The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 76: Seventy Five: Want

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Becca wrapped her arms around Leo's neck as he carried her into the bathroom, only putting her down directly under the shower head.

He turned on the shower and Becca shivered as soon as the cold water hit her skin.

" It's cold." She jittered, wrapping her arms around herself.

" Oh, sorry." Leo said and adjusted the temperature. He forgot to set it back to normal after using it last night. 

Becca stopped shivering as the temperature of the water turned more bearable and looked at Leo. The water from the shower splashing on him so much, it showed a perfect outline of the hardness in his pants and Becca gasped at the size.

The fuck, the thing was big enough to split her in two. Her mind running in circles as she kept staring, unable to look away. 

How the hell was it that big? Would it even fit?

Becca's pulse rocketed and her heart skipped a beat when Leo put his finger under her chin to move her gaze away from his crotch. 

He picked up the body wash and uncapped it, pouring a nice amount on his hand before rubbing it on Becca.

" W—what are you doing?" Becca asked when she saw him picking up her body wash. Her cheeks turning as red as a riped tomato.

" I'm giving you a shower, what does it look like?" Leo smeared the body wash on her breasts, lathering them up.

Becca's hands immediately flew to hold his, trying to stop him from touching her breasts but he just laughed and continued what he was doing. Occasionally squeezing her beautiful melons with his hands as he took his sweet time to wash them clean.

Becca squeezed her thighs together as Leo's finger encircled her hard nipples and his lips twitched into a smirk when he saw her biting her lip, trying to prevent herself from moaning out in pleasure.

Due to what was happening, Becca's brain went blank, all the thoughts in it completely being wiped out by the heat of Leo's naughty touches. 

She closed her eyes and threw her head back slightly, letting go of his hands as though beckoning him to continue his assault on her.

" B...but your clothes. You're wet." Becca managed to say despite how hazy her mind had become.

Leo chuckled, moving his hands from her breasts to her ass and gripped it. Setting her body ablaze as he moved closer to her, literally pressing his erection on her stomach.

" So are you, my love. You're so wet." Leo grinned, his pants completely soaked but he couldn't care less.

On hearing Leo's words, Becca opened her eyes. Her lips parting to speak but nothing came out. 

He was right, she was wet. But what Becca didn't know for sure was if he said it because she was wet from the shower or because she was so fucking aroused.

After undergoing the torturous yet pleasurable experience of having Leo give her a shower, Becca tied a towel around herself and walked towards the door to give him some privacy so he could take a bath. Despite the fact he didn't give her any and literally gave her a shower himself.

On reaching for the doorknob, Becca heard his pants unzip and her already warm face burnt hotter. Even with the embarrassment Becca felt, she still had the courage to peek at him.

Leo had peeled off his drenched pants that stuck to him like a second skin and stood stark naked as the water from the shower cascaded on his tanned skin.

He had his back to her while facing the wall so he couldn't see the drool coming out of Becca's mouth as she ogled at his sexy hot ass.

Fuck! Still on her ogle session, she heard Leo chuckle and quickly snapped out of the spell his naked body was putting her in.

" Like what you see, little kitten." Leo laughed, still looking at the wall and Becca dragged her eyes off the forbidden sight to face the door.

' Yes. No. Fuck, stop doing this to me.' Becca cried silently and rushed out of the bathroom, trying to ignore the roaring of Leo's laughter but couldn't.

After running out of the bathroom, Becca leaned her back on the door, trying to catch her breath while fanning her burning cheeks with her hands.

Leo's shamelessness stroke again and Becca wasn't just left breathless this time but also blinded from staring at what she shouldn't have.

It wasn't Becca's fault though, with eyes as treacherous as hers and a man as good looking as Leo, being a pervert was a must.

Leo was also shameless, he practically made her this perverted. So blame him, not her.

After a few minutes, the bathroom door creaked open and Leo emerged from it wearing only a towel around his waist. His dark hair dripping just as wet as Becca was while staring at him.

She had already gotten dressed and worn panties but might need a new pair after seeing Leo like that.

Seriously, what kind of horny spell did Leo put her under?

Again, she wasn't perverted, it was all Leo's doing. The handwork of that handsome devil.

" If you really want to see me naked, all you have to do is ask and I will gladly strip for you. I'm really good at returning favours." Leo humoured, noticing Becca's stares on his naked abdomen and her cheeks heated up again.

' please, do.' Becca said in her mind but wouldn't dream of saying it out loud. She just couldn't, not when all her confidence had been drained by the crazy strip stunt she pulled off awhile ago.

To tease her a little, Leo moved his hand to the towel around his waist, almost tugging it loose and Becca instantly squeezed her eyes shut despite badly wanting a glimpse of his sword. To satisfy her curiosity, nothing else.

" You have been stealing glances at my crotch and now that I want to show it, you shut your eyes." Leo chuckled and Becca realized that she had been tricked.

She opened her eyes and saw the towel still tied securely around his waist.

Huffing, she narrowed her eyes at him like the offended kitten she was and folded her arms over her chest. 

She walked to the bed and sat on it, looking away from Leo when he shamelessly pulled the towel off, for real this time, to put on his boxers.

" You can look now, my love. Don't worry, you won't turn to stone. The snake is hidden safely in my pants" Leo said after getting fully dressed but Becca didn't want to believe him.

The man might just be saying it to make her fall into his trap again so he would get a good laugh out of it.

Nice try Leo but you can't fool her again.

Seeing as Becca didn't want to look at him, probably thinking he was trying to trick her again, Leo walked to the bed where she sat and grabbed her hand, only to put it on his pants. Literally on his groin, letting her feel the material of his 'pants' so she would realize that he was really wearing one.

Becca gasped when her hand landed on it and looked up at Leo who had a smirk on his lips.

