The Male Lead’s Wife in the ’80s

Chapter 27: 27

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The Male Lead’s Wife in the ’80s Chapter 27- Isn’t It Just a Fight? Come on, Fight!

Translator’s Corner: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

When Li Cuihua thought of how the neighboring family had fetched so much game today and how they certainly must have prepared the game to eat tonight, she was so angry that she was burning with rage. She wished she could immediately seize the food next door.

She endured it and looked up at her husband, Chi Dahai: “Go next door and go get some food back! D*mn it, I would let it pass if they didn’t call us when eating delicious food, but they didn’t even bring some food over. In the past, they would always bring some over. They changed their nature today!”

After a pause, she thought of Su Man-er. She spat: “It must be Su Man-er, that lowly wench. That lowly wench forbade them from sending things to us.”

She suffered a lot of losses these two days because of that lowly wench.

Especially this afternoon, when she thought of how she apologized to Chi Yunbo in front of the whole village this afternoon, she was so angry that she wanted to kill people! She wanted to kill Su Man-er, that lowly wench. She also wanted to kill Chi Yunchen and Chi Yunbo, those d*mn bastards!

“Go for what? I ran into Aunt Qin when I came back just now and Aunt Qin went to the house next door,” Chi Dahai smoked tobacco in a long-stemmed pipe and answered unhappily.

He was also unhappy that the house next door had not brought food to his family.

In the past, if the house next door had anything delicious, they would always think of his family. But now, the house next door was hiding and eating alone!

It made people angry just thinking about it!

“Qin Sufang? What is she doing next door?” Li Cuihua frowned and asked with dissatisfaction.

Qin Sufang, that old fart, was also extremely annoying.

That old fart knew to help their neighbors, they didn’t know what kind of soul-hooking soup their neighbors had given her.

“Who knows. But I watched her go with a bag of white sugar in her hands. I think she went to give them white sugar,” Chi Dahai said and firmly took a puff of tobacco.

“Grandma, I want to eat sugar. I want to drink sugar water,” Chi Jiayu immediately yelled when he heard that there was sugar next door.

Chi Jiaheng also yelled: “I also want to eat, I also want sugar water.”

Li Cuihua lifted her eyes and ferociously glared at the house next door. She comforted her two grandchildren and said: “Ok ok ok. You will have sugar water to drink. After Qin Sufang leaves, ask your grandfather to ask for the white sugar. If your grandfather goes to ask for it, they won’t dare to refuse.”

“Besides sugar, we also want to eat meat, pheasant, and rabbit,” The two little grandsons thought of the game and yelled again.

Li Cuihua laughed: “You surely will have all of it.”

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at Chi Dahai: “After Qin Sufang leaves, you can go next door. Go ask for the white sugar and the leftover pheasant, rabbits, and mushrooms. If you don’t go ask tonight, I’m afraid they’ll sell it in town early tomorrow morning. They definitely can’t finish eating all those good things. They definitely will sell some in the town.”

Chi Dahai took a puff of smoke and exhaled the smoke.

His eyes flickered slightly, muttered irresolutely to himself for a second, and said, “En, I know.”


Next door, everyone had already started eating around the stove.

Xiao Jiayue ate a piece of pheasant and his eyes narrowed contentedly on his face: “Delicious, really delicious. It’s too too too delicious!”

As he spoke, he quickly put a piece of chicken into his mouth.

Hong Yashan looked at him with a smile: “Slow down, don’t get burned.”

As Xiao Jiayue chewed the pheasant, he said, “It’s too delicious. I can’t slow down.”

“Hahaha,” everyone was amused by these words.

Qin Sufang used her chopsticks to eat pheasant twice and lamented: “How can this pheasant be so delicious? It’s better than the meat I ate at the provincial capital hotel. Yunchen’s wife, why are you so good at cooking? It’s even better than a chef’s cooking at a major hotel.”

Su Man-er hung her head down, somewhat bashful: “Grandma Qin is exaggerating.”

“Aye, I didn’t exaggerate, I didn’t exaggerate at all. It’s really delicious,” Qin Sufang said. As she picked up the pheasant, she looked at Grandma Chi, Xiao Wanxiu, and the others: “In the future, you will have the luck to have good food to eat. With Yunchen’s wife here, you can eat delicious food every day.”

Aye, she was so envious.

Grandma Chi laughed: “Yunchen’s wife is capable. We really want to live happily in the future.”

