The Male Lead’s Backyard is on Fire

Chapter 91: 90

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Chapter 90: Words From the Heart

A pair of almond-shaped eyes, filled with sincerity. 

Yuchi Li did not know where to direct her eyes; no matter where she looked, she felt something was wrong. She could only lower her eyes and say: “I’m not angry.”

“Then why aren’t you talking to me.” Liu Luoyi lightly bit her lip, her expression desolate. She suddenly leapt gracefully off Yuchi Li’s lap and ran toward the door. Yuchi Li felt upset, and possibly a little irritated, so she hurriedly grabbed her hand and pulled her back. 

Liu Luoyi was stopped short and sat on her lap again, Yuchi Li hugged her by the waist, smiling as she asked: “Why are you running away?”

“Princess, you haven’t eaten in a while so you must be hungry. I’ll go to the kitchens and cook something.” Liu Luoyi said softly, holding Yuchi Li’s shoulder. She suddenly felt that Yuchi Li’s gaze was as scorching as a fire, making her feel a little ill at ease. 

Yuchi Li’s gaze moved to her neck. Her throat moved, and she nodded, saying: “I am a bit hungry.”

“Then, put me down.” As she spoke, Liu Luoyi shook her dangling feet. 

Yuchi Li closed her eyes. She was so adorable that Yuchi Li just wanted to swallow her up. She wanted to put up a cold facade, but her lips curled upward. At last, she admitted defeat, and matter-of-factly placed one arm around Liu Luoyi’s shoulders and the other beneath her legs, lifting her up. 

“Princess!” Liu Luoyi cried out, startled. She pinched Yuchi Li hard. 

“Let go of me first.” Yuchi Li said. 

“You first.” Liu Luoyi’s eyes widened. 

But Yuchi Li did not heed her words. Not caring whether it hurt or not, she stood up, carrying Liu Luoyi in her arms as she walked to the bed. Liu Luoyi hurriedly looked out of the window, saying angrily: “Be careful, we’ll be seen!”

“Let them look. If you are not afraid, then right now I’ll go to the city gates and proclaim that I, Yuchi Li, will marry Liu Luoyi.” Yuchi Li smiled, showing her white teeth. She lowered her head to look into Liu Luoyi’s eyes. 

Hearing this, Liu Luoyi buried her face into Yuchi Li’s chest, not daring to look. 

“In any case, you were the one who initiated. If you did not expect anyone to see us, then, were you afraid of something else?” Yuchi Li’s smile was full of meaning. 

Liu Luoyi said nothing. 

Yuchi Li strode to the bed and tested it with her knee. Feeling that it was soft, she released her arms, tossing Liu Luoyi onto the bed. 

Startled, Liu Luoyi stared at Yuchi Li, her eyes wide. Her hair was scattered behind her, her face flushed. As she lay on the bed, her appearance was enchanting. The draping of her clothing, outlining the contours of her body, the gentle curve of her legs. Yuchi Li could not hold back her blush, and she averted her eyes. 

She could already feel herself heating up. She snatched the quilt and spread it over Liu Luoyi. Once she was completely covered out, she let out a sigh of relief, nodding in satisfaction. 

“You must be hungry, too. Wait here.” Yuchi Li quit the room as soon as she was done speaking. 

The palace of the Northern Kingdom was decorated in a particular style. Colorful items resembling perfume sachets lined the walls, dazzling the eye and making it eyes for one to lose their way. 

On the way, Yuchi Li encountered several graceful women, each of their heads adorned with a crown. Upon seeing Yuchi Li, they were first dazed, then immediately bowed and greeted her. With the way they were all trembling, some of their crowns were about to fall off. 

Even as Yuchi Li felt the smug complacency of one with a high status, she likewise felt a melancholy settle on her. Seeing how those in front of her were acting, the original princess’ temper was probably not too good. If she could treat her own sister like that, then that would indeed be a deterrent. 

