The Man Who Couldn’t Be Captured

Chương 126: Chapter 79 (part 2)

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Han Yanyan lay there in the pure white space, her spasms gradually slowing.

Her weakness was not entirely fake. She really did feel cold and her body felt soft, as if it were completely powerless. Recalling the needles shot out of the dormant cabin just now, she guessed that Leo had used a large amount of inhibitor on her. Tang Kè had told her that inhibitor was usually used on criminals and prisoners, so it obviously wasn't anything good. They must surely have side effects.

The pure white space suddenly lit up, and then another person appeared. Leo had entered the virtual space personally.

"Hey," he called out to her, frowning as he eyed her lying on the ground.

Han Yanyan opened her eyes slightly, glanced at him, then closed them. Didn't expect to actually get Leo in here. So far so good, she thought. When people interacted face to face, there was much more leeway than when they were separated by keyboard and screen.

Leo frowned, not too willing to step forward.

In fact, he was very reluctant to deal directly with anyone. Most transactions, whether the corpse of a dead person or a departed person's House of the Source, were sent straight to him via transmission technology. When he was done, he sent them back.

When architects came and went, he always had them grabbed by a machine and thrown straight into a hibernation cabin. No architect had ever met him, and all their communication occurred through a screen. This gave him a sense of security and the feeling of having everything under control.

He never met with his clients directly. If he needed anything, he would simply reach out to them through a comm.

The reason why the aide and his men were on board his ship was simple. If you zoomed out to observe from further away, you would find that Leo Parker's strangely-shaped ship, which he regarded as his "home", was surrounded on all sides by dozens of warships!

The aide was not like the others who sent the dead to be resurrected or the deceased to be awakened. He had led the fleet straight here to surround Leo!

Leo had told Han Yanyan that his life also hung in someone else's hands. This was the truth. The attendant had told him that if Duke Kline never woke, Leo Parker would cease to exist.

Han Yanyan lay motionless on the ground, as if dead or in a coma. Leo had no choice but to walk over, crouch down and pat her face. "Hello? Han Yanyan? Hello?"

Her lips moved as if she were whispering something.

"What?" Leo bent down to move his ear closer, but still couldn't make it out.

When he approached, Han Yanyan thought of murder. But not only was she weak and cold right this moment, both he and she were merely bodies formed from consciousness. She suppressed her murderous intent.

"Cold..." she mumbled.

This time Leo heard her clearly. "You're a body made of consciousness, okay?" he said impatiently. "What do you mean, 'cold'? Huh?" As he attempted to pull her up, he found that her body really was cold.

In the moment that he was dazed, Han Yanyan softened into his arms.

"How did this happen?" Leo quickly pulled up a screen.

In this virtual space, although Han Yanyan existed in the form of pure consciousness, one could still simulate the five senses. Her body temperature should have been normal.

Her body being cold meant that her brain was "telling" her that she was cold. So her consciousness had projected this onto her virtual body temperature.

When the screen turned on, a bunch of charts and indices appeared. Han Yanyan's vital signs were not low enough for the system to sound the alarm, but something was indeed wrong.

"Damnit," Leo said, annoyed. "Inhibitor!"

The concentration of inhibitor in the culture medium was sustained at three times the regular amount. Suspended within, Han Yanyan's body was probably as cold as ice. No wonder her conscious body felt "cold".

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"Reduce the concentration to two and a half times - no, two times," he ordered.

The concentration of inhibitor began diluting until it was reduced to twofold. Then it stabilized. Han Yanyan's body temperature began to rise.

Her consciousness also began to recover. Although she still felt cold, she no longer felt like ice. She had also recovered somewhat from the feeling of feebleness.

But she still lay there in Leo's arms, powerless and motionless.

"Hey, you feeling better?" Leo asked as he held her, feeling unspeakably awkward.

Slowly, Han Yanyan opened her eyes to look at the man holding her.

"Le...o?" she asked softly.

"Yes, it's me!" Leo replied nervously. "Are you alright now?"

"You..." she stretched out her hand to him, languid and weak, slow and soft. It seemed as though she was trying to touch his lapel, but her fingertips brushed the exposed skin at his collar.

The chill of her fingertips gave Leo Parker goosebumps. This sort of contact made him extremely uncomfortable.

Han Yanyan gazed at him, the stubbornness of her past all gone. As if she had completely lost hope; as if, after experiencing great pain and resisting desperately only to fail and be suppressed, in the end she had finally despaired.

Huge tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Why... why are you doing this to me?" she wept.

Women could ugly cry or weep beautifully. Han Yanyan had been traveling through the "worlds" for nearly fifty years now, and dealt with all kinds of men. She knew how to look beautiful when she had to.

This woman is a liar! This woman is a liar! This woman is a liar!

Leo repeated to himself over and over again.

He had watched with his own eyes during the monitoring as Han Yanyan tempted and seduced men. She was a swindler who toyed with hearts. One could easily fall into her trap if you weren't careful.

But Leo had to admit that even through the screen, he had watched her with relish. Separated by the screen, he had turned the hatch of the operation cabin opaque and masturbated as she seduced Yao Chen.

But he had never thought about crossing the screen to see her in person.

Although everything here was simulated, be it her body or her face, the system simulated her current form based on data from the monitor scan. What she looked like now was what she looked like after gene therapy.

And as the attendant had said, she was a beauty.

Leo Parker was tongue-tied for a moment. He didn't know how to answer.


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