The Male Lead’s Male Wife

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter 002: This Cheating Protagonist

The hall was very noisy at this time, and someone was injured and lay down on the side.

Yi HanZhi pulled Xiao Hong around the group of people and came to the main hall.

The servants were standing in a circle, holding long swords in their hands, and surrounding one person.

Yi HanZhi stood on tiptoe to look, but couldn’t see the person in the middle, so he couldn’t help but cough lightly.

“You all get out of the way.” 

After hearing his voice, the servants turned around to see him one by one, all in a daze, and then stood up in the two rows and made way for him.

When Bai Jun saw him, he was also stunned, with complex expressions in his eyes. Like in the previous life, this person should have died under his own palm*(BJ’s). Why was he (YHZ) standing in front of him now? He looked at the people in front of him with interest, and inadvertently curled his lips.

*(T/N: The raw is ‘本该死在自己的掌下了的’. In the original novel, it seemed Bai Jun struck and kill original Yi HanZhi with a strike with the plam. Don’t know if it makes sense with the way I translated. But that’s all I can think about. ha ha
If you have better translation or suggestions for this, please never hesitate to teach me!)

Yi HanZhi looked at the man. A tall figure, wearing a purple dress, and his skin was white as beautiful jade. A purple scarf was covering his face, revealing a pair of phoenix eyes dark like midnight and it was staring at him fixedly. His long black hair was randomly tied behind his head.

Although he covered his face, and could not see his real face, but that figure, those eyes, no matter how one looked at it, he was a beauty, okay?

“You’re not dead yet?” 

The protagonist opened his mouth first, and the voice was deep, powerful and extraordinarily pleasant to hear.

However, Yi HanZhi was not happy to listen to his words. What did he mean “You are not dead yet?” Was he so uninvited that, everyone was looking forward to his death? So, he raised his head and looked directly at the other party.

“Why did Young hero say this? Did Young hero regret not slapping me to death?”

Bai Jun looked at him carefully, and walked forward slowly, with a smile in his eyes.

“Young Master is quite fortunate. It seems that only a few people in this world can survive the strike of my palm, and even can still act as freely as Young Master within three days. What’s more, as far as I know, Young Master has never practiced martial arts.”

Looking at the protagonist right in front of him, Yi HanZhi felt that those eyes were charming beyond description. He must have had a brain fade, because he stretched out his index finger to gently lift the opponent’s chin.

“Young hero really looks .......... Young and beautiful!”

*(T/N: The raw is 如花似玉 - delicate as a flower, refined as a precious jade (idiom) (from Pleco) and it is usually used for women.)

Forgive him for not being very good in language and literature. He really only thought of this word in his mind at the time, and said it out loud without any scruples.

The other party was obviously irritated by his words. He slapped Yi HanZhi’s hand away and the look in his eyes was very profound 

“Is Young Master thinking that the hardship he suffered last time was not enough, so he still wants to try again?”

Yi HanZhi curled his lips boringly, he was aware that he had forgotten his manners just now. He quickly took a few steps back, and stopped until he was sure that he was no longer within the opponent’s attack range.

“I don’t know why Young Master came to my home again and again?” 

The novel said that it was for a secret book, but in the end, Yi HanZhi did not see that the secret book appeared. So, he was very suspicious. Maybe, the author really forgot about this cheat book in the end.

“I heard that Master Yi got a secret book called “Bodhi Heart Sutra” a few days ago. It was something from my Feng Huo Sect. I came here today just to bring it back.”

Sure enough, it was for a secret book. After a pause, Yi HanZhi said: “What Young hero said, HanZhi really don’t know. This matter will probably not be known until my father come back home. But my father is such a person! He has been away for months or even a year, yet he had not been back once. Young hero, if you do not mind it, you can stay in this mansion, and slowly wait until my father come back home, then ask him again if he knows?”

He said this eloquently and heavily but leisurely on purpose, implying that ‘my father is not here, you just get the hell out of here!’ He knew very well that Bai Jun went down the mountain this time, his master did not give him much time, and naturally, he would not stay here.

Bai Jun understood what Yi HanZhi meant. This was an order to dismiss him. Before going down the mountain, the master warned him that within ten days, no matter whether the matter was fruitful or not, he would have to return.

At this time, half of the ten-day period had passed, and there were only five days left. He happened to have nowhere to go for the last five days, so it’s better to stay here first. What’s more, this Yi HanZhi’s matter, he also cared very much.

“Well, since Young Master has spoken, I am embarrassed to refuse, then thank you for your trouble, Young Master.”

Yi HanZhi’s eyes almost popped out of his head. What did the protagonist just say? He said he wanted to stay? He heard it right! This was not in line with the plot! But, it was too late, and the words spoken were like splashed water, and they could not be collected again.

“Then Xiao Hong, take Young hero to the guest room to rest! By the way, I still don’t know how to address Young hero yet?”

Although he knew the other party’s name a long time ago, he still had to follow the procedure. Otherwise, it was easy for people to see the clues.

“Bai Jun, the chief disciple of the Feng Huo Sect.”

“Young hero Bai, please come with me.”

Xiao Hong led Bai Jun to the guest room, and Yi HanZhi also let out a sigh of relief. Confronting the protagonist, he was still a little short on the aura, but fortunately, he did not lose face.

Yi HanZhi adjusted his collar, waved his hand, and dismissed a group of servants, and then he finally returned to his room.

Now that he thought about it, there were no fun games in ancient times. There were no such things as mobile phones and computers. That was really boring!

Yi HanZhi lay in bed for a whole afternoon, thinking about of the places that could relieve boredom in ancient times. Thinking about the places that ancient men loved to go the most, the first one was undoubtedly the opera houses and the second was the red-light district.

