The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 52: Fifty One: Johnny

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Johnny stood in front of both women with a smile on his face but no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he was there to see Becca, the truth still remained that it was Navaya he was there for. He was like a moth being drawn to light but in this case, the light was Navaya, who seemed to shine a hundred times brighter now she had broken up with Ace, making it hard for the moth called Johnny to resist.

From the way Johnny looked, how the expensive grey three-piece suit he wore fits every muscle on his body, one could easily tell that he was extremely rich. Hell, the guy could make a large swimming pool, fill it with half the money in his account and it would still be overflowing. 

Johnny, just like Leo, wasn't just the CEO of his father's company but also owned other companies on the side. As if that wasn't enough to give him all the money he would ever need in his life, he was also in the mafia.

Now just imagine how much money the guy rakes up a year.

Ever since Johnny took over his father's business, his aim for the company was to expand it around the country, to make it international and that was exactly what he did. He wanted to make branches of his company in every single state in America and made sure he was there to watch the process.

His last accomplishment was in California, and now he was here in New York to do the same thing all over again.

They all rode in Johnny's car with him in the driver's seat, Becca on the passenger's seat, and Navaya on the backseat. Unlike Leo, Johnny's head didn't cost that much in the black market so he didn't receive too many death threats and assassination attempts. That was why he rarely brought bodyguards along with him but it didn't mean he wasn't cautious, there were still invisible men watching his back.

Navaya stayed quiet all through the ride, not even bothering to join the cheerful conversation Becca and Johnny were having and only spoke when she was spoken to. Her eyes wandered from time to time to stare at Johnny who occasionally tossed glances back at her, only to smirk whenever he saw her quickly avert her gaze. They had been doing this for a while and it soon became an amusing game to Johnny. The stare then avert.

Johnny didn't seem to have a problem staring at Navaya, even when he knew his sister was right beside him but Navaya on the other hand had a big problem with it. She didn't want Becca to suspect anything and if she did then her little secret with Johnny would be exposed. But from the way Johnny was shamelessly flirting with her with his eyes and smirks, it seemed he didn't care less if Becca found out.

' What's wrong with this guy? He promised he would keep his mouth shut so why is he betraying me now?' Navaya yelled in her head when Johnny glanced at her again and if that wasn't bad enough, Becca noticed it and looked at him then at Navaya with her brows slightly furrowed.

' This would be so much fun.' A sly smile stretched Johnny's lips and his eyes gleamed with mischief as he drove them to the restaurant. 

Once they got there, they all walked into the place and picked out a table for four. 

Thinking Becca would be sitting next to her, Navaya was the first one to take her seat but instantly regretted the decision because as soon as she sat down, Johnny pulled out the chair beside her and sat down as well. Leaving Becca to sit on the chair in front of him.

Nervously, Navaya took a deep breath and tried slightly moving her chair away from Johnny's without being noticed but just as she was about to execute her plan, Johnny turned to look at her, intentionally dragging Becca's attention to her as well.

Damnit! That guy was starting to push her buttons.

Navaya flashed a fake smile that showed a little of her pearly whites and readjusted on her seat. Then an amused smirk appeared on Johnny's lips as he watched Navaya ball her hands into fists under the table, looking like she was restraining herself from hitting him on the face.

Soon after that, the meals they ordered were served and they all dug in. 

" So what did mother say about Kristina's pregnancy?" Becca took the first initiative to start a conversation and Johnny looked up from his food to stare at her.

" Well, you know how mom can get. She wasn't too against it but she urged them to get married as soon as possible before she changes her mind." Johnny answered, a smile playing on his lips as he remembered how his mother freaked out about the whole thing.

Regina was utterly displeased by the news of Kristina getting pregnant before having a proper wedding and not just because Liam was the father of the child. She frowned and yelled, saying that she would never visit the child once it was born, even though deep inside she was kinda happy about becoming a grandmother soon. Johnny would have made her a grandmother three years ago but unfortunately, the child died.

" I'm just glad she didn't deny them her blessings." Becca heaved a sigh of relief, wiped away invisible sweat on her forehead, and went back to focusing on her meal.

