The Marshal’s Wife is The Real Boss

Chapter 1: Out

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Translated by Frozenmirage


A loud explosion sounded from a certain mountain. The whole mountain shook, the birds fled in shock, and some small animals closest to the cave were knocked unconscious by the force.

The boulder that blocked the cave entrance exploded to pieces. A golden light flashed from inside, running to the top of the mountain at a very fast speed.


The golden light landed on a clearing, the impact made the surrounding rocks shake. 

Its legs sank deep into the ground, and it took a long time for the golden light on its body to disperse, revealing a naked young man.

The man slowly opened his eyes. A ray of light shot out from his eyes, hitting the tree trunk on the opposite side with precision. The big tree with a diameter of five people forming a circle, was broken from the middle and collapsed with a loud crash.

Zhou You was stunned for a while, then quickly blinked his eyes, restraining his inner strength1. The scene in front of him gradually became clear. 

It was an unusually lush forest. The tall trees were more than ten meters high, with lush branches and leaves, obscuring the sky and the sun.

He looked down at his feet and pulled them out with all his strength. He then slammed his hands out and destroyed all the vegetation within ten meters in front of him.

Zhou You raised his palm and exclaimed, “Wow! After breaking through the fifth layer of the Taiyi Heart Sutra, it feels so powerful!

“It’s not in vain to spend ten years in seclusion in this mountain cave. It’s just a pity I didn’t have the second volume of the book. Otherwise I will be able to break through the ninth layer in one go.

“Then, wouldn’t I be invincible to cultivate all the nine layers in one breath?”

Zhou You stretched his waist, his bones made a rattling sound. He let out a long whistle comfortably, and the surrounding beasts responded one after another, resounding through the sky, making Zhou You laugh out loud. 

“It’s been ten years. I wonder what earth looks like now.” 

A circumstance forced Zhou You to go up the mountain and escape by hiding in a cave. Later, a huge boulder sealed the cave entrance due to an earthquake. 

He thought he would die.

But he didn’t expect that the secret cultivation book given by a beggar, that he kept in his backpack, could be practiced. 

It took him three months to complete the first layer, before he diligently dug a passage out. 

For some reason, the number of animals in the mountain suddenly increased, and they were extremely fierce, even a hare would attack when it encountered any living thing.

He couldn’t get out of the mountain alone, so he had to retreat into the cave, at least he had a place to take refuge.

He completed the Taiyi Heart Sutra practice for ten years. In this decade, perhaps, the world outside had already turned upside down.

In those years, because of a virus infection all over the world, the human order collapsed. Countries had resorted to every possible means to seize resources, resulting in countless people dying in the war.


His country was the last country forced to participate in the war. He led a secret mission to the south to hunt down spies. Unexpectedly, there were so many people on the other side that it seemed to be a large-scale organization den. 

His actions were exposed, and he was besieged by a group of people. He escaped to this mountain and in the end, did not know what happened to his country .

He jumped and climbed up a big tree, reaching the tree top in three steps. Surrounded by mountains and forest, as if he was in a green ocean.

“Hey, what happened? I remember that there weren’t so many mountains near this mountain back then. Isn’t there a small town nearby?” 

He swept around three hundred and sixty degrees, not to mention the small town, he couldn’t even see a single building.

“I didn’t run very far that time.”

His five senses were very sensitive now. He could see a bird’s nest in a tree thousands of meters away, and could hear the roars of various animals, but he couldn’t hear any human voices.

“Did I transmigrate to another world? Or is the end of the world coming and mankind is extinct?”

Thinking of the latter possibility, he was scared out of his wits and almost fell from the top of the tree. If human beings were really extinct, would he still have the courage to live alone on earth?

“No, it won’t happen, human beings are strong, they can’t be extinct. A virus, it’s impossible to wipe all human beings. Maybe the terrain has changed and this area has become a no man’s land.”

A cold wind blew. Zhou You was shocked to realize that his clothes had long since become tattered, and there was nothing useful in his backpack. 

He had to find the town as soon as possible, otherwise he would have to become a savage.


A high-pitched bird sound interrupted Zhou You’s train of thought. 

When he looked up, he saw a giant white bird flying over from a distance at high speed, its wings spread ten meters. A pair of scarlet eyes staring at him, it was obvious who its target was.

“Gosh, what kind of bird is this? Birds nowadays grow this big?”

Zhou You felt complacent of his own skill, but at this moment when he was distracted, the giant bird flapped its wings, a hurricane blew him down from the top of the tree, then he fell.


