The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 84: Eighty Three: Sexist Client

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Becca hopped out of the car as soon at they reached Atlas, not even waiting for Martino to open the door for her.

Why? Well because she had two hands and they work just fine so she didn't need to wait for him. Besides, she was still kinda mad at his annoying boss and saw this as her little form of rebellion.

She strode towards the elevator and rode it to the top floor of her office building. Approaching the door to her office, Becca opened it with her keycard and stepped in, flinching when she saw Navaya sitting on her chair again.

Navaya had her arms folded over her chest and her lips pursed, looking offended as she sat on Becca's office chair, waiting for her to walk in.

How she got into Becca's office this time was a mystery best known to her but here she was.

" Jesus, Navaya! Stop doing that." Becca gasped, her hand on her chest as she tried to calm down her poor scared heart. " You almost scared me to death."

Navaya then raised a brow and shot Becca a skeptical look.

" Oh, I'm sorry. Please don't die so your precious Leonardo Kane won't come after me." Navaya sassed and Becca just stood there blinking at her for a few seconds before snapping out of it.

" What are you getting at this time?" Becca asked, walking towards her desk and placed her purse on it.

" Where were you yesterday?" Navaya interrogated.

" Home." Becca shrugged, ignoring Navaya's questioning stares.

" I'm starting to think that this company doesn't mean that much to you anymore. What important thing did you do at home that you saw the need to abandon me with all the meetings yesterday?" Navaya's hands on the desk as she stood up from the seat. Leaning slightly forward, she looked no less like an interrogator trying to intimidate a criminal to confess her crimes. But the only problem here was that the criminal, Becca, wasn't intimidated but rather had a bored expression on her face.

Becca looked at Navaya and fought the urge to roll her. " Did you miss your morning coffee again?" Becca asked. 

Navaya was acting weird again, perhaps she was just cranky because she forgot to drink her morning coffee.

Navaya blinked, a little taken aback by Becca's question. What concerned coffee with what they were talking about?

" What? No, stop trying to change the topic. I was so close to passing out from exhaustion yesterday." Navaya grumbled and walked towards Becca.

" You were the one always saying I invested too much of my time on work and now that I 

finally found someone, you come at me with this shit?" Becca couldn't help laughing at the face Navaya was making. She intended to look furious but ended up looking funny and adoration.

Navaya reached where Becca stood and crossed her arms over her chest again while Becca rolled her eyes.

" Are you sure you drank your coffee? Did you sleep well?" Becca asked and Navaya fought the blush that creeped on her face when she heard the last question.

Navaya got so pissed at Johnny last night at the club and ended up drinking until she got hopelessly drunk. She really didn't know what came over her because after she took the first shot, she couldn't seem to stop and ended up wasted in front of him.

The horror.

At first the whole thing was just to show Johnny how amazing her life was without him in it and told him that she didn't want him anywhere near her but then it turned into her leaning on him for support while he personally escorted her out of the club.

And as if the embarrassment wasn't enough, she let him take her home and later passed out in his car, leaving him with two choices; either he carried her in his arms to her bedroom or he took her to his house and chain her to his bed so she would never leave. But Johnny ended up choosing the first option despite how extremely difficult it was for him to leave her. It was all for her sake after all.

" Of course I slept well." Navaya responded immediately and Becca looked at her from head to toe.

" You don't act like you did but if you say so." Becca walked over to her chair and sat on it. " So did anything fun happen yesterday?" Becca beamed, feeling a little hungry for juicy gossip. Probably infected with Navaya's gossiping habits.

Nervous and worried of being exposed, Navaya felt cold sweat trickling down her back and a lump stuck in her throat.

In attempts to play things off cool, Navaya rolled her eyes nonchalantly. 

" I wish. The only thing that happened to me yesterday was a meeting with that annoying sexist client of ours." 

" Mr Griffin?" Becca asked, chuckling and Navaya shot her a look.

" I swear one of this days, I'm going to take all the stupid money he invested in our company and shove it up his ass. That racist, sexist bastard." Navaya grumbled and Becca exploded into a fit of laughter.

Navaya's hatred for the man wasn't unjustified, he was very annoying and him always saying he had very low expectations for Atlas since it was owned by a woman made his mere presence infuriating.

Like what era did the fucker live in? Was he retarded or something? 

Becca couldn't even remember if there was ever a single meeting she had with the man where he didn't open his asshole of a mouth and say shit like ' this company would be managed better by a man' or something like ' what is a beautiful woman like you doing hustling in a man's world? Don't you want to settle down and have a family of your own?' 

Fuck! Becca felt like committing murder the day that shit left his mouth and if Navaya doesn't end up strangling him first, then she would.

Becca only controlled herself and tolerated his shit because he was, for some reason, an important person in the business world and didn't want her company to be backlashed.

And more over he was investing a lot of money into Atlas so Becca chose to ignore the fuckery that came out of his mouth but still prayed silently for him to get hit by a truck.

Becca opened her mouth to say something but got distracted by the sound of her phone ringing. She took out the phone from her purse and frowned upon seeing the caller's ID.

" One second." She said to Navaya before answering the call. " Hello"

Navaya creased her forehead as she stood there watching Becca talk on the phone and once Becca was done, she put down the phone. The weirdest thing about it all was the look Becca had on her face while answering the call which got Navaya intrigued.

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" What's with that look?" Navaya asked and Becca turned to her.

" What look?" Becca asked, feigning confusion.

" The look that was on your face about two seconds ago." 