She immediately tried to yank her hand away from the forbidden spot but Leo held it in place.

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" See, I'm wearing pants." His smirk turned mischievous as he gently rubbing Becca's hand over the surface of his groin area. Loving how Becca's cheeks always turned pink at the slightest shameless thing he did.

He loved that he had that effect on her.

Becca blinked as Leo moved her hand over his groin and her heart skittered when she felt the area slightly bulging. Her eyes widened with shock as she stared up at Leo, who still had an amused smirk on his face with a mischievous glint shamelessly dancing in his eyes.

" It's getting bigger." Becca muttered absent mindedly with her hand still feeling the sinful thing. The heat she felt on her face literally roasting half her braincells.

"Don't worry, my dick won't hurt you. In fact it likes you, it always gets bigger when you are around." Leo chuckled and brushed the strands of hair away from her face.

Becca knew it was wrong to touch Leo like that. She felt like she was assaulting him by touching his unnecessarily large baby maker despite him being the one who put her hand there.

It was wrong in so many levels but at the same time felt so right. It felt so hard as well. Or wait, that was Leo's boner. 

It was like the man got hard on command.

Leo released Becca's hand but she didn't let go of his dick. She was mesmerized by it. 

Hypnotized by how it grew harder in her hand, as if familiarizing herself with it.

" It feels big enough to rip me open." Becca said, rubbing her hand over his growing erection.

" The bigger the better." Leo caressed Becca's cheeks and she tore her gaze away from his pants to stare at his face. She blinked at him and bit her lip as her blush deepened.

" Will it hurt much?" Becca retracted her hand from Leo's groin, biting her lip as embarrassment engulfed her.

" It depends." Leo said, sitting next to her on the bed. His fingers lightly brushing her cheeks.

" Depends? On what?" Becca whipped her head to him, her face incredulous.

" On how tight you are down there." His fingers trailed light touches down her neck to her collarbone, moving dangerously close to her boobs.

" B—but I'm a virgin." She stammered, feeling Leo's fingers down her boobs to her stomach.

For someone like Becca who was smart, confident and reasonable, it actually surprised her how Leo managed to turn her into this. A lovestruck fool.

A horny fool who got tingles in her vagina whenever he was around. How pathetic.

" I'll be gentle." Leo assured, slightly rubbing her stomach. 

As if him being gentle would help. With a dick the size of Leo's, it was bound to hurt one way or the other. 

Becca's throat bobbed with a swallow. She couldn't believe she was actually considering giving Leo her virginity. She still couldn't believe she allowed a man to touch her the way Leo did.

She literally allowed him to bathe her, to see her all naked. To make her love him the way she did.

If someone had told her four months ago that she would meet a man, fall in love and let him touch her body the way he liked, she would have punched the person in the face and called him a bloody liar. But she was now, falling deeper in love with the man in front of her.

The man who had done nothing but love and care for her. The man who was ready to give her the world in a heartbeat. The man that was crazy enough to get her face imprinted permanently on his skin even before they even got into any serious relationship.

Becca's thoughts were literally everywhere and she only snapped out of them when she felt Leo's lips moving on hers.

Her heart slammed against her chest as he laid her back on the bed, their lips and tongues still dancing with one another.

After everything she said to herself in the past, after strongly convincing herself that she would never fall for Leo's shameless caveman antics, here she was doing just that. Falling for it, for him. Giving herself to him.

Him and only him.

She didn't care if it would hurt, she didn't care that she spent six years of her life keeping people out. No, she didn't want to care. 

Not anymore.

She didn't want the fear and guilt she felt for years to keep ruling her. 

After hating herself for something that wasn't even her fault for so long, she lost sight of what truly matter and it was living the best she could.

Life was too short to keep living in the pain and guilt of the past.

And right now she wanted to live her best life, to completely let go of the hurt and focus on the less hurtful aspect of her life like her family, her company, Navaya, and the love of her life who was currently devouring her with his kisses.

Fuck, if there was anything Becca loved more than Leo's hugs, it was his kisses. The man always made sure to set her up on fire with those delicious lips of his.

Becca soon ran out of breath, not being able to keep up with him. She wondered if her kisses would ever get as good as Leo's. 

He must have kissed a lot of women to be this good. Probably slept with them too. And for some reason the thought of Leo being touched or him touching another woman the way he touched her, seared her chest with anger. Bile literally rushing up to her throat as she pictured Leo kissing another woman.

She broke the kiss to give herself time to breathe, feeling both aroused and a little pissed at Leo.

Becca knew it wasn't right to get angry at him for the love affairs he had in the past but she just couldn't help it. She had never been touched by a guy and Leo was the only man who had seen her naked before so why wasn't it the same for him as well? Why didn't he wait for her to come into his life before doing it with someone else?

" Have you done this before?" Becca asked, still trying to catch her breath.

" Yes." Leo answered and Becca felt the bile in her throat raising up to her mouth but soon calmed down when she saw how Leo looked at her. The tenderness and love in his eyes made her heart skip a beat.

So what if he had been with other women, Becca was still the one he chose to love. She was his everything and he always made her feel special, just as she was to him.

She cupped his face and stared into his eyes, a smile gracing her lips with its presence as she peered with his soul.

" Then I think you would make a awesome teacher." She pecked his lips and rubbed her hand on the bulge in his pants, smiling seductively at him.

She might have been a little mad at him for sleeping with other women in the past but didn't want it to ruin the amazing moment they were having now. She had made up her mind to fully give herself to Leo, her heart, body and soul and that was what she wanted to do.

" Are you sure about this? There is no going back or even going to work today if we start it now." He warned and Becca nodded.

" Yes, I'm sure. I want you, Leo." She touched her forehead on his.. " I want you now."

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