As she spoke, Grandma Chi looked at Su Man-er.

The more she looked at Man-er, the more satisfied she was.

Qin Sufang ate for a while and spoke again: “Now that Yunchen has married such a capable wife, your days will certainly get better in the future.”

Extreme adversity was finally going to turn into bliss for the Chi’s.

Grandma Chi and Xiao Wanxiu both smiled and did not answer. But there was a gratified and joyful smile in their eyes.

And Chi Yunchen looked profoundly at Su Man-er.

In the beginning, Grandma insisted that he marry her. It seems like she was right.

Later during the meal, Su Man-er washed some pea shoots and put them into the pot.

Eating pea shoots paired with corn cakes was extremely delicious.

Everyone around the stove ate until they were very satisfied and full.

Qin Sufang stood up from the bench and said with a smile, “Tonight, I ate the most full meal I had this year. Yunchen’s wife, thank you.”

Su Man-er smiled: “If Grandma Qin likes to eat the food I make, then you can come often in the future.”

“Aye, good, good,” Qin Sufang laughed heartily at once without any intention of refusing.


The food made by Yunchen’s wife was too delicious that she couldn’t refuse it.

Chi Yunchen, Grandma Chi, and the others sent Qin Sufang out.

When they walked to the courtyard gate, Qin Sufang’s youngest son just happened to come.

Her youngest son just came back from the provincial capital.

“Mom, did you eat at Yunchen’s house? You…We are still waiting for you to come home to eat.” Seeing Qin Sufang wiping her mouth, her youngest son Zhao Baolu understood it clearly.

“Eat by yourselves, why wait for me. I just ate at Yunchen’s house. Aye, let me tell you, the food made by Yunchen’s wife is delicious. That delicious food is many times more delicious than the food at the provincial capital hotel.”

Zhao Baolu: “…” Was it so over the top?

However, seeing his mother’s face satisfied, he thought that Chi Yunchen’s wife’s cooking should be not bad.

And Qin Sufang pulled Zhao Baolu and lamented: “It’s really delicious. It’s too delicious. Tell me, why am I not Yunchen’s grandmother? Why don’t I have a granddaughter-in-law like Man-er?”

Zhao Baolu: “…”

Grandma Chi and Chi Yunchen in the back: “…”

In the courtyard next door, Li Cuihua pricked up her ears.

Hearing Qin Sufang’s words, she immediately curled her lip fiercely.

She pulled Chi Dahai and whispered: “Did you hear that? Your mother and the others called Qin Sufang, this outsider, to eat with them and didn’t call you. Tell me, are there mothers like this?!”

After a pause, she spoke again: “She really doesn’t distinguish close and distant people. The longer your mother lives, the more backward she gets!”

Chi Dahai’s complexion looked ugly.

He frowned, looked next door, and said in a deep voice, “I’ll go next door in a moment.”

Li Cuihua told him: “Remember to bring all those things here! There can’t be anything missing!”

Chi Dahai: “En, I know!”

About ten minutes later, Chi Dahai brought his eldest son and Chi Yunhao to visit.

At this time, Su Man-er was making the mushroom-pheasant sauce.

The mushrooms were first deep-fried in the bird oil. After they were fried brown, she ladled them out and deep-fried the diced pheasant.

After deep-frying, she added chopped chili and mashed Sichuan pepper, garlic, and ginger. She deep-fried it with the pheasant.

The aroma from deep frying was strong and rich, it was so fragrant that the “gluttonous bug” in people’s stomachs were about to be hooked out.

As soon as Chi Dahai, Chi Yunhao, and the other entered the door, it was so fragrant that they swallowed their saliva aggressively.

Chi Yunhao said: “What delicious things are Chi Yunchen and the others making again? Why is it so fragrant?”

Chi Dahai’s eldest son, Chi Yuntao, glanced at the kitchen. He frowned and said: “Shall we go have a look and find out?”

With a gloomy face, Chi Dahai took the lead to go to the kitchen.

Upon seeing this, Chi Yunhao and Chi Yuntao quickly followed up.

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In the kitchen, Su Man-er was preparing to put the fried mushrooms into the pot. Unexpectedly, when she turned around, she saw Chi Dahai and the others.

When she saw them, her face fell slightly and a sneer appeared on her face.

She didn’t have to guess to know what these people came for.

Chi Yunchen’s face instantly fell at the arrival of the three men.

He clenched his hands tightly and his eyes were hazy.