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Yi HanZhi had no interest in listening to opera, but the red-light district! Although he was already in his 20s in this world, he had never even touched a girl’s hand. Now he was not embarrassed to go to the red-light district now.

When he was bored, he went to the bookshelf on the side and turned over one of the book on it. A book called ‘Beauty’s Pictures’ caught his attention.

He pulled the book out of the shelf and sat beside to look through it.

Looking at the title of the book, Yi HanZhi originally thought it was a simple illustration of a beauty, but when he opened it; his three views were almost subverted. How could this be a simple illustration? This dazzling illustration was the erotic picture. Looking at the □□ * unbearable picture in the book, Yi HanZhi couldn’t help blushing.

*(T/N: The raw here is ‘那□□不堪的画面’.)

He threw the book aside angrily, lying flat on the floor, and staring at the beams in a daze. After a long time, he stood up, went back to the room, he then changed his clothes, and went out.

He was going to marry ten or eight concubines in the future. How could he keep on being like this? Now he was about to take the first step and go to the brothel to find a girl, and then.......

On the way, he passed by a place called Furong Pavilion, where the girls who were recruiting guests looked good. As mentioned in the original novel, the girls in this brothel were all unique, and the heroine also met the protagonist here for the first time.

Yi HanZhi thought for a while and walked in.

There were many young and beautiful young girls who immediately came out to welcome him. They surrounded Yi HanZhi, and the fragrance from them made Yi HanZhi feel a little suffocated.

Yi HanZhi pushed them away, and trying to grab the door right away, but he was caught by someone unexpectedly. He turned his head and saw a woman with a sexy dress and heavy makeup was holding his hand.

The woman shook the fan in her hand, pursing her lips and chuckled.

“Young Master Yi, I haven’t seen you for a few days. When did you become so shy?”

It seemed that the original owner was a regular customer here before, and this person was the procuress of this place.

Yi HanZhi calmed down and sat down in a place in the hall, pretending to be familiar and playing with the wine cup on the table.

“Madam, I haven’t seen you for a few days, and you really look more and more beautiful.”

*(T/N: The raw is ‘徐娘’ but I used ‘Madam’ since that’s all I can think of.)

The Madam smiled, slightly covering her face and winked at Yi HanZhi shyly.

“Young Master is joking. This Madam is old, and now it is the world of young girls. I don’t know which girl Young Master wants to call today? Ruhua or Siyu?”

Every time he saw this name, Yi HanZhi couldn’t help but wanting to complain about the author. Was it that difficult to choose a name yourself? Why use such a vulgar* name?

*(T/N: The raw is ‘俗到掉渣’.)

He poured a cup of wine from the jug on the side and drank it in one go. Then, he slowly got up and looked at the girls. Since he wanted to eat meat, he must find a girl with enchanting body and beautiful face.

The procuress next to him watched Yi HanZhi. She wanted to tell something but stop again. She had prepared that bottle of wine for another person, but Yi HanZhi drank it on his own. This was........ She was not to blame for this. However, this Young Master Yi had always been unruly and unrestrained, but thinking that he would find a girl for him later, so it wouldn’t be a big deal.

Yi HanZhi looked around but didn’t like any one of them. Although they were all pretty and had very beautiful bodies, he thought there was not much different. So, he still hadn’t made a choice yet. It maybe because he was dazzled by so many varieties to choose from, but he felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter and his eyes was all blurred. What’s the matter? Was his alcohol tolerance so low? It was just one cup and he was done for?

Yi HanZhi stretched out his hand to support his forehead, and put one hand on the shoulder of the procuress.

“I’m a little dizzy. Give me a room. I’ll rest for a while first.” 

The procuress heard the words and knew that the medicine had probably reacted. This medicine was a new product. It was said to be extremely powerful. She hadn’t found anyone to try it, but seeing Young Master Yi looked like this, it should be true.

“|Okay. Ruhua, quickly take Young Master Yi to the room to rest, and remember to take good care of Young Master Yi!”

A young woman hurriedly came up next to him, helped him to go upstairs.

Yi HanZhi stretched out his hand to push the woman away, and went straight upstairs. He didn’t want Ruhua! Ruhua looked very ugly!

When he came upstairs, Yi HanZhi felt his head dizzy even more. He then leaned against the barrier beside him, and suddenly saw a woman approaching him.

“Glancing back and smiling, she revealed a hundred charms. Making all the beauties faded into insignificance.”

*(T/N: The raw is ‘略施粉黛无颜色,回眸一笑百媚生’.
I can’t find the exact line but found this. 回眸一笑百媚生, 六宫粉黛无颜色。(白居易《长恨歌》) 

‘Glancing back and smiling, she revealed a hundred charms. 

All the powdered ladies of the six palaces suddenly seemed dull and colourless.’ (from Pleco)

The line is from Chang Hen Ge by the famous Chinese poet Bai Juyi. But, since the lines are not exactly the same, I tried to translate the first part as best as I can. (By combining what I found on Baidu.) If you have any suggestions or advice, please feel free to teach me since I’m still not satisfied with this translation. And, if there is something wrong with the way I translated and the usage of the words, please let me know.)

Looking at the woman, Yi HanZhi suddenly had such a sentence in his mind.

That woman was so beautiful. She just had her hair scattered, her dress was just an ordinary purple gauze skirt, and her phoenix eyes were charming and captivating. But, wasn’t this woman too tall? She was actually half a head taller than him?

She opened her thin lips slightly, as if she had said something. Yi HanZhi didn’t hear it clearly, but he didn’t care anymore. He just picked up the beauty and went to the room by the side. He couldn’t bear it anymore.

It was just a coincidence. Who would have known that this casual hook-up would turn into him hooking up with the protagonist? And thus, he had fallen into the abyss of suffering since then.

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