She called upon one of the bolder-looking women to bring her to the kitchen. The woman answered obediently and led her toward the kitchen. As Yuchi Li memorized the route, she asked somewhat offhandedly: “Why are you all so afraid of me.”

Hearing this, the woman dropped to a kneel on the spot, shaking like a leaf as she responded: “Second Princess has over-thought. We just hold you in high esteem.”

With her words, she had frightened someone to this extent. She hurriedly picked her back up, and wearing the gentlest smile she could conjur, gestured in front of her courteously: “I did not blame you. Let’s go.”

Only then was the woman brave enough to continue on her way, trembling the entire time. After they entered the kitchen, Yuchi Li opened a few baskets, hoping to see what the kitchen had to offer, but ended up scaring the vegetable washers half to death. 

“S-Second Princess has returned. Greetings, Second Princess. Anything you desire to eat we will prepare immediately!” One of the vegetable washers smoothed over, bowing to Yuchi Li. 

Yuchi Li was truly unused to her elevated position and simply told them to take a break. Once everyone left, she felt more comfortable and started fiddling with the ingredients. This place was different from the Yan Kingdom; there was far more beef and mutton on the table, so as she looked about, she thought to roast some mutton skewers. It had been difficult for her to get to the kitchen. She had to make something that Liu Luoyi had never eaten before so she could feel refreshed. 

She got to work cutting up the meat and preparing the base spices. She found a bag of charcoal, but did not see a stove. She grabbed an iron pot, and with a press of her hands, bent it into a long sheet. 

She released a thankful breath. Internal force was really quite useful. 

The only thing was that she could not find any bamboo skewers, but with her order, those people who had just scattered returned to find those skewers posthaste. In no time, they found a bundle of skewers and presented them to Yuchi Li solicitously. 

Yuchi Li thanked them and accepted them cheerfully. In passing, she asked: “You all found them so quickly. Where were they?”

The other party answered cheerfully: “To answer the Princess, they are His Majesty’s bamboo scrolls[1] that were split apart.”

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Yuchi Li just about dropped the skewers. Because she was startled, the pitch of her voice shifted: “What? My Royal Father’s?”

“Upon leaving just now, we encountered His Majesty, who inquired as to why we are not diligently working. We answered that the Second Princess was searching for bamboo to cut into long skewers. His Majesty then took his bamboo scrolls and had us split them apart.”

Gazing at the precious mutton skewers in her hand, Yuchi Li broke out into a cold sweat. They felt like they weighed over one thousand jin(斤, a unit of measurement equivalent to about 1.316 lbs, 597 g). 

This Northern King truly loved his daughter. Such a grave act, but he did not even say a word. Yuchi Li sighed, then continued to prepare the mutton skewers. Soon, the room was filled with a savory scent as the mutton sizzled on the charcoal fire. Yuchi Li was just about drooling. 

“Do you all want to try some?” Yuchi Li picked up a few skewers and passed them to the kitchen attendants. They waved their hands to refuse, frightened, but could not resist Yuchi Li’s insistence. If she meant for them to eat them, then could only take bite after bite. 

“How are they?” Yuchi Li’s expression was filled with anticipation. 

They all nodded hurriedly, so Yuchi Li felt happy. She finished roasting the rest of the skewers, her forehead covered in sweat. She placed them on a delicate white jade plate, then carefully picked it up and carried it away, like she was holding a priceless treasure. 

After Yuchi Li’s figure disappeared from their sight, the attendants gathered together, clutching their chests as their hearts pounded wildly: “When did the Second Princess learn how to make these things? Also, what was it called? Meat skewers? So strange.”

“I’m even more curious about who the Second Princess cooked them for, if not His Majesty?”

The others echoed their agreement in rapid succession. After all, aside from the King, who would the Second Princess, who feared neither the heavens nor man, cook for?

“Actually, the Second Princess didn’t seem so fierce.” Someone whispered. 

