The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 50: Forty Nine: Cheat

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Johnny stared at Leo with a skeptical look on his face, he knew Leo had a loose screw in his head and still chose to remain friends with him but was now really reconsidering his decision. 

' How did he even remember that?' Johnny asked himself. 

Yes, Johnny did tell Leo that he had feelings for Navaya but it was eight years ago and they were both uselessly drunk when it accidentally slipped out. They had gotten so wasted that they started yapping about nonsense and Johnny spilled that he was attracted to his little sister's friend but he didn't think Leo was paying attention or would even remember it.

" Like you said, it was eight years ago, things change," Johnny responded and glanced at his injured hand, his heart swelling with happiness that he didn't know how to express.

It might have been eight years ago and things might have changed, hell he even got married, but the truth was his feelings didn't change. All they did was become stronger. He still really liked Navaya even though fate hadn't really been kind to him when it came to being with her. Everything was just too complicated between them and things only became worst when she started dating that asshole and he ended up getting married.

" Does it though? We both know that things don't change, especially in this case." Leo said and noticed how deep in thought Johnny looked. He knew he was happy about the news but at the same time felt conflicted. 

Leo hadn't only kept an eye on Becca but Ace as well and must admit that the fucker was indeed as stupid as he predicted. Ace had been getting bolder these past few days and was now making more public appearances with his side chick.

" And what if it didn't, what's it to you?" Johnny knew Leo, though not completely but he knew a little bit about how his messed-up brain worked. Leo never did anything without strings attached, there was always something for him to gain from it and Johnny knew that this case wasn't going to be an exception.

Leo smirked, he had to admit that Johnny was indeed a very smart man to instantly know that he was doing this for something. Leo was a businessman and a business without profit was called a waste of time. He wouldn't have even noticed Navaya if she wasn't his little kitten's friend and was only doing all this so he could have something to hold Johnny by the neck with.

Then Leo's smirk widened into a smile.

" All I want is for my friend to be happy. You have grieved long enough for Nicky, whose soul will forever rest in peace, but don't you think it's time to stop sobbing and get back out there, especially when a golden opportunity like this is presenting itself." Leo said, noting how the emotions in Johnny's eyes changed. It meant he was considering it. 

' Good, very good in fact.' Leo thought, smiling deviously at Johnny who was still contemplating his words.

Yes, Leo was doing this because he thought that Johnny should move on and find happiness, but it didn't mean he didn't have other motives which were Becca related. Leo had intentionally kept the fact that he was interested in Becca away from Johnny, and wasn't ready to disclose it just yet for reasons that were best known to him. One of which was because he knew Johnny would freak out about it. Unlike Leo who flares up from the slightest provocation, Johnny was calmer and wasn't easily enraged but when he did get angry, heads were bound to roll.

Aside from that, their friendship only had one rule, a limit that none of them dared to cross which was dating each other's family members and it was the same rule Leo was breaking without any form of regret. If Johnny were to find out about what Leo did or how he threaten both his mother and sister just to get Becca, he would kill Leo with his own bare hands.

Well at least try to kill him as it seemed that the man was practically unkillable. That's what people who had tried said.

But that was why Leo was helping Johnny in the first place, so Johnny would owe him a favor. Leo didn't want a day to come when he would fight with his friend because of dating Becca and even though he would be willing to fight to the death for her, he didn't want his friendship with Johnny to be ruined. So with this generous favor, he was doing Johnny, he would have something to guilt trap him with.

" How did you even find out about this?" Johnny leaned forward, resting his chin on his fists. His eyes were as calculative as his mother's as he thought about it.

'How did Leo even know this? Was he also interested in Navaya? No, that couldn't be it. If he was then why would he be here trying to convince me to take the opportunity?' Different questions flooded Johnny's mind as he stared at Leo sitting in front. He knew that even if he asked from now till tomorrow, he wouldn't get anything from Leo. 

Leo had a way of diverting topics to avoid answering questions that he didn't want to and he was so good at it that it was almost impossible to milk answers from him. He was as cunning as he was crazy and Johnny knew he would be wasting his time if he kept asking.

