The Main Lead Won’t Run Away

Chapter 8: 7

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I made a list of food to feed Aiden last night.

And when she visited the dungeon full of expectations, Rylenne was greeted with a completely different situation from what she had imagined.

“Aiden doesn’t eat?”

"Yes, it is. He hasn't eaten at all since yesterday."

Haele scratched her head and said.

“Are you drinking water?”

“Yes, but I drink water.”

Rylaine was puzzled.

Although the food provided so far was dried bread, I still ate it because that was all I had for the day.

Judging from the water he drinks, it doesn't look like he's going on a hunger strike... … .

“I won’t look into it myself.”

Arriving inside Aiden's cell, Rylaine put the bread on a plate and pushed it away.

“Let them eat.”

“… … .”

He must be hungry, but he did not eat the bread in front of him.

“… … Eat.”

I urged again, but it was still unsteady.

Besides, Aiden shut his mouth like a clam again.

Yesterday he said something, but now it seems he doesn't want to say it again.

'Driving me crazy.'

I wanted to beg you to eat.

It was because the lights were installed and Aiden's condition under the lights was serious.

'Aiden would never be able to escape from this place.'

Even so, the security of the Duchy of Ergen was tight.

Besides, whenever I saw Aiden getting skinny, I felt bad.

Then, suddenly, Aiden's cheeks, bruised and bluish, caught his eye.

'It's not like I can't eat because I'm sick... … ?'

If the skin is bruised to that extent, the inside of the mouth may also be affected.

Rylaine jumped up from her seat to confirm the facts.

“Uh, uh, Rylenne-sama! It's dangerous to get close!”

Haele, who was watching, was frightened, but did not move.

I've felt it since yesterday, but Haele was afraid of Aiden.

'Ugh. That coward.'

Lailenne waved her hand at Haele.

“I’m in the way, so you can leave.”

“… … With that said, I will stand outside. If you feel any danger, please let me know!”

Contrary to the reliable horse, Haele quickly closed the iron door and escaped.

Like Haele said, it wasn't that I wasn't at all anxious, but I thought that since I didn't attack yesterday, I'd be fine today.

As we got closer, as expected, Aiden flinched and posed no threat.

Rylenne slowly examined Aiden's face. Her lips had burst and scabs were sitting here and there.

“Open your mouth.”

Upon hearing the command, Aiden kept his mouth shut.

The attitude of trying to hide something convinced Rylaine that her guess was correct.

“Come on, open your mouth.”

Aiden still didn't open his mouth.

I've felt it since the last time, but Aiden was very stubborn.

Even after being slapped by Kaverion like that, he didn't answer in the end, and even though he must have been hungry, he never lowered his head.

'Hmm... … . I can't help it.'

Rylenne, who was still glaring at Aiden, suddenly grabbed her wrist.

“Ah… … !”

Aiden's eyes shook slightly at the soft sound that burst out.

Rylane looked down at her wrist and murmured. Her downcast gaze was pitiful.

“… … I sprained my wrist from someone brutally beating it yesterday.”

“… … .”

"I'm not blaming you, but I'm a little sad. It's not such a difficult request to show the inside of your mouth... … .”

As Laylaine spoke while looking up at Aiden with a coy look, Aiden's eyebrows twitched.

"Is it not so?"

As if urging an answer, Rylaine blinked and stared at Aiden.

Eventually, Aiden's mouth slowly opened.

"who… … Did you ask me to come closer? You were the one who came to me yesterday... … .”


Rylenne didn't miss the moment when Aiden opened his mouth, and quickly attacked and opened his mouth.

Then I put my finger in it to keep it from closing.

Aiden couldn't do anything because he was embarrassed by the strange being that suddenly invaded his mouth.

Rylenne's hand, which had intruded, penetrated Aiden's mouth.


I'm not a doctor, but I could feel that Aiden's mouth was a mess.

The gums were quite swollen, and the inside of the mouth was loose.

As the wound was neglected, the pain gradually worsened, and it was impossible to eat.

'I endured this like an idiot... … ?'

Rylane frowned and looked at Aiden.

Aiden's eyelashes trembled and the corners of his eyes were stained red.

At first, I wondered if it was painful because I touched the wound, but when I looked closely, it seemed that I was at a loss rather than in pain.

'… … Come to think of it, it's a strange figure.'

It means to put your finger deep in the adult man's mouth and touch it everywhere.

Rylaine slowly pulled out her finger. The feeling of her brushing her tongue was strange.

Aiden, now free, quickly moved away from Rylenne and covered her flushed face with the back of her hand.

“Eh, what the hell is this... … !”

Aiden, who was stuttering, was startled as if he was about to hiccup.

Likewise, Rylaine felt that this situation she had brought herself into was strange, but she tried to pretend that nothing was wrong and said it proudly.

“… … It was an action I took to check your condition.”

Aiden was still looking down at the floor with his face covered. The tips of his ears were red.

“I’ll call the doctor right away and take care of you, so stay calm. We'll be in trouble if the prisoners die of starvation.”

“… … .”

Rylenne realized that Aiden was still silent.

How did you fix not talking?

"Yes, you."

Rylenne approached Aiden and lifted her face.

“Are you going to keep your mouth shut like this?”

“… … .”