Becca chewed her lower lip on hearing Navaya's words, contemplating how to tell her who just called.

" If I tell you about it, you are going to laugh." Becca's gaze darted literally everywhere in the room before settling back on Navaya.

" With the way you just said it, I highly doubt it." Navaya folded her arms over her chest, raising a sassy brow.

" Okay, maybe you won't but listen anyway and please try to be reasonable." Becca pleaded and Navaya rolled her eyes.

" I will try. Now spill it already before you give me anxiety." Sarcasm seemed to be the only thing coming out of Navaya's mouth as she waited for Becca to drop the news.

" Remember when I told you that I met Raquel at a restaurant and I kinda, sorta made up with her and agreed to help her out of her family's financial situation." Becca rapped, saying every word so fast, it was literally hard to catch what she was saying but Navaya did. Navaya caught every single word.

" No, I don't remember because you never told me and wait just one second. Which Raquel are we even talking about here?" Navaya asked and Becca's teeth stabbed her lower lip once again. She knew Navaya would be pissed by the news.

" The Raquel from highschool." Becca answered, smiling nervously when she saw Navaya's mood changing. She knew this would happen, everything Raquel related always pissed the fuck out of Navaya.

" Becca, I love and respect you so much but I have to ask, what the fuck were you thinking?" Navaya yelled and threw her arms in the air like a disappointed parent would.

" I just wanted to help. You would have done so too if you were in my shoes and you should have seen her, she was crying. What did you expect me to have done?" Becca tried to justify her actions but Navaya wasn't having any of it.

Navaya's eyes widened in shock, giving Becca an ' are you fucking kidding right now?' look.

" Oh, you didn't know what to do? Well here's a suggestion, tell her to cry a fucking river. Have you forgotten all the mean things she did to us in highschool?" Navaya scolded and her heart skittered as every fiber in her screamed.

How could Becca have agreed to help that brat? How? Why? Have she forgotten all the things Raquel did to them?

" Have you forgotten how you almost killed her with a chair and would have if it hadn't been for headmistress, Martha, whose soul will forever rest in peace. You would have gone to juvie or something."

Becca understood where Navaya's anger was coming from, she was the one among the both of them that experienced the harsher end of the stick from Raquel's tyranny.

" I don't care, there are just some people who are better off dead and Raquel is one of them." Navaya gritted and Becca gaped at her, taken aback by the vicious hostility.

" Harsh, Navaya." Becca said and Navaya stalked towards her desk.

" Do you know what else was harsh? When Raquel spread that horrible lie about you being lesbian and that you will never have sex with a guy. Not that I have anything against lesbians, I have two lesbian cousins and they are both dope but remember how horrible it made you feel. Remember how you were mocked and how you cried for days about it. They still doubted your sexuality despite how much you tried to tell them it wasn't true" Navaya said through her gritted teeth, looking Becca straight in the eyes. " Remember how she used to call me the Jamaican whore because my mom is Jamaican."

" It's all in the past and it's called the past for a reason." Becca swallowed, pushing away the hurtful memories that haunted her youth. Not wanting it to weaken her resolve to help Raquel. Becca was a woman of her word and she promised Raquel she would help. She didn't want to go back on it.

" Do you know what else should be left in the past? Your sympathy for that bitch." 

" Navaya." Becca called out, trying to calm Navaya down. She knew Navaya was really hurt by Raquel's actions in the past and didn't expect her to forgive so easily but at least wanted her to understand things better.

" What could have gone so wrong in the little whore's life that she seeked your help?" Navaya asked and Becca let out a sigh.

" Her parents want her to get married to this snobbish rich man for the betterment of their family business." Becca explained and Navaya rolled her eyes in response.

" Oh, the horror. She would be marrying into a filthy rich family, what's the suffering in that?" Navaya dished out another round of sass and Becca sighed.

" Love matters too in marriage, doesn't it?" Becca asked.

" Oh, fuck me. Just because you found love doesn't mean everyone has too. Some people are better off as sacrificial lambs and I seriously can't believe you fell for her crocodile tears."

Becca covered her face with her hands before using them to support her chin.

" I'm sorry, Navaya but I'm not like you. I'm just a gullible woman who doesn't know how to reason or doesn't have a mind to make her own decisions with." Becca muttered softly with sad eyes and the angry look on Navaya's face turned apologetic.

" You know I never meant it like that." Navaya walked towards Becca and wrapped her arms around her shoulder. " You have always been the smartest and most reasonable person I know. You always kept me in check and I love you for that. Do what you think is best."

Navaya might have been the more outspoken one and the extrovert amongst the two but it has always been Becca who kept her grounded. Becca had always been that voice of wisdom in Navaya's life and she was more than grateful to have a friend like her.

It wasn't Becca's fault that she had to be so goddamn nice. It wasn't her fault that Navaya couldn't let go of the past either.

The sadness in Becca's eyes disappeared and was replaced by warm cuteness as soon as those words left Navaya's mouth.

" So you won't be mad at me if I have lunch with her this afternoon?" Becca asked, channeling all her inner cuteness into the look she was giving Navaya, who sighed on seeing the puppy dog eyes being directed to her.

Navaya took a deep breath and gazed at the ceiling before nodding.

" I won't. If you want to forgive that slut, then knock yourself out but I, for one, will hate her till the death." Navaya finally relented and Becca jutted up from her chair and gave her a hug.

" Thank you." Becca breathed and Navaya patted her on the back.

" I just hope and pray you don't regret this."

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