" I already told you, a little birdie or should I say a little kitten told me so." Leo got up from his chair and grabbed his coat. " Just think about it, opportunities like this don't make themselves known every day. Your marriage with Nicky was an arranged one and this might be your only chance to experience true love." Leo preached and Johnny almost laughed.

" Since when have you been a love expert?" Johnny asked with a hint of laughter in his voice and Leo just smile at him with ' since the day I decided to have your sister', resting on the tip of his tongue but he restrained himself from saying that.

It would cause problems if he did.

" Oh Johnny, if only you knew." Leo chose to say instead, causing Johnny to stare at him with confusion written all over his face.

" If only I knew what?" Johnny didn't even know what they were talking about anymore, or if they were still talking about the same thing. Well, that was the result of being friends with a crazy person.

" Exactly," Leo responded and started walking away, while Johnny's eyes followed him until he was out of sight.

Once Leo left, Johnny leaned back on his chair and exhaled loudly. He had a lot of unanswered questions that Leo intentionally ignored just to fuel his curiosity and it was fucking annoying how Leo did it. But then again, that had always been how Leo was. A mystery. A guy that could make your head spin with his words, his crazy words and that was why Johnny chose not to take half the things Leo said literally or else he too would go crazy.

But the thing with Navaya, if it was true that she would soon be out of her relationship then that would be great news. It would be exhilarating in fact, but what were the chances that she would be interested in him as well? I mean they had history with each other, a deep one in fact and also a secret no one else knew but them. Something that he would never forget even after death. 

Although he was crazy over Navaya and his marriage was a loveless contracted one, he had never let his feelings get in the way of his choices. He had never cheated on his late wife, Nicky, and always remained faithful to her.

But then Leo's words, correction the words of the devil, replayed itself in his head. Johnny had to admit that it was indeed a golden opportunity that shouldn't be wasted but damn! Things were just too complicated for that. Navaya would be heartbroken after the breakup and definitely wouldn't be ready for another commitment now. The thing he needed to do was wait.

Saturday Night...

It was the night of Navaya's house warming party and she was psyched about it. Though it took a lot of pestering, she still managed to get Becca to attend, and now that everything was all set, it was left for the guest to arrive.

The people that attended were mostly Ace's friends and a few of hers as well. Though she had planned it to just be a small gathering of friend's with a few drinks and snacks, Ace's friends had something completely different from that in mind and soon, Navaya's new house reeked of the smell of weed and alcohol.

Navaya sighed when she saw what the small gathering she planned had turned into and looked at her watch. It was 9:30 and Becca still hadn't arrived. She huffed angrily, thinking Becca broke her promise and wouldn't show up. Everyone invited was already there except her and just as Navaya was about to take out her phone to call Becca, she saw her walking through the front door.

" Becca, what took you so long?" Navaya slipped her phone back into her purse and went straight to Becca.

" I fell asleep and lost track of time, sorry." Becca apologized and Navaya smiled at her.

" I almost thought you wouldn't come. Anyway, don't worry about it, the party hasn't lasted long so you are forgiven." Navaya giggled and took Becca's hand but paused when she noticed the bracelet on her wrist.

" You went back and bought it?" Navaya asked, looking up at Becca who nodded. 

" I did tell you it would look amazing on you, I'm glad you listened to me and bought it. Good for you." Navaya said and began pulling Becca towards where the rest of the guests were.

Becca intentionally didn't tell Navaya about the bracelet because she didn't know how Navaya would react to it. She knew that Navaya was already cursing Leo in her mind for ignoring her calls and didn't want her to think bad about him.

Leo was still with her and wasn't angry at her anymore, that was all that mattered to Becca. Some people might call it crazy and say it was stalking, Becca thought it was sweet. She didn't see Leo as a stalker but as a guardian angel, her guardian angel. But she knew Navaya would think otherwise.

How fucked up she was.

As Becca walked hand in hand with Navaya, her nose crinkled at the smell of tobacco and alcohol. She looked to her left and saw some guys smoking shisha, talking about things she couldn't hear over the music that played.

" Who are those guys?" Becca asked in a wary tone, still looking at the group of strange men and her question made Navaya halt. She turned to look at the guys Becca was talking about and shook her head.

