The Male Lead’s Wife in the ’80s

Chapter 22: 22

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Chapter 22- The Person Who Stole the Money Was Hu Yujiao?

“Tut tut, who knows if your money is really lost or not? Maybe you haven’t lost any money at all. You took advantage of Yunbo going to your house and you just wanted to extort us,” Su Man-er said lightly, her tone mocking.

“You…” Li Cuihua wanted to retort. Su Man-er snorted and said, “After all, you are so shameless. You have done many shameless things before.”

The villagers at the door of the courtyard all nodded when they heard this.

Yes ah, Li Cuihua even stole Grandma Chi’s money before. It was possible that such a shameless person could come to extort them. Maybe what Su Man-er said was the truth.

Seeing the villagers at the door seeming to believe Su Man-er, Li Cuihua clenched her teeth, angry and furious in her heart.

She ferociously glared at Su Man-er and said angrily, “Don’t smear me. I really lost money this time! I lost fifty yuan! Fifty yuan ah! I’ve been saving for a long time, but it’s all been stolen. I don’t even have a cent left.”

Recalling that her money was gone, Li Cuihua was so angry that her eyes were crooked.

“Mom, don’t be angry. Chi Yunbo must return the money today!” Dai Qiaoqiao came forward to stroke her mother-in-law’s back and comforted her mother-in-law.

And after she comforted her, she turned to Chi Yunchen and said to him, “Fifty yuan is not a small amount, so we can’t let it pass. Chi Yunchen, you have to compensate. I see that the pheasant, rabbits, and mushrooms in your hands can be given to us. Give us another forty yuan, and we’ll let this matter pass.”

Look at what she said. It seemed like she had given Chi Yunchen a great favor.

Su Man-er sneered.


The mushrooms, pheasant, and rabbits were worth at least 50 yuan!

Forget about Dai Qiaoqiao wanting their pheasant, rabbit, and mushrooms. She even wanted 40 yuan! That’s just daylight robbery!

She cold-heartedly looked at Dai Qiaoqiao, Su Man-er said with a smile: “Elder sister-in-law, are you asleep?”

Dai Qiaoqiao: “…”

She was a little confused. What did Su Man-er mean?

Su Man-er hooked her lips up: “If you aren’t asleep, why are you dreaming? Look at what you just said, aren’t you just talking about dreams?”

Dai Qiaoqiao: !!

Su Man-er was scolding her in a roundabout away, scolding that she was indulging in wishful thinking!

Her eyes were extremely displeased and she rebuked: “Who is talking about their dreams to you? You stole our money, shouldn’t you compensate us? The mushrooms and pheasant…”

“I first won’t talk about Yunbo not stealing. Even if he did steal, you want so much. Don’t you think you’re committing daylight robbery? Oh, yes, people like you don’t know what daylight robbery is. You only know how to ask for money and how to extort us more,” Su Man-er interrupted Dai Qiaoqiao’s words. Her eyes were extremely mocking, looking askance at Dai Qiaoqiao.


“Dai Qiaoqiao, it is excessive for you to want so much. They also have mushrooms, a pheasant, and rabbits which are worth at least 50 yuan according to the market price. You asked them for their things and asked them to compensate you 40 yuan, it adds up to 90 yuan. And your mother-in-law only lost 50 yuan. You lost 50 but asked for 90. If this isn’t daylight robbery, then what is it?” a villager who couldn’t put up with it any longer said something kindly.

After these words were spoken, a villager agreed: “Yes ah, they are all very close relatives. It’s too much for you to extort their money.”

“Besides, they didn’t steal it. I think Chi Yunbo is well-behaved. There’s no way that he would steal.”

“I also don’t believe that Chi Yunbo will steal. Last time I walked in front of him, I dropped 8 yuan. He picked it up behind me and gave it back to me immediately. How is it possible for a person who would immediately return money after he picked it up to steal money? Maybe Li Cuihua didn’t lose any money at all, she was just extorting money!” a married woman in her fifties recalled that Chi Yunbo had picked up her money before and returned it. She immediately stuck up for Chi Yunbo.

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone’s eyes on Li Cuihua had changed.

It obviously became mocking and disdainful.

Li Cuihua, her bad habits are hard to change. She actually repeatedly bullied Chi Yunchen’s family! It was really unlucky for Chi Yunchen’s family to share such relatives!

“You…you shut up!” Li Cuihua was so angry that her chest heaved violently. She glared fiercely at the villagers. She was so angered that her eyes seemed about to pop out and said: “The money I put under my pillow is all gone. If it wasn’t stolen, then what happened? Today, Chi Yunbo came to my house to get his family’s bowl back. At that time, there was no one in my house, only Jiayu and Jiaheng were there. He must have seen that they were young. When they weren’t paying attention, he ran to my room and stole things! Chi Yunbo, this kid, will pretend in front of you! He pretended to be kind and weak. But in fact, he’s just a heartless thief. He’s a thief!”

