was giving her, she widened her eyes at him.

" What do you mean why? Of course, I want to know how well you are going treat me now that I'm yours." She interlocked her fingers with his and smiled sweetly at him while Leo felt his heart drumming heavily in his chest.

What did she just say? Was he dreaming? No, he couldn't be, he remembered waking up that morning. Did his plan work? Did she just say she was his?

" What did you just say?" Leo asked, still doubting what he just heard. Perhaps he woke up with an ear infection that made him hear things he desperately wanted to hear.

Becca giggled when she saw the disbelief on Leo's face. She knew that despite him proudly proclaiming that she was his, he still wanted to hear it from her. He was waiting for her to accept their relationship and now that she had finally accepted it, he still couldn't believe that she just did.

Men! Such complicated creatures. He was angry when she didn't accept their relationship but now that she did, he didn't want to believe it.

To tease Leo a little, she pretended not to know what he was referring to.

" What?" She feigned confusion and bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from smiling.

" What you just said, please say it again." He stared anxiously into her eyes as if searching for something in them and Becca smiled at him as she decided to grant his request.

" I said I'm yours," Becca said, and feeling overjoyed, Leo captured her lips in a scalding hot kiss that was hot enough to melt both their brain cells. He kissed her tenderly yet so passionately that Becca found herself kissing him back.

Usually, when he kissed her, she wouldn't respond to it but now she was kissing him back and she liked it. 

She liked it when they kissed.

After their mind-blowing kiss, their lips parted and they were both left patting.

" You have no idea how long I have waited for you to say those words, Becca." Leo touched his forehead to hers. " I will give you anything you want and everything you need. I will do anything for you, my love." He tucked away the strands of hair that fell on her face behind her ear.

" I don't doubt it." Becca pecked his lips. " I know you will take care of me."

Becca meant everything she said, saying yes to Leo wasn't just a diversion so she wouldn't answer his question but she had been putting some thought into having a relationship with him and decided to give it a shot.

Like why not? He was her type, they were both insanely attracted to each other, and were comfortable around each other, so what's the worse thing that could happen?

" We have been in here for quite a while, let's have lunch together." He offered and as if on cue, her stomach grumbled. Leo chuckled at the cute grumbling sound and Becca's cheeks turned slightly pink as her face warmed up. 

Leo placed kisses on both her blushing cheeks and smiled at her. " You look adorable when you blush, I don't think I can ever get tired of seeing it." Then he pinched her cheeks, making her yelp in pain.

" Hey, stop it or I will hit you again." Becca threatened and she shot him her vicious kitten glares, looking like she wanted to scratch him with her claws.

" My little kitten." Leo laughed and got off her. He started the car and drove her to the same restaurant he met her at before, as he realized that she liked it there. With the bright smile on Leo's face not wavering even once, they both had lunch, went to watch a movie after that, and ended up spending the rest of the day together. 

By the time he took her back home, it was already late and it took Leo all his willpower to leave her alone. Dropping Becca off and leaving her at her apartment was one of the hardest things Leo had ever done. Now that she had agreed on being his woman, the next thing he would focus on was how to convince her to live with him.

At least with her living with him, they wouldn't have to part ways after every time he went out with her.

It was a full-proof plan, one he would start working on right after he kissed the senses out of Becca and seduced her until she couldn't remember her own name, making her want him even more. Making her crave him as his plan had always been.

The next day, Becca woke up bright and early in the morning since she couldn't sleep last night. She was too busy reliving the moments she had with Leo the other day and ended up not getting enough sleep. But despite that, she didn't feel tired that morning, she even felt more energetic than most days that she got enough sleep.

Becca hopped off the bed and got dressed for work. And just as she was about to leave her apartment, she got an incoming call from Leo and hastily answered it.

" Good morning, sweetheart." Leo's voice greeted from the other line and her cheeks instantly became hot from hearing that sexy accent of his. She stopped and leaned on her door's frame with a sweet smile stretching her lips.

" Morning, Babe." She answered, holding her phone to her ear with one hand and fanning her hot cheeks with the other.