" I don't know who they are but Ace said they are friends of his friends and that he invited them," Navaya answered and resumed pulling Becca further into the house. 

" I don't think you have shown me all the rooms yet." Becca knew why Navaya was dragging her towards the guests, she knew what she was up to. Navaya wanted her to meet new people, socialize and maybe find a suitable replacement for Leo. But that was the thing, Becca didn't want to socialize, she didn't want to meet new people, and most definitely didn't what to replace Leo.

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Becca was hoping that since she couldn't persuade Navaya into letting her go then the best thing was to distract her. " I only saw the master's bedroom and the kitchen last time I was here. Why don't you give me an exclusive tour?" Becca smiled at Navaya when she turned to look at her.

" Okay then, let's go," Navaya replied and started pulling Becca in a different direction. Becca heaved a sigh of relief and quietly follow Navaya's lead as she took her upstairs to show her the rest of the rooms. 

There were a total of five bedrooms in the house and since Becca had already seen the master's bedroom which was Navaya's, they decided to just check out the others instead.

Meanwhile in the master's bedroom

" Sweetheart, I don't think this is a good idea. I mean Navaya is just downstairs with guests, she might come in any minute." Ace said as he tried to stop Agnes from undressing him. 

She had already opened three of his shirt buttons and was aiming for the fourth one when he grabbed her hands.

" Baby, you worry too much. Like you said, she's downstairs with guests and I don't think she would be coming up anytime soon. Besides, it's not like I snuck in here. I was invited." Agnes said and moved closer to Ace till her lower abdomen touched his hard erection.

Smiling lustfully at him as she licked her lips seductively. " Come on, Ace. I want you and it's not like we haven't done it before, right?" She prodded, persuading him to give in to the desire of lust he felt within himself which was already very obvious from the boner that poked Agnes's stomach.

" Okay, but let's be quick." Ace said and let go of Agnes's hands, staring at her lewdly. Agnes grinned and continued her mission of stripping him but intentionally didn't do it as quickly as he liked to tease him a little. Once his shirt was out of the way, she ran her slender fingers down his well-built chest to his abdomen, feeling his rock solid packs with her hands.

Realizing that she was doing it to tease him on purpose, Ace let out a low groan and like a wild beast, he lifted her and walked towards the bed, literally tossing her on it. 

He unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants, completely taking it off to reveal his long meaty rod that stood erect like a flag pole. On seeing his already fully erect member, Agnes licked her lips as she watched him climbing the bed to approach her. Ace looked at her dress, the urge to rip it apart boiling inside him but he held himself back.

If he ripped off her dress, which one would she put on when they were done?

Instead, he hovered over her, caging her between his body and the bed. His naughty hands snaked to her back and pulled down the zipper of her dress then pulled down the dress as well, leaving him with the beautiful view of her lacy bra.

Agnes saw the hungry look in his eyes and giggled at his pathetic attempts to maintain eye contact with her, so she decided to do him a favor. She moved her hands to her back and unhooked her bra, giving him a front-row view of her perfectly rounded tits.

Now, it was Ace's turn to lick his lips.

He grabbed hold of one of her breasts and gave it a firm squeeze, making Agnes close her eyes, a moan escaping her lips in the process.

Soon after that, they were both completely naked on the bed, fucking and moaning each other's name.

As the two women were taking a look at the last bedroom which was next to the master's bedroom, Navaya took out her phone to check something on it and saw it only had ten percent battery left.

" Damnit, my phone's battery is almost dead. Becca wait here, I need to charge my phone." Navaya said and walked out of the room, leaving Becca there by herself. She went straight to her room which was just a few feet away from the room she just stepped out from. 

With her eyes still glued to her phone, Navaya opened the door to her room and froze at the scene in front of her, almost dropping her phone in the process.

" What the fuck?!" Navaya exclaimed as she walked into her bedroom and saw her boyfriend fucking her secretary like a wild animal.

" Babe, it's not what it looks like." Ace said and quickly covered up his erect member that he just pulled out of Agnes. He had been so engrossed in the hot sex he was having that he didn't even hear the sound of Navaya's heels clicking as she approached the room and only noticed her presence when she spoke up. He instantly began thinking of ways to talk his way out of the messy situation he had gotten himself into.

