The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 10: The Meduza

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[A Mythical creatures originating from folklore.]

[Not much is known about this creature except that it live 'i the sea near the ethiopian abyss, or 'i the western ocean]

[However the poison emitting from the snake's is that of a dragon's venom.] 

[As thou hast notice, one drop of that poison, thou almost died.]


[A bite from one of 'em, thou would not e'en hast a corporal agent to discover] 

"God, What kind of speech is that. I can't even understand a single thing."

[With those snakes, thou won't e'en be able to hie near her pate.]

"Pate? What even is a pate."

[It means head.]

"Oh. Wai_"

[Weave right now.]

I did as I was told. Just then the rock beside me got smashed entirely up.

I could have died if not for the voice. I turned at look to the left. The snake from the tail was staring at me.

" I found youu.."

[Grab the Spear and thrust forward as hard as possible, the moment the snake launch itself.]

I clench tightly and readied myself.

As the snake coil itself up and using it's tail, it launches off, with it's fangs opened.

I take a quick breathe and point forward.




The tail snake got pierced from it's mouth through the back of it's head.

"Hey what's up with those [Stab], [Criticial] thingy."

[Thee lack to worry about it, it shall be useful thee.]

[Stab]-[Critical Strike]=[Failure] [Link not active]

[Looks like thou art still unsinew'd to try this yet.]

"What?? Whatever, help me now!"

The Meduza continues to use its legs/snake's to strike.

[The Meduza is oft known as deity of deception.]

[The size of meduza shouldn't be this big, eating those spirit animals might not but hast granted her moe power.]

[Thou want to pass through all these snakes and land a decisive blow.]

"Easier said then done."

I was just barely getting by avoiding the snakes one by one, it wants me to avoid all of them at the same time?

I'm also exhausted just from dodging left and right but it still expect me to land a decisive blow?

[Thou are wasting too much energy, there's a pattern to her attacks.]

After listening to advise, I retreated all the way back to the walls.

[Her front 2 legs are aye the one attacking first, use that to thy advantage.] 

"How do I proceed in?"

[use thy favourite, bob and weave.]

Like a coach instructing his boxer on what to do in the ring.

I dashed in slipping and weaving all the incoming strike.

One of the snaked came from below unexpectedly.

I reacted accordingly, stepping out, and throwing a 

[Left Body Hook].

However instead of a hook, it was the spear, as I attempt the cut the head of the snake's off. 

By swinging the spear upwards in the same direction as how a Boxer's Left Body blow works. I attempt to slice it off with a single swing.


However with the snake's leg as thick as that of a elephant's feel. It could only cut half way through the flesh.

Suddenly. A sound was heard.

[Left Body Hook]-[Cleave]=[Left Body Cleave]

My spearhead suddenly glowed and ___


One of the Leg Snake's was in the air.

"A Chance." I dashed in without hesitation.

One of the snake grabbed me by coiling me around and starts crushing me.

"Arfghhhh!" I yelled, gritting my teeth.

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"You little rat. I got you now. I'm going to slowly make sure you wish you were dea___ARGHHHH!!!"

As the snake brought me close to the face of the Meduza, I poured all my upper strength aiming her eye.


The snake that was hold me let loose as I maneuver my way to the face of the Meduza.

As I approach it, I asked it:

"How do I finish her in one shot."

[Leave it to me]


Copy Target's Skill, regardless passive or active. 

Skill can be used on the same target with the same skill multiple time. However execution of said skill can only be used one.

Usage: 1/1 -----> Usage: 0/1

Still confused by the weird game sound effect, I aimed my spear at the Meduza.

Flashes of image suddenly appeared in my brain.

What I saw inside the image, was a Guandao.

The Guandao was being used by someone.

Every time it swings, every time it was being used to stab. It always have a sense of elegance in it. 

I observed the Footwork of the said practitioner that was using the Guandao and inspect how did he place his foot and draw his weapon out so fast.

The one holding that said Guandao, is none other the Leader of the guards.  

I still remembered the effects of the technique used by him. If it weren't for the gloves, I wouldn't be here fighting another flipping monster.

"Using the skill of someone who almost killed me with it. It's really in a bad taste."

But in this case I don't really have a choice.

Coming back to my senses.

I dig my back foot, drilling it to the ground.

I lift the back of the polearm a little and pull it backwards.

Lifting the spear in a horizontal position, I start pouring power on the front foot and start piercing.

[Advance Spear Skill - Vital Strike]

1 strike becomes 2 strikes.

2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8.

8 becomes 16, the strikes multiplies as long as the user has sufficient energy to continue. 

Status ailment: Bleeding

Usage: 1/1 -----> Usage: 0/1

The piercing shot started ripping the Meduza's face off, additionally Meduza was bleeding non-stop.

"Aieeeeeeghhh. Stop it, stop it, stop it....."

As I stopped my attack. 

The Meduza reverted back to her mermaid looking form and pleaded with me.

"Please oh strong one, let me go. I will never hurt another being in my life again."

As she saying that. The voice briefly warns me.

[Behind thou.]

"I know."

Instinctively, I jumped sideways.

Not to my surprise, a snake tried to bit me.

I grinned at the Meduza. 


Her speech got cut off. 

There was spear piercing from her head to the bottom of her neck.

Making sure that the b*stard was dead. I proceed to stab it a few more time making sure she wouldn't get up. I picked up the head of the tails snake with me as well.

From there. After a good 5-10 minute of a break. I force myself up, and carried one of the missing student back. 

Before leaving there was necklace right beside one of the students. It looked like it could be opened.

I took it with me just in case.

Having been exhausted. I dragged my body to where I last saw Sab and Trek.

Looks like Sab really had been waiting for me. I threw the snake's head at him. And passed him the necklace.

Sab starts tearing up and crying out thank you repeatedly for me.

Trek who is now awoke, thanked me and expained:

"Sab gave that necklace to our mother. It contains a picture of her inside. Thank you."

I sat at the spot and told them, there were still 3 bodies back there.

Sab and Trek told me not to worry, they will bring a cart over to bring them out.

With those words, I lay down, closing my eyes and rest.

[Good job child, thou deserve to rest.]

Hearing those words, I drifted off to dreamland.

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