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The giant bird swooped down and Zhou You didn’t dare to be careless. He broke a long branch and swung towards it.

The giant bird didn’t hide from the attack, and the sharp feathers directly cut the branch into several sections.

“Fuck! This is not normal, are the feathers made of iron?”

Zhou You quickly shuttled through the dense forest. The dense forest restricted the giant bird’s speed. However, all the vegetation was destroyed where it passed, and the top of the mountain was soon bald. 

“If it goes on like this, it will attract other fierce beasts in the forest. If I meet a group, I will die.”

Moreover, after so many years of cultivation, it was time to test the results.

Zhouyou stopped, turned around and took a deep breath, “Come on, let’s see who is stronger!”

He opened his hands, his palms shone with golden light, and the broken wood and stones on the ground rose up and smashed towards the giant bird at fast speed.

The giant bird sent out a strange cry, flapped its wings a few times, and the hurricane swept away most of the attack, and the rest was destroyed by its sharp claws.

Zhou You saw the bird’s claws glowed with metallic light. This quality was absolutely impossible to appear on a bird ten years ago. Once caught, the consequences could be imagined.

“A monster bird? So this is really another world?”

Zhou You didn’t dare to be careless. His weapon was only an army knife left in his backpack. With the knife, he continued to fight with the giant bird. 

In this situation, he could only rely on the terrain to avoid its attack.

The giant bird had limited patience, and had probably never seen such a difficult prey before. It let out a violent chirp and threw a big tree around with its claws.

Zhou You jumped up with his inner strength, grabbed a vine and used his strength to jump out of the attack range, turned over and stood on the branch, his eyes gradually becoming cold.

There were no big trees around, and the giant bird swooped down excitedly.

Good timing.

With a sudden jump, Zhou You leaped several meters onto its back. He quickly wrapped the vine around the bird’s neck with both hands and tightened it.


“I didn’t expect this bird to have hard feathers. No wonder it doesn’t hurt when smashed with rocks. Is this still a bird?”

The giant bird flew high into the sky, trying to throw the human on its back, and Zhou You exerted more energy on the vine.

However, the vine was limited in length and was quickly uprooted.

Zhou You did not dare to let the bird continue to fly high, otherwise even if it was solved, he would fall to death.

When it rolled over and turned its back down, Zhou You immediately climbed onto its belly.

As he had guessed, the feathers on the belly of the giant bird were still soft. He injected inner strength into the army knife and stab!

Blood spurted out, the giant bird let out a scream in pain and its wings flapped even more rapidly. The strong wind made it difficult for Zhou You to open his eyes.

He held the army knife tightly, and when his body was almost thrown away, he slashed the belly with all his force and sent a large amount of inner strength into the bird’s body, shattering its internal organs and blood vessels.

The blood sprayed, drenching Zhou You’s face.

His body accelerated to fall. When he was about to hit the ground, he adjusted his breathing and stood upright, lightly tapped his toes on the tree canopy, and the body flew out lightly to another tree. 

After several times, he landed on the ground. The dead body of the giant bird fell behind him, making the ground shake.

Zhou You waited for a few minutes before stepping forward to inspect the giant bird’s body. 

Looking closely, the bird looked a bit like an enlarged and upgraded version of a vulture. The two claws were sickle-shaped, but the sharpness was absolutely equal to the army knife on his hand.

The feathers around the wings were the sharpest. Zhou You saw these feathers easily cut off the branches.

Zhou You patiently pulled out those feathers, counted them, a total of 108, and tried to control them with his inner strength.

It was much easier than controlling rocks and woods, and it was similar to a small flying knife array.

“Thank you, Brother Bird. I’ll kindly accept these feathers. In return, I will not eat your meat.” 

Zhou You licked his lips. He has not eaten meat for ten years. Inside the cave, there were several fruit trees, he relied on these fruits to fill his stomach all these years.

After he broke through the third layer of Taiyi Heart Sutra, his need for food became less and less. Now even if he lived without food for a month, he would not feel hungry. 

However, human desire for food wouldn’t stop him from eating just because he didn’t feel hungry. What he wanted the most was to have a feast of Chinese dishes.

Zhou You chose a direction to go down the mountain. He didn’t know which direction was the closest to the place where people lived. He could only go all the way north. 

He still had to go home to have a look. He had no contact with his family for ten years and did not know how his family was now.



refers to the conscious control of the practitioner’s qi, or “life energy”, to gain advantages in combat

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