And Grandma Chi saw Chi Dahai, the father, and his sons arrive. She couldn’t help but breathe in tautly. Her complexion suddenly became somewhat flustered.

She clenched her fingers and asked uneasily: “Chi Dahai, you came now…What’s the matter?”

Hearing Grandma Chi’s voice, Su Man-er frowned slightly.

Despite everything, Grandma spoke humbly to her son. No wonder why Li Cuihua had the cheek to visit and make trouble normally. As it turns out, Grandma was indulging them!

“Mom, you ate well tonight,” Chi Dahai looked at the unfinished bowl of firewood pheasant on the stove and spoke with a cold face.

Granny Chi’s face was a little stiff, “This…this was all made by Man-er. On the mountain today, Man-er…”

“I say, Grandma, I can’t believe you. You called Qin Sufang, that outsider, to eat. You didn’t call us to eat. Could it be that we can’t compare with that outsider?” Chi Yunhao said unhappily, completely not wanting to hear Grandma Chi say those irrelevant words.

And when he spoke, his eyes were always on Su Man-er.

When he thought of how Su Man-er liked him, he was elated in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to find a chance to talk to Su Man-er today. But to no avail, a friend of his sought him out and took him to town today.

He didn’t come back from town until about six o’clock in the evening.

“Yes, Grandma. You called an outsider to eat, but you didn’t call us. This will make us bitterly disappointed, you know?” Chi Yuntao continued the topic. His eyes fell on the bowl of firewood pheasant and aggressively swallowed his saliva.

The bowl of pheasant looked delicious and his “gluttonous bug” was successfully hooked out.

Listening to Chi Yuntao and the others’ shameless words, Su Man-er smiled.

She turned her head, looked askance at Chi Yuntao and the others, and sneered: “Oh, you still can feel bitterly disappointed? I thought unembarrassed and shameless people like you don’t understand the two words “bitterly disappointed.”

These words made the faces of Chi Yuntao, Chi Dahai, and the other instantly fall.

Chi Dahai opened his mouth, wanting to indignantly rebuke.

However, Su Man-er snorted lightly and said: “In the past, your family often came to my house to make trouble. The things you have done to make my family bitterly disillusioned, were they few? Tut tut, you actually said that we made your family bitterly disillusioned today. Thinking about it, it’s ridiculous!”

Chi Dahai, the father, and his sons: “…”

They were at a loss for words for a moment and instantly turned red.

Because what Su Man-er said was true. Su Man-er’s words hit them hard in the face.

However, after Chi Dahai was at a loss of words for a moment, he angrily rebuked: “How is there a place for you, an outsider, to interrupt the Chi family talk? Get out of my way!”

Su Man-er lightly scoffed.

This Chi Dahai really regarded himself as the main character and even yelled at her.

She wanted to retort, but Chi Yunchen said: “She is my wife! She’s the person who married me! If she is an outsider, Aunt, Dai Qiaoqiao, Sun Siyao are also outsiders and they are not Chi family members!”

Su Man-er raised her eyebrows and took a look at Chi Yunchen.


Her husband said these words well!

Chi Dahai was at a loss for words again.

He ground his teeth hard and his complexion became even worse.

He angrily glared at Chi Yunchen and said unhappily: “That will do, I don’t want to talk to you about this. I came to find my mother!” As he spoke, he turned his eyes and looked at Grandma Chi: “Mom, just say it, are Yuntao, Yunhao, and I close to you, or is Qin Sufang, the outsider, close to you?”

Grandma Chi showed an awkward smile: “Of course it’s you. You are my son. Yuntao and Yunhao are my grandsons, of course you are close to me.”

Before, when Grandma Chi had confronted Li Cuihua, she was terrified. She was even more terrified in the face of her eldest son. After all, in her subconsciousness, if something bad happened at home in the future, she still had to rely on her eldest son. After she died, she still had to rely on her eldest son to carry her memorial tablet.

“Since we are close, why did you call Qin Sufang to eat and not call us to eat? We are separated by a wall. If you wanted to ask us to eat, you just needed to shout once. But you didn’t call. You and Qin Sufang, that outsider, hid here to eat delicious food!” Chi Dahai said word by word, his voice accusing and displeased.

“I…I…I originally wanted to call you, but I…”

“Mom, I’ll forget what happened just now and I won’t bicker with you. I’ll take the remaining pheasant, rabbits, and other goods in the house. At home, Jiayu and Jiaheng smelled the fragrance in your house and they were so gluttonous that they were constantly crying and making noise. I’m taking these back for them to eat.”