Yuchi Li walked through the door carrying the plate and placed it down lightly on the table. She lifted the quilt. Liu Luoyi was already sleeping soundly, her cherry lips slightly parted, her face pink. 

Yuchi Li was so amused that she did not know whether to laugh or cry. She wrapped herself up in her quilt and fell asleep just like that. Was she not afraid of suffocating?

“Xiao Liu’er, eat a little bit before you sleep.” Yuchi Li reached out two fingers and poked Liu Luoyi’s lip. 

Liu Luoyi beat her back until she retreated, then turned over and started snoozing again[2]. Yuchi Li, entirely helpless, rubbed her own arm, then lifted her up. 

Liu Luoyi at last blinked open her eyes, staring blearily at Yuchi Li. She leaned against Yuchi Li softly, looking very drowsy. Yuchi Li reached out and opened the quilt, saying: “I made these myself. If you don’t try them, I’ll have Xin Ran eat them. I’ve shocked half the palace making these, the only portion of its kind.”

Liu Luoyi soon opened her eyes, rolled over, and got out of bed. 

Yuchi Li picked out the largest piece and passed it to Liu Luoyi: “Here, try it.”

Liu Luoyi was surprised. She took the skewer and hesitated for a moment. She took a small bite, then took another one with enthusiasm. She had never tasted something like it, but she thought it was very delicious. 

Even after being hungry for so long, Liu Luoyi was extremely refined. After a good, long while, she finished it without a speck of oil on her chin. 

But Yuchi Li reached out and wiped her mouth anyway, saying softly, “If you aren’t ready, I won’t tell my father about us.”

Liu Luoyi nodded silently. She looked at Yuchi Li apologetically, but Yuchi Li just smiled and passed her another skewer: “It’s fine. As long as Xiao Liu’er is happy. In any case, I’ll always be yours.”

After hearing her words, Liu Luoyi suddenly blushed. The corners of her lips lifted of their own will into a beautifully sweet smile. 

She gazed at Yuchi Li, her heart seeming to overflow. Yuchi Li’s words were like a magic spell; she could not help but want to laugh, could not help but feel genuinely happy, as well as bashful. 

She had said that she would always be hers. 

All of a sudden, Liu Luoyi put down her skewer and threw herself into Yuchi Li’s arms, trying to cover her flushed face. Yuchi Li held onto her in high spirits. The one in her embrace was as supple as before, making her grow addicted to hugging her. 

“This country belongs to my family now. My words from before still hold, too. Anything you want will be yours, and you can be as unrestrained as you wish. In any case, as long as I’m with you, I want to make you smile.” Yuchi Li closed her eyes, feeling Liu Luoyi’s warmth. 

All of a sudden, Liu Luoyi felt like she was about to cry again. She held her tears back and nodded emphatically. 

At the same time, the Northern King was standing at the courtyard’s entrance. He reached out a hand and hesitated, unsure of whether to knock or not. He had just returned to the palace for a rest after dealing with some urgent matters regarding the war when he heard someone mention that Yuchi Li had gone to prepare a meal. Perhaps because she had been in the Yan Kingdom for so long, the food of the Northern Kingdom no longer agreed with her. 

His pampered, precious daughter had even learned how to cook while she was living in that lousy country. Such a grievance this was. The more he thought about it, the more distressed he felt. He was unwilling to put aside his face, to be self-effacing, and take the initiative to speak with Yuchi Li. 

After thinking it over for half the day, he still knocked. Someone had just been passing by and respectfully acknowledged the king. Their voices reached the ears of the two inside. Yuchi Li had not reacted when Liu Luoyi pushed her away, frightened. 

Her mind had been racing just then, and there was a chair behind her. In a moment of inattentiveness, she fell onto the ground, her behind starting to hurt. 

She sucked in a breath, looking at Liu Luoyi with a pained expression. 

At that time, the Northern King pushed open the courtyard door. Before the door had even been shut, he was shocked by this scene.

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