The Man Who Couldn’t Be Captured

Chapter 8: Chapter 19 (part 2)

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In the past, the Qiao family had had a stable and trustworthy heir to the family. Thus, recognizing an illegitimate child would only have brought conflicts of interest, not at all conducive to the stability of the family and the group. Yet all of a sudden, their heir's brain had suddenly short-circuited for the sake of true love, and he was now running off into some unreliable direction. If she were one of his elders, she would certainly reconsider the matter of his inheritance. What was more, the Qiao family had been slowly declining the past few years. Only thanks to Father Qiao vigorously pushing forward the matter had they been able to marry into the Han family. Father Qiao would never permit the marriage to fall through because of a little white flower who thought that love triumphed over everything.

Furthermore, although his illegitimate child had not been officially recognized, they had still gone to a prestigious school, studied abroad, and received the education of an elite.

A smile touched Han Yanyan's mouth. "Then I wish you good luck."

She turned and made a dashing exit, her high heels clattering on the floor.

Bai Yue bit her lip and watched her go. Hanging her head, she said in a low voice, "I, I don't like her..."

"She's always had a temper. We grew up together as children, so I know her very well. She's really a very nice girl, not an evil one." Qiao Wenxing comforted.

This was not at all what Bai Yue wanted to hear. She had wanted Qiao Wenxing to unite together with her in criticism of his former fiancée. When he didn't, Bai Yue was disappointed.

She looked up and smiled. "Then she must be angry about the engagement. Even though she says she doesn't care, it probably still matters to her. After all, how could she ever find someone else as wonderful as you...?"

She had always been gentle and considerate, and almost worshipfully obedient. It made Qiao Wenxing, whose mother still treated him like a child, feel indomitable.

"I felt guilty about her," she added, "But it seems now that she's just annoyed and doesn't really have feelings for you. It might be good that the engagement was broken off. I hope that one day, just like me, she'll find someone who really loves and cares for her. It's just too tragic for someone to only have money and trade in their thoughts."

Qiao Wenxing took her hand and said, "Let her be. She's always been quick-tempered and indifferent. Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Bai Yue opened up the menu and ordered Qiao Wenxing's favorite dishes.


Her heels clicking on the floor, Han Yanyan walked out of the building imposingly. The people walking beside her unconsciously stepped back, avoiding her path.

At the foot of the steps, her chauffeur opened the door for her and placed his hand at the top of the entrance to the car, so as to prevent his young lady from accidentally hitting her head when getting on. When he closed the door and put his hands on the wheel, he heard his young lady say lazily, "Roasting people sure is nice. It makes one feel so much better afterward."

The driver smiled. "Who was so blind as to provoke you, Miss?"

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Han Yanyan sighed, "Two idiots." Then she asked, "Uncle Chen, is there anywhere to eat nearby? I'm still hungry."

The driver was slightly surprised. He knew that Han Yanyan had come here today to see Young Master Qiao, so how had she left without eating? But this was beyond the scope of his work. He did not pry further, but simply suggested a restaurant Han Yanyan frequented. "Will that do?"

"That will be fine." Han Yanyan gladly agreed. "You've got to have a good meal when you're in a bad mood. If one isn't enough, then two will do."

The driver couldn't help but glance back at her through the rearview mirror. His young lady looked fierce, but was in in fact usually very kind to the staff. Today, however, he felt like there was something different about the Eldest Miss. She sat in the back seat looking through the glass at the evening scenery outside, but it was as if she wasn't really looking at anything, merely in a daze.

The driver noticed that her mouth was taut, and that there was rage coming through her beautiful and bright face.

When he brought his gaze back to the road, he heard Han Yanyan say, "Uncle Chen, book me a plane ticket out tomorrow and a hotel."

"Where do you want to go?" her driver asked.

"You decide. I want it to have sunshine, beaches and plenty of handsome men." Han Yanyan leaned back idly. "I want to relax, take a vacation."

The driver smiled. "Leave it to me."


Han Yanyan flew abroad the very next day. She flew first class to a luxury resort, where they had sunshine, beaches, and handsome men of every skin colour from all over the world.

The robotic voice had told her that this world was her vacation.

Though she herself was not too wealthy in this world, her father was. Han Yanyan felt as though she had been reborn.

It was great to be fair, rich, and beautiful!


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