“Can you put your finger in again?”

Gray eyes fluttered.

“If you don’t answer… … .”


Eventually, Aiden's heavy mouth opened. Lailene smiled in satisfaction.

'It will be like that sooner.'

“Come back tomorrow. Even then, if you don’t talk, you will get scolded, so know that.”

Rylaine stood up and opened the iron door. Haele stood there with a surprised expression.

“Lalaine! You've been inside for quite some time, are you all right!”

I wasn't interested, so what?

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“Call the doctor. The inside of Aiden's mouth is a mess.”

But, not thinking of moving right away, Haele squirmed.

“… … Don't you need to tell Caverion first?"

is that again

Looking at it, it seemed that Haele was ignoring her. Every time you instruct something, you mention Caverion.

Lalaine, intending to say something, hardened her expression coldly.

“Haele, I am in charge here. It is also my responsibility to monitor his condition. But is the reason you keep talking about your brother is because you ignore me?”

“Oh, that can’t be!”

“Then call a doctor and treat Aiden!”

"yes… … ! All right!"

I was thinking of kicking him in the ass if I didn't move again, but fortunately, Haele hurriedly ran away.

Rylaine also had a lot of work to do.

It was because I had to order things for Aiden. There were many things he didn't have in his cell.

The most annoying thing is that there are no beds.

There was a rag-like blanket, but it was very cold in the early morning at the Duke Castle, so it was clear that I would catch a cold if I slept under it.

'I should order the best blanket.'

Other than that, if there was such a thing as an energy restorer in this world, I was thinking of ordering it.

If you wait for your body to recover naturally, you don't know how long it will take.

Aiden had to escape as soon as possible, so he had to recover his body quickly.

Lailene sorted out the items to order in her head and called Helen.


* * *


Contrary to plan, however, Rylenne couldn't go see Aiden the next day.

“… … Are you okay, lady?”

no… … .

Lailene couldn't even answer. because she died

'Damn it, Rylane's body.'

It was the first time I knew what it was like to lie down suddenly.

My body shuddered from the evening, and in the early morning my fever was boiling.

In the morning, I couldn't even lift a finger.

“I guess I can’t. I'll call the doctor... … !”

Helen, realizing that Rylaine's condition was serious, hurriedly moved her body.


[Come back tomorrow. Even then, if you don't talk, you'll know that you'll get scolded, so know that.]


'I told Aiden that I was going today... … .'

I accidentally broke my promise.

Rylaine groaned and closed her eyes.

And when I finally opened my eyes, a man with a long white beard was sitting next to me.

"It looks like it's a body death."

Helen tilted her head.

“The lady doesn’t do enough work to make herself sick… … .”

Helen, I listened to what you said.

'That means I won't get sick because I usually just play!'

And, why don't I do something that would make me sick... … !

How much I've been paying attention to Aiden lately!

But at this point, I couldn't say a word.

“Don't you know that Lailenne-sama is not in good shape? Even if nothing else happened to her, she can lie sick like this.”

The man put down the stethoscope and said, It seems that he was a doctor.

"yes… … . Thank you for examining my lady.”

I saw Helen's back as she greeted the doctor.

And the sight was cut off.

When I woke up again, I heard an unexpected voice.

“… … Have you fallen again?"

This voice... … .


It was really unexpected that Kaverion came.

I thought you didn't care if you collapsed or not.

“I was healthy enough to enjoy horseback riding when I was young, but how did it happen?”

Thinking that Rylenne was asleep, Carverion muttered lamentably.

“… … I've been so indifferent to you all this time. When I open my eyes again, I will try a little harder.”

It was a self-deprecating voice.

The fever rose again.

After Kaverion's words, I closed my eyes.

And I fell into a deep sleep and barely woke up at dawn, when I heard a human presence.

'Who is it?'

I couldn't come to my senses again this time, so I tried to figure out who it was with my eyes closed.

“… … Didn't die this time either."

A terrifying sound pierced the eardrums.

Lailene was stunned inwardly.

'He didn't die this time either... … ?'

I tried to identify the voice, but it was muffled by the heat.

Besides, the whispering voice was too low.

“I don’t think it will work the traditional way.”

Seeing that they were having a conversation, it seemed that there was not just one person here.

'The old way... … ?'

So, did someone still try to kill Rylenne?

It felt like goosebumps were creeping up on my arms.

“Still, leave it as it is. Let's watch some more.”

"All right."

The two had a brief conversation and then disappeared.

'… … shit… … . I need to see who... … .'

But in the end, I couldn't open my eyes. I felt like I was being sucked into a deep darkness like an abyss.

It was after two days had passed that Rylaine came to her senses.

'ha… … .'

As soon as I woke up, I let out a deep sigh.

There were no aftereffects on the body, but the psychological shock of someone trying to kill him was still there.

A terrifying conversation resurfaced.


[…] … Didn't die this time either.]


'Lylenne's pain was someone else's sexual abuse... … !'

Somehow, I thought that Rylenne, who looked very healthy when she was young, suddenly became sickly from some moment.

Besides, he had recently collapsed for three days.

At that time, he entered Rylenne's body.

Could it be that Rylenne died at that time, and because of that, did she become possessed by this body?

My hair seemed to stand on end.


someone is trying to kill me

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