The Marine Part One

Chapter 16: Chapter 12

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Crouching behind a fruit stall were two boys around the age of ten. One wore a too-large white cowboy hat and a small badge that read [Junior Sheriff], while the other wore a too-small bowler hat and a large badge that read [Junior Deputy].

At first, following Ranse around had been fun, but after being convinced to wear the ‘sidekick’ outfit while simultaneously not doing other than patrol and wait around, Bill asked a bit impatiently: “Ranse, are you sure that ninja is going to strike here?”

As if not hearing the edge to his voice, Ranse answered seriously: “All the signs point here, yeah this is where he’ll strike. When he does just stay behind me, Deputy Ox.”

Hearing Ranse’s upbeat tone, Bill didn’t feel quite as aggravated but asked anyway: “But how exactly do you know the fruit ninja will strike here?”

Peeking his head back over the stalls edge for a second, Ranse then turned around and said: “Haven’t you ever read Wyatt Holliday? This is how he always catches the bad guy. Bad guys are stupid, they always return to the crime scene because they think once they got away it once they can’t be caught! This very stall has had fruits stolen from it every day since I’ve been on the case.

Don’t worry, Deputy, I’m going to show you everything I know.”

“Wait, ‘Wyatt Holliday’?” Bill thought aloud, the strangeness of this world still managed to surprise him.

“That’s right! Wyatt Holliday, the greatest lawman-turn-bounty hunter to ever live.” Ranse replied emphatically.

Now more interested in this character than the supposed fruit ninja, Bill asked: “Well, what’s he famous for and where did you hear of him?”

Ranse: “You’ve never even heard of Wyatt Holliday?!” the boy seemed legitimately surprised before continuing: “I’ve read all of his books so I can tell you. Wyatt Holliday never lost a fight, and he would never shoot a man in the back. One time while going after the Crazy Six Mountain Gang, he took out all eight members while only firing two shots…”

As Ranse went on about the adventures of his idol, Bill couldn’t help but to keep drawing parallels with the stories he knew about as a boy, all of which were just different enough to not be the same exact story.

 “… then there was that time where Wyatt Holliday went after the vicious Rattlesnake Jake, it was then when *rustle rustle* - HUH?!”

Upon hearing the noise both Ranse and Bill shot up from behind the stall, looking quickly left Bill saw small shadow running off, but before he could say anything Ranse let out a yell: “FRUIT NINJA!”

Bounding forward in chase, Ranse let out another yell: “STOP! IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!”

Following close at his heels, Bill let out a: "FREEZE!".

The chase didn’t last long. While not as fast as himself, Bill thought that Ranse and the fruit thief were really praiseworthy. In fact, if he hadn’t worked out as much as he did, he was sure that both would have left him in the dust.

*Huff Huff*

 “Blasted, did you see which way he went Deputy?” Ranse asked while taking in deep breaths.

While Bill had seen exactly which way the kid ran, and probably could have caught up if he really tried to, he didn’t want to take the chase away from the junior lawman.

Plus, a kid stealing a couple of oranges wasn’t something Bill thought needed strong consequences.

Bill: “I think he went down that alley, maybe he jumped the wall and ran through the lumberyard?”

Still breathing heavily Ranse replied: “Yeah that’s a good observation. Down that way is the beach, let’s go around and see if there’re any tracks. The trail is hot, and we’re close now, all my years as a lawman are telling me that.”

Nodding to his suggestion the two jogged around the lumberyard to the beach. As they ran, Ranse looked over his shoulder and said: “Deputy, *huff huff* when we corner the suspect let me act. You’ve done a good job *huff huff* after we’re done this case, you can join as a full-time Junior Deputy, until then *huff huff* let the professionals take the risks.”

Nodding in affirmation Bill added: “Ok I got your back!”

As the two got to the beach they found clear trails going off in the distance. Bill had to give it to the fruit thief, who it was, they were fast.

Looking excitedly at the direction of the tracks Ranse said: “Look! They ran to those rocks, that must be where the secret hideout is!”

Nodding again to this, Bill looked at the sky: “Yeah there’s probably a fort somewhere over there, but it’s getting late, and I have to go home.”

Ranse: “Deputy?! We’re so close now, you can’t just leave!”

Although he also wanted to see the ninja’s base, Bill knew he had to be home by dinner and so said: “I really have to go, I have to be home by dinner and I’m already going to have to run all the way home in order to make it…

But hey, how about tomorrow we meet back up at the stall? Like you said, bad guys are dumb, this ninja will probably be back around the same time. He only got away today because we were talking. So tomorrow we can directly catch him in front of the stall, have him apologize to the shopkeeper, and then we can search his base!”