Being scolded by Li Cuihua repeatedly, Chi Yunbo’s originally bad body became so angry that he was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, Chi Yunchen quickly put down the basket and the things in his hands. He went to support him: “Don’t be afraid, you haven’t stolen anything, we will return your innocence,”
Chi Yunchen comforted him. His comfort made Chi Yunbo’s complexion look a little better.

And Dai Qiaoqiao saw that those good things were all put on the ground. Her eyes flashed, and she quickly strode to those things.

But Su Man-er blocked her path.

Su Man-er looked at her indifferently: “What, do you want to rob?”

Dai Qiaoqiao clenched her teeth.

She glared at Su Man-er who was standing in front of her and said irritatedly, “What robbery? If you’re unwilling to give these things, then return the money! Anyway, our family lost money. You have to return the money!”

“Hehe!” Su Man-er sneered: “You lost money and immediately asked my family for it. Do you think that we owe you?”

“If we don’t ask you, who do we ask? At that time, only Chi Yunbo, a short-lived ghost, went to our home!” Dai Qiaoqiao said hurriedly. (1)

The three words of “short-lived ghost” made Su Man-er’s face fall instantly.

Su Man-er looked askance at Dai Qiaoqiao for a while, was silent for two seconds, and said: “As soon as you talked, you cursed others as short-lived ghosts. Beware that the curse might come true on you!”


“There are some things that the heavens are also watching. For wicked people like you, your curse will not come true to others at all. The heavens will only punish you and let you comply with the curse yourself!” Su Man-er said again with sarcasm. Every word was like a stone. It severely hit Dai Qiaoqiao. It also hit Li Cuihua and Sun Siyao. After all, the two of them often bullied Chi Yunchen’s family and frequently took their things.

Many villagers at the door believed in Buddhism.

So a villager looked at Dai Qiaoqiao and said, “Dai Qiaoqiao, you should accumulate some virtue. How can you bear to curse a child like that?”

“Yes ah, you are also a mother. Why don’t you have any mercy?”

“Ai, beware that the curse comes true on your children. If it comes true to your children, you will have to cry.”

These words made Dai Qiaoqiao extremely angry.

In particular, someone said that the curse would come true to her children.

She was so angered that her eyes seemed about to pop out, glared at that person, and bellowed: “Don’t give me f*cking nonsense! My children will live to be 100 years old, they will live to be 100 years old!”

The villagers curled their lips. Having a wicked mother like her, maybe the retribution would be recompensed to her children. If they wanted to live a hundred years, it was probably impossible.

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And Li Cuihua knew that she couldn’t dilly-dally here. The more she dilly-dallied, the more disadvantageous it was to them.

Su Man-er, with a sharp tongue, coaxed the villagers at the gate into a frenzy, letting them all stand up for her.

If they stayed for another while and if the villagers helped her, then it would be basically impossible for them to get back the money.

Therefore, she had to resolve it quickly, take money, and leave as soon as possible!

She viciously rushed to the mushrooms, pheasant, and rabbits: “I don’t want to talk rubbish with you! I’ll take all these things! These things can make up for that fifty yuan, and I won’t ask you for any more money!”

The rabbits and pheasant were good things. They were more expensive than pork. They could sell them for a lot of money in town.

Those mushrooms were excellent wild food. This kind of mushroom was very expensive in summer and autumn. It was the same price as pork. Now it was winter. During winter, when no mushrooms were produced, it was a rare thing. If this rare thing was sold in the town, it would certainly be much more expensive than pork.

So these things would sell for at least 60 yuan.

She lost 50 yuan and finally got back 60 yuan. In the end, they made a profit!

Seeing Li Cuihua’s determined rush to the game, Chi Yunchen’s eyes were cold.

He quickly stepped forward to block Li Cuihua and said, “Get out! If you want to be wild, go back to your own house. Don’t make trouble here!”

Chi Yunchen was full of momentum. His cold appearance immediately intimidated Li Cuihua.

Li Cuihua’s breath tightened, her pupils abruptly shrank, and her eyes looked at Chi Yunchen with some fear.

She was afraid of this nephew sometimes. When her nephew was angry, he was like a harsh King of Hell. It was very frightening.


She, Li Cuihua, also knew how to control him!

She ground her teeth, sat on the ground, patted her thighs, cried, and howled, “My gosh, he’s bullying people. How can my nephew bully this old woman like this? This old woman has painstakingly saved money for a long time, then it was stolen by Chi Yunbo, that heartless person. These heartless people stole this old woman’s money, how could they have the heart to do it? Heavens, quickly open your eyes and have a look at these heartless and disgraceful bastards!”