" Babe?" Leo chuckled as he walked out of his room, he held his phone to his ear and had a grin so wide, it stretched to both ears.

He also didn't get enough sleep last night because the happiness he felt in his heart kept him up and now his heart was doing backflips in his chest from hearing Becca's sweet voice. 

He wondered what else sounded sweet coming from her lips.

He wanted to hear it all.

" Why not? You already have pet names for me, I also wanted to give you one. Don't you like it?" She asked and heard him chuckle again before he finally answered.

" I love it, call me anything you like, my love. I will pick you up for dinner tonight, okay?" He asked and got into the backseat of his car.

" Okay, see you later." Becca hung up the call. She walked to the parking lot of her apartment building and saw her car parked neatly there, just like Leo said he would do.

Her already wide smile widened as she got into her car and drove to Atlas.

When she got to her office building, Becca went up to her office but her body jerked back in shock when she saw Navaya sitting on her chair with her legs resting on the table as she hummed the tune of a random song in her head.

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" Fuck! Navaya you scared me. What are you doing in my office so early in the morning?" Becca shrieked when she unexpectedly saw Navaya in her office. She shouldn't even be in the office because it was supposed to be locked and being that it was only Becca and the janitor who had keys to it, Navaya shouldn't have gotten in.

But now that Becca thought about it, she soon realized who must have opened the door for Navaya.

' She must have bullied the poor old janitor into opening the door for her.' Becca reasoned in her head. Navaya might not have bullied the janitor but she did have a way with words when it came to convincing people.

Becca, who literally just caught her heart that jumped out of her mouth with her hands, set her bag down the couch and crashed herself on it.

" Hey hey, get up! I didn't come here this early in the morning to watch you sleep." Navaya hastily got out of Becca's office chair, ran to the couch, and started pulling her friend's arm. " Hey, I want to gossip! Tell me what happened between you and Leo Kane on Friday. Hey!" Navaya scolded when she saw Becca closing her eyes and ignoring her.

" Becca Ramus, don't you dare sleep on me! I'm warning you." Navaya shook her friend to wake up and Becca let out a tired sigh.

" You said you would pretend not to see the dress and flowers," Becca muttered with her eyes still closed and Navaya's annoyance towards her friend for not cooperating with her shot up.

" Yeah, I know but my curiosity had been munching on my liver all through this weekend and I can't help it. I just want to know." Navaya kept pestering Becca until she finally gave in. Becca opened her eyes and looked at the eager face of her gossip-hungry friend, then sighed.

She knew that Navaya wouldn't leave her alone until she spilled the beans so she decided to yield to her, but just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, the memory of what happened in the ice cream parlor hit her. The scene of Ace squeezing Agnes's ass. And at that thought, Becca's mood dropped, she was still very pissed and sad about what that dickhead did to Navaya that it was a little hard to pretend nothing happened.

Becca instantly looked down because she didn't want Navaya to notice any changes in her facial expressions and suspect something. When she finally got a hold of herself, she looked at Navaya again.

" Me and Leo made it official, we're a couple now." Becca breathed out and Navaya almost fell unconscious from shook.

" What? How? Wait, when?!" Navaya bombarded Becca with questions and kept trying to shake the answers out of her friend.

' What?! Leo Kane and Becca are dating now? How did it happen so fast? Is this still earth or have I been transported to another planet in my sleep?' Random weird questions ran rampant in Navaya's head as she stared at Becca in disbelief and bewilderment.

Becca sat up on the couch and shrugged her shoulders sluggishly. " I agreed to be his girlfriend yesterday," Becca answered lazily but the response wasn't enough for Navaya, she shook her head in refusal and crossed her arm over her chest. She needed more details than that to be satisfied.

" Yeah, but how though? I want the full gist of everything, I mean everything because if you leave anything out, I will haunt your dreams." Navaya threatened and sat next to Becca on the couch, her antenna-like listening ears already perked out to receive juicy gossip.

Becca let out another sigh and shook her head at her friend's behavior. Even when they were in high school, Navaya always had a stomach for gossip and still, she had the trait with her till now. It even looked like it had gotten worst.