" It's not what it looks like? Then explain to me why you both are naked on my bed or perhaps I need laser eye surgery to see how it really looks like." Navaya angrily folded her arms over her chest and glared at both of them. But while Ace's brain ran a mile a minute to come up with a heart-melting apology to make Navaya forgive him, Agnes just laid there looking completely relaxed.

Though she had been shocked when Navaya barged in on them, she wasn't as worried as Ace was, in fact, she was calm and happy that Navaya finally saw them. At least now Navaya would break up with Ace and he would be all hers.

She internally smirks at the thought of becoming Ace's new girlfriend, she had been in love with him for years but he was still in a stupid relationship and that was the reason she seduced her way to being his side chick.

Becca heard Navaya shouting at someone from the bedroom adjoining the master's bedroom and rushed to see what it was all about. She walked out of the room and went to the master's bedroom which had its door opened and saw Navaya standing by the entrance staring at something. Becca approached where Navaya stood and was about to tap her on the shoulder to get her attention but she froze when she saw the thing Navaya was looking at.

" What the heck?!" Becca exclaimed with a shocked expression on her face then dragged her eyes away from the scandalous scene in front of her and looked at Navaya. Even though she knew Navaya didn't love Ace, Becca was still sure she would be deeply hurt by the betrayal.

" Forget about it, Becca. They aren't worth the time." Navaya huffed and stormed out the door. 

Becca waited for Navaya's figure to disappear then turned back to look at Ace and Agnes who were still naked under the sheets. The shocked expression on her face dropped and was replaced by indifference as she stared at them as if she wasn't surprised at all, to begin with.

" You know what, when you two are done" She turned to look at Agnes. " Agnes, you're fired. Have a nice fucking night." Becca laughed and went after Navaya.

Becca took off her heels, raced to the garage, and saw Navaya getting into her car. She called out to her but she didn't respond. She couldn't hear over the loud sound of music and the noise the drunken guests were making outside. 

Becca eventually gave up calling out to Navaya and got into her car to follow her. She drove her car trailing closely behind Navaya's, following her to where she was driving off to.

They both soon reached the park and Navaya got out of her car, slamming the door shut in anger. She walked over to a bench and sat on it, covering her face with her hands. Becca got out of her car as well, put her shoes back on, and went over to where Navaya sat.

" Navaya, are you okay?" Becca asked as she sat next to Navaya on the bench and Navaya raised her head to look at her. She wasn't crying but the hurt she felt was still visible in her eyes.

" Yes, I am," Navaya answered with a nod.

" Are you sure?" Becca inquired and Navaya shook her head.

" I'm not, Becca. I'm not okay, how could Ace do this to me? And with Agnes? I know she's pretty but I'm prettier, aren't I? Even though I didn't have feelings for him, I never cheated on him even once and after dating that son of a bitch for four years, he still cheated on me?" Navaya rumbled and Becca pulled her into a tight embrace.

" Of course you are way prettier. Ace cheated because he's an asshole and asshole do nothing but cheat." Becca comforted Navaya and patted her on the back. They stayed in the same position until Navaya finally called out Becca's name.

" Becca," Navaya called out after a while of silence.

" Hmmm" Becca hummed in response and Navaya broke their embrace.

" My car is getting old, don't you think so?" Navaya asked and soon after that, a bright grin appeared out of nowhere on her face.

" What are you talking about? You bought your car four months ago." Becca creased her brows in confusion, wondering why Navaya was all of the sudden grinning like a diabolical villain.

" I think I need a new car, maybe an entire wardrobe change and definitely a new bed, don't you agree?" Navaya's grin became wider and looked even more wicked than it did before, making Becca feel utterly confused.

" What evil plot are you thinking of executing this time?" Becca asked, knowing her friend was definitely up to something despicable and Navaya waved a black card at Becca's face.

" This is Ace's black card, he gave it to me to ' buy whatever I needed' ". Navaya did air quotes with her fingers.. " Well since I am a high maintenance woman, I will surely buy what I need and will definitely set that disvirgined bed of mine one fire."

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