The villagers at the gate frowned at Li Cuihua making an unreasonable scene and her buffoonery.

Li Cuihua was such a shrew! No, she was more shrewish than a shrew. To run into difficult people like this, they all felt bad for Chi Yunchen.

Chi Yunchen’s face was very taut and his hands by his side were clenched hard into fists.

He was trying to restrain, restrain himself from beating people!

He looked at Li Cuihua and said coldly, “Are you pulling this trick again? Did you think that this trick can still threaten me?! Did you forget what Grandma Qin and the others said yesterday?!”

Li Cuihua: “…”

She immediately remembered what Qin Sufang and the villagers said at the gate of the courtyard yesterday.

Qin Sufang said that if she came to make trouble again in the future, Chi Yunchen could beat her out. After being beaten out, no one in the village would say that Chi Yunchen was wrong or that he was a nephew disrespecting his elders.

Now Chi Yunchen’s complexion was so bad. Was he going to beat her?

Was he prepared to beat her out?

She furrowed her eyebrows tightly and said with extreme anger, “What, you really want to hit me! Chi Yunchen, you heartless bastard, if you dare hit me, I absolutely won’t be finished with you!”

After a pause, she howled again: “My money was obviously stolen by you, you just don’t admit it!”

As she spoke, she pointed to Grandma Chi, “Today, Mother even went to Butcher Li and bought two jin of meat. The person who didn’t buy meat for hundreds of years suddenly went to buy meat. She must have used my money to buy it! You are too much. You stole my money to buy meat!”

“Cuihua, don’t talk nonsense! My money is from Yunchen! Yunchen thought that Man-er liked meat, so he gave me some money this morning to buy meat. That money is not yours. Don’t accuse people wrongly!” Grandma Chi said hurriedly and supported herself with her walking stick. Thinking that her grandson was accused wrongly, she felt very sad in her heart.

“Who is talking nonsense! Why didn’t you buy meat yesterday, but bought it today? You obviously stole money to buy meat. If you didn’t steal money, you wouldn’t have the money to buy!” Li Cuihua’s ferocious roar was certain that Chi Yunbo had stolen the money.

Chi Yunchen’s eyes were chilly. He stared at Li Cuihua and asked word for word, “You lost your money, right? What’s the face value of the money you lost?!”

Li Cuihua didn’t understand why Chi Yunchen asked her this question.

But she took a look at Chi Yunchen and blurted, “Four ten-yuan and five two-yuan.”

“Really? But the money I gave Grandma was five one-yuan!” Chi Yunchen said with a heavy face. After he spoke, he turned to look at a villager at the courtyard gate: “Butcher Li happened to be here. I think Butcher Li may still remember the face value of the money my grandma gave when she went to buy meat, right?”

Butcher Li was a middle-aged man in his forties. He looked tall and strong with a rough and robust appearance.

Hearing Chi Yunchen’s words, he hurriedly said: “I remember that your grandmother gave me money with the face value of one yuan. I still have the money in my pocket. If anyone doesn’t believe it, I’ll show it to you now.”

As he spoke, he took a bunch of money out of his pocket.

The money was all small change, and the biggest one was only one yuan.

Butcher Li’s words convinced the villagers that Chi Yunbo didn’t steal money. Li Cuihua was just recklessly framing people.

“Do you hear me? The money my grandma used to buy meat wasn’t your family’s! What else do you have to say now?!” Chi Yunchen’s voice became colder by a few degrees and asked word for word.

Li Cuihua’s breathing was slightly sluggish.

She thought that the money the old woman used to buy meat was her family’s. But now it seemed like it wasn’t?

She was startled, thought for two seconds, and said: “You stole the money anyway! Maybe you didn’t use that money to buy things today, but maybe you will spend that money in town tomorrow, you… ”

“That’s enough, stop messing around here. Aunt, we have been talking to you for a long time for the sake of being relatives. Otherwise, we would have beaten you out long ago!”

Su Man-er suddenly spoke in a very cold voice.

After she spoke, she snorted and spoke again, “Maybe you really lost your money, and I sympathize with you. However, Xiao Bo didn’t steal that money. You can’t blame Xiao Bo!”

“If he didn’t steal it, then who stole it? My money doesn’t have feet. It can’t run on its own!”

“Hehe, have you forgotten that there is one more person in your family now?” Su Man-er’s lips showed an indifferent smile. She raised her eyebrows and her tone became somewhat careless: “This morning, when I went up the mountain with Yunchen, Hu Yujiao caught up with us and wanted to borrow money from Yunchen. But Yunchen didn’t lend it. If she didn’t get money from Yunchen, she would think of other ways. I guess she must have targeted you. Your money should be with her now.”


1) Short-lived ghost (短命鬼) is cursing someone to die early.

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