Becca narrated to Navaya what happened from Friday night when Leo came to pick her up to the time he dropped her off on Sunday night, making sure to leave out the part of Ace and Agnes in the ice cream parlor.

When she was done telling her friend everything, Navaya's jaw dropped to the floor, leaving her mouth hanging open like a cave. 

" Oh my God!" Navaya squealed and threw her arms around Becca, squeezing the breath out of her. She kept on squealing loudly in Becca's ears and though Becca's office was soundproof, her ears, unfortunately, weren't.

Navaya pushed a few of her box braids off her face to her back, unintentionally slapping Becca with them, and kept beaming with joy.

" So let me get this straight, Leo confessed his love for you on Saturday, you said yes to him on Sunday and Kristina is expecting a baby with Liam?" Navaya asked to confirm all she had just heard, her eyes now the shape of beach balls, and Becca nodded.

" Yeah, pretty much," Becca replied like it was no big deal and Navaya threw her hands up in the air.

" Are you kidding me? And all that happened in one weekend?" Navaya, who was still in a state of shock, couldn't believe what she just heard. Her friend, Becca, who didn't like relationships was now dating Mr hot stuff from the club? What did Leo Kane even do to Becca this weekend? What powerful Italian voodoo did he use on her?

" Yeah, weird right?" Becca giggled and Navaya put her hand on her friend's forehead to feel her temperature. Then when she saw that Becca's temperature was normal, she felt her own forehead to check if she was the one who had the fever because she definitely must be imagining all this.

' There is no way Becca agreed to be Leo's woman, he must have done something to her.' Navaya reasoned and looked at her friend skeptically. She knew Leo would be persistent but for Becca to accept so easily, he must have charmed her or something.

" Are you sure that Leonardo Kane didn't put something in your drink, or perhaps done some incantations on you?" Navaya put her hands on Becca's shoulders and stared at her like a worried parent.

" What the hell! No! We just talked and I decided to give it a shot." Becca explained to clarify all her friend's doubts and saw a teardrop roll down Navaya's cheeks. " Navaya, are you crying?" Becca asked and she held Navaya's face.

" No, they are just tears of joy. Don't look at me." Navaya quickly wiped off the teardrops that stained her cheeks and hid her face from Becca with her hands. " My baby just got her very first boyfriend and the guy is fine as hell. I'm so proud of you, Becca." Navaya smiled and sobbed at the same time, while Becca shook her head at her for being a full-time drama queen.

' Navaya is overdoing it this time.' Becca said to herself and internally rolled her eyes.

" How can I be your baby when I'm three months older than you, huh?" Becca joked, making Navaya giggle.

" Becca, you know what to do next, right?" Navaya rested her head on Becca's laps and childishly played with her friend's long black hair.

" What is it?" Becca asked, ignoring the frequent pulls Navaya gave her hair.

" Tie that nigga down," Navaya answered and Becca didn't miss the mischievous glint that shamelessly danced in her eyes.

Becca knew Navaya was definitely cooking up something utterly crazy in her head and didn't want any part of it.

" You can't be serious." Becca rolled her eyes hard and snorted at Navaya, who just pouted and slightly poked her friend's arm.

" I don't see why not, You both have feelings for each other and it has been a while since I last attended a wedding. Would you deny me of this simple request?" Navaya asked innocently, looking like she had done no wrong in her life and Becca snorted at her.

She tried to push Navaya's head off her laps but Navaya didn't budge, instead, she wrapped her arms around Becca's waist and used it to support herself, still giggling like a child.

" Me and Leo just started dating, if you want to attend a wedding so badly, then why don't you tie Ace down instead?" Becca blurted out and immediately bit her lip, afraid that she might have just put the idea of marrying a man like Ace in Navaya's head.

Navaya, who laid on Becca's laps, stopped giggling and obstinately let go of Becca's waist. She sat up straight and turned to look at her friend, holding her hands in hers.

" Becca, I have something to confess and when I do, please don't think I'm speaking nonsense because I know you will." Navaya took a deep breath and relaxed a bit more.. " The thing between me and Ace, well I don't know, I'm just not feeling it anymore."

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