While on the other side of the table, Johnny's shoulder would 'accidentally' touch Navaya but after it happened two or three times, Johnny got tired of the childish accidental touching and decided to go straight for the jugular. He went ahead and put his hand on Navaya's lap under the table, instantly sending shivers through her. Giving it a firm squeeze whenever she tried to pull his hand away.

The handsome perverted bastard!

Navaya then shot him a side glare with her eyes when she saw he wasn't going to let go of her lap. At first, when she tried to pull his hand away but couldn't because he was too strong and stubborn for her, she gave up and thought that after a while he would let go on his own. But to her dismay, Johnny kept holding on to her lap firmly, rubbing it with his thumb in a circular motion and he had been doing it for the past ten minutes now.

The frustration she felt at that moment became unmeasurable.

Noticing Navaya's vicious dagger glares, Johnny lifted his eyes from his food and looked at her. Seeing how her chest heaved with the anger brewing inside her only amused him even more. But despite all the anger and frustration, Navaya still kept a straight face in front of Becca, or at least when she was looking. The rest of the time was just Navaya glaring and Johnny smirking at her.

The funny thing was while all this was happening, Becca had no clue about it.

Johnny had already predicted how Navaya would react to his touches, he knew she could only sit there and glare at him with those pretty eyes of hers because he was sure that the last thing she wanted was for Becca to figure out something was going on. Navaya wouldn't dream of doing anything that would expose their little secret and though Johnny wouldn't as well, he just wanted to tease her a little bit.

Eventually, Navaya decided to ignore him completely, pretending like he wasn't even there in the first place and Johnny hated it.

How dare she ignore him like that?!

Johnny knew he affected Navaya, his entire existence was a massive turn-on to her. He knew it, he had seen it for himself, and watching her ignore him now like he was the wind was not okay.

It was unacceptable.

Johnny lifted his eyes to look at the ceiling for a few seconds, his hand still on Navaya's lap, thinking. Then a wickedly naughty idea popped in his head.

With a devious smirk on his face, he moved his hand higher on Navaya's laps and didn't miss the way her breath hitched. He saw how her eyes widened as his naughty hand moved higher until it was at her hips, then realized she had had enough by now and reluctantly let go of her. If he hadn't, he was sure she would pass out from how fast she was pumping air into her lungs.

As soon as Johnny freed Navaya from his clutches, she instantly sprang up from her chair.

" What's wrong?" Becca asked when she saw how hastily Navaya stood up.

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" Nothing, I just need to use the restroom room. Excuse me." Navaya responded and walked away from the table with Johnny's eyes following her every move until she disappeared out of sight.

He then turned to look at his sister and smiled but instead of smiling back, Becca's face looked worried.

" Have you noticed how quiet Navaya became ever since we got here? It makes me worried, Navaya has never been this quiet before." Becca said in a worried tone while Johnny, who knew fully well he was the cause, shrugged his shoulder.

" Who knows, but all I can say is she probably needs some time to herself. You know, to think about things so she can make less terrible decisions in the future." Johnny responded, his words sounding nonchalant but deep down he was referring to Navaya's decision to date Ace. The same decision that cost him his chance of having her all to himself.


Johnny had waited, he had been in love with her for so long but he fucking waited because she was still a child then. She was just fifteen then while he was already a grown man. But what did waiting give him, huh? What? When she finally became of age, when it was time for him to collect his reward for being patient with her, Navaya fucking backed out and went ahead to date that asshole.

Damn! The thought of it made Johnny's blood boil and he let out a harsh breath as he cast his eyes to the direction Navaya went in. 

' Calm down, she will be all yours soon.' Johnny chanted in his head as he took deep calming breaths. Any memory that was Ace-related always made Johnny furious. He always asked himself what Navaya even saw in the guy that she didn't see in him, what Ace gave her that he couldn't.

Was it the sex? Was Ace a good fucker? But if that was the case, Johnny was more than capable of making love to her all night long, fucking her until she forgot her own name. Navaya knew it, she could testify to it, so what the hell was the problem? 

If it wasn't sex then was it money? No, it couldn't be. Johnny was far richer than Ace was. 