Still looking unhappy, but a little cooled off, Ranse asked: “Where do you live that you have to run to make it home by dinner?”

Bill: “I live on base.”

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Ranse: “Oh, so that’s why I never seen you before… how long are you going to be here?” he asked warily.

Bill: “My dad is permanently stationed at the base, or at least, I’ve lived on base my whole life. Today was the first day I was allowed to go so far out. Which is why I really can’t be late going home. My mom probably wouldn’t let me come back.”

To this Ranse shrugged his should and said: “Ok then, but tomorrow you’re definitely coming back?”

Pointing to his chest and then to Ranse’s, Bill let out a laugh and said: “Until we catch this fruit ninja, as your deputy I have to have your back! Ok, so I’ll meet you at the fruit stand tomorrow?”

Ranse: “Ok, I’ll see you there at high noon!”

With that Bill turned and ran full speed to get home. He had spent most of his day playing lawman with Ranse, who knew the boy wasn’t just pretending about the ninja? He thought to himself.

Making it home just as dinner was being set out by his nanny, he greeted the family: “Whew, made it just in time!”

Looking at Bill who was still wearing the too-small bowler hat and large [Junior Deputy] badge, Ms. Angie asked: “Did you have fun today?”

Bill: “Yeah, the town was cool, I got to see one of the rainbow trees get sawed up. It’s neat how the inside of the tree isn’t as colorful as the outside.” He said, recounting what he had done before meeting Ranse.

Dina: “Where did you those?” his mother asked, looking at his new accessories.

Reaching for his plate, Bill answered dutifully: “I met a boy named Ranse McGrew and borrowed these as we were playing.”

As they began eating Bill told his mom and nanny all about Ranse being a ‘lawman’ and the fruit ninja. Both women showed interest in his day and surprised Bill by telling him that the towns sheriff last name was also McGrew.

Bill: “By the way, what would happen to this kid if the actual sheriff caught him?”

“Hmm” Ms. Angie thought for a second before replying: “Here in Vallipo, the kid would probably be forced to apologize and depending on the shopkeeper his parents would have to pay for the fruit.”

Bill: “But what if his parents couldn’t pay?”

Ms. Angie: “Despite it’s rustic look, Vallipo is a wealthy island. I can’t imagine anyone on this island being unable to pay for fruit.”

Bill: “But I mean, what if they just couldn’t, no matter what?”

It was after this insistence that his mother answered: “Then the boy would join the Marines and any attitude would be properly adjusted.”

Bill: “I see, and what if it was an adult thief?”

Ms. Angie: “That would be depending on the island or kingdom. Larger kingdoms have chain gangs, and a smaller island would probably sell the thief’s debt to a merchant and then seized into service onboard a trade ship.”

Bill had indeed spent time looking through the cases at Headquarters, but those cases nearly all involved piracy or other shipping hazards. The Marines didn’t usually interfere with petty criminals and simply didn’t have the authority to in regard to the allied World Government kingdoms.

So, to this news of forced service, Bill asked: “Wait, there’s impressment? But what stops them from just running away from the boat?”

By now dinner had ended and the three were just talking at the table. When Bill asked about impressment his mother and Ms. Angie shared a look before his mother answered: “Son, if the criminal was skilled or powerful then they wouldn’t have committed a petty crime. Since they are not skilled or powerful, there is no where to run. They get on the ship or get on the ocean.” She said matter-of-factly.

Ms. Angie: “And trust me, given the option, they will get on the ship.”

Bill: “So unskilled and weak people are forced to work on ships if they commit minor crimes, but what about skilled or strong people?” he asked, still interested in how the law worked in such a world as this.

Ms. Angie: “It depends on the crime and varies depending on the criminal but generally a powerful person would be executed, and a really powerful person would be imprisoned for life.”

Thinking back to when his dad had thrown the giant Rear Admiral, surely that would qualify as ‘really powerful’ so why would such a dangerous person be put in jail while a less dangerous person be executed?

Bill: “Why imprison very strong people but not normally strong ones?”

Dina: “Because those who possess true strength must be accounted for.” She said while standing up.

On her queue Ms. Angie also stood up and started picking up the plates, looking at the still-thinking Bill she said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I’m sure your fruit ninja won’t cause you or the junior sheriff any problems. If they do” she said with a smile, wink, and low voice “I’ll beat them up!”

With that in mind Bill got up from the table, got ready for bed early, all while not being sure if he wanted this fruit ninja kid to be skilled or unskilled.

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