As Chi Dahai spoke, he wanted to take the pheasant and rabbits in the corner.

Chi Yuntao rubbed his hands, wanting to take the basket of mushrooms.

However, Su Man-er and Chi Yunchen stopped them at the right time.


Chi Yunchen looked askance at them and said: “Don’t think that you’re going to take away anything from here today!”

His voice was cold as if it came from hell.

Chi Dahai and Chi Yuntao were immediately intimidated.

They blankly looked at Chi Yunchen. They didn’t have the momentum that Chi Yunchen had. That kind of momentum was the kind that naturally noble people would have.

However, after Chi Dahai was stunned for a moment, he said: “Chi Yunchen, who are you being harsh with? I’m your uncle. I’m your uncle! You actually were so harsh to this elder. Do you still have any filial piety? Has your filial piety been eaten by a dog?!” 1

Chi Yunchen’s face was cold: “Uncle? What kind of uncle bullies us like you? What kind of uncle is as shameless as you?”

“You…” Chi Dahai was at a loss for words. His face turned red and his neck swelled. The words in his mouth seemed like they had been blocked with a shell. The words wouldn’t come out.

Su Man-er sneered and ridiculed: “I’ve met shameless people. I’ve never seen people as shameless as you. Just now, you righteously asked Grandma if you or Grandma Qin were more close to her. Tut tut, of course, Grandma Qin is more close. At least Grandma Qin didn’t drop in to rob our things like you. At least Grandma Qin brought a bag of white sugar when she visited. And you? Did you bring anything? Not only did you bring nothing, but you also want to snatch things from us! Tut tut, say it yourself, who is more close?”

Chi Dahai: “…”

His face flushed a deep red. His heart was angry, shocked, and embarrassed.

He raised his hand and wanted to slap Su Man-er’s palm: “Shut up, there’s no place for you to talk here!”

But his palm was intercepted by Chi Yunchen.

Chi Yunchen grabbed his wrist, ruthlessly flung him away, and said: “Get lost! Who allowed you to strut around here? You think this is your home?!”

He had already clearly seen that these people could not be relatives at all! On the contrary, because of their kinship, these people still came again and again to bully his family!

Chi Dahai was flung so fiercely that as soon as he staggered, his body bumped into the sidewall.

He groaned quietly with pain and his face tensed for a split second.

Chi Yuntao and Chi Yunhao rushed to him: “Dad, are you ok?”

Chi Yuntao helped up his father, glared at Chi Yunchen fiercely, and said, “Chi Yunchen, you d*mn bastard, you dare to attack my father. Do you want to die?! Can you believe that I’ll call Second Brother over and we three brothers will kill you?!”

Chi Yuntao was cruel. When he spoke, his tone displayed extreme anger. He really meant that he was going to kill Chi Yunchen.

Grandma Chi and Xiao Wanxiu were both flustered.

Grandma Chi said: “Yuntao, what are you doing by saying this? You are brothers. Brothers should help each other. How can you…”

“Who is his brother? This d*mn bastard is not worthy of being my brother!” Chi Yuntao interrupted Grandma Chi’s words and glared at Chi Yunchen even more fiercely.

Chi Yunchen sneered: “That’s right, we are not brothers! You shameless people are not worthy of being my relatives!”

“You…You really want to die!” As Chi Yuntao spoke, he rushed to Chi Yunchen, trying to beat up Chi Yunchen.

Xiao Jiayue shrieked, scared to the point that he firmly shrank into his mother’s arms.

And Hong Yashan’s face was also pale.

She bit her lip tightly and her face was sad.

In this rural area, the more brothers a family had, the more confident they were. There used to be four brothers in their family. In the past, when her husband and the second son were still here, the family next door never dared to bully them.

However, since her husband and the second son left, the family next door often came to make trouble.

How good would it be if her husband and her second son were still here? If they were still here, Chi Dahai and the others wouldn’t dare to take unfair advantage of people today.

Seeing that Chi Yuntao’s fist was about to hit Chi Yunchen’s face, Chi Yunchen’s face became imposing. He suddenly moved sideways and avoided Chi Yuntao.

Then he stretched out his foot to kick Chi Yuntao hard. Suddenly, Chi Yuntao was kicked to the ground. When he fell to the ground, he made a loud bang.



大伯 was translated as uncle, it specifically refers to a father’s older brother.

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