Good looks? Impossible! Ace might have been a very handsome man but his looks couldn't stand a chance when being compared to Johnny's. So what was the fucking problem?!

Johnny rained complaints in his head and put down his cutlery. He looked at his half-eaten food but couldn't even force himself to take another bite. The thought of Navaya being with Ace made him lose his appetite.

Fuck waiting, if he hadn't waited then Navaya wouldn't have even dreamt of rejecting him to date that bastard. He should have kidnapped her and kept her in a place where no one would be able to see her but him, where he would be sure no one would steal her away from him. Then after that, he might consider waiting till she matured.

Johnny checked his wristwatch and saw it had been five minutes since Navaya left but to him, it felt like hours.

' What's keeping her? Why isn't she back yet?'

Johnny impatiently tapped his finger on the table. He decided to count from one to sixty for her to return but when she didn't return after the counting, he immediately stood up to go find her.

" Where are you going?" Becca looked up at him with questioning eyes.

" The men's room. I will be right back." Johnny patted her on the head like one would do to a child or puppy and went towards the restrooms.

Lucky for him, as he approached the place that demarcated the men's room from the ladies' room, he saw Navaya walking towards him. She had her head down and looked deep in thought so she didn't see him approaching her. Once Navaya raised her head and saw Johnny coming closer to her, she instantly turned around to walk in a different direction but before she could even make it three steps away, he grabbed hold of her arm and pressed her back on the wall.

" Where are you going?" He snarled at her and pressed Navaya harder to the wall when tried to wiggle herself out of his hold.

" Let go of me, Johnny." Navaya slightly raised her voice at him, but not too much so it wouldn't attract attention to them.

" No. The last time I did that, you went ahead and started dating that bastard." Johnny craned his neck down, bringing his face so close to hers that his hot angry breath fanned her face.

No matter how much he told himself he wasn't angry at her anymore for what she did, no matter how much he tried to forget it, he just couldn't. He would never forget how she betrayed him like that but despite all the rage boiling inside of him, he still loved her. He still cared about her and couldn't fucking get her out of his mind. She was always in his thoughts and it was driving him fucking crazy.

He wanted her. Goddamn it! He needed to have her. No matter what she would say or do this time, she would be his and there was no two ways about it.

" Shut the fuck up, Johnny. You can't tell me who I can and cannot be with, the same way as how I didn't tell you to get married to Nicky and get her pregnant." Navaya huffed, her chest rising and falling violently.

Johnny stared at her, he saw the anger in her eyes. The rage in every breath she took. Then his eyes trailed down to her lips, the same ones he had been craving for years to devour. Missing how sweet she tasted. He instinctively licked his lips, now staring at her with both anger and lust in his eyes and his face looking far from calm.

When he saw Navaya look like she was going to speak again, he sealed her lips with his. Silencing her. Taking her all with a kiss and when she protested, he bit her lip, granting himself access to devour her even deeper till the point where she couldn't fight it anymore. She yielded to the kiss and melted right into it. Feeling her brain being slowly melted by the heat of their kiss as he hugged her body closer to his. Kissing her until she was out of breath before he parted their lips.

She was panting, completely left breathless by him and her lips swollen from the pressure of his passionate kisses.

He lifted his hand to her face and caressed it, the anger in his eyes had washed away and now replaced with tenderness.

" I admit that we both made bad relationship choices in the past but I don't think it's too late for us, Navaya. We can make it work. I know you want me just as much as I want you. You always have." Johnny said, still caressing her lovingly.

On hearing his words, Navaya lifted her eyes and stared straight into his.

" You don't know anything. You never knew what I wanted." Navaya retorted and frowned when she heard him chuckle.

" But I do. I know exactly what you want and I can give it to you, that's if you let me." Johnny smiled at her, his fingers lightly brushing over her swollen lips.

Though Johnny had already made up his mind to have her all to himself, he still wanted her to make the decision of being with him. Not that it mattered but it still would be nice to know his woman also wanted to be his.

" I don't want anything from you." Navaya stubbornly said, making Johnny chuckle again.

" We will see about that." He said and let go of her.. Then he took a few steps back to marvel at her beauty before returning to their table where Becca sat waiting for them.

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