The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 107: Daily Routine in Elderwinn

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As the investigation continued, Red continued his daily routines of teaching his students as well as training in the ways of the mages. This was the daily routine of how he spent his time at Elderwinn Academy.

In the morning, he starts his training by running around the academy and into the enchanted forest. With the forest filled with many different types of magical creatures as well as dangerous creatures, he took it as a challenge to fight any one of them that came across his path. Though he doesn't kill the creatures and instead left them there so that they can challenge him again the next time he passes by the forest path.

After that was breakfast. While he collects his food, he made his way to Irene and sat opposite her.

Changing his mask to that suitable for eating, with the help of Ryong, the mask turned into a half-mask, one that exposes his mouth so that he could eat.


"I know what you want to ask."

"You do?"

"He is my biological brother."

"Even though___"

"Even though we are complete opposites."

"Hmm," Red ponders before finishing the last bite of his bacon. As he got up from his seat to grab his cutlery, Irene muttered something under her breath, as if it was on purpose masking what she was saying. But Red heard it.

"...Take care of him, will you?"

He smiled before leaving to return his canteen tray.

As he finishes his breakfast, Red continues his lessons with Ryong to have further control over his mana. As previously explained by Irene, the mana here flows very differently compared to that in the magicless word.

Raw and untamed, the mana in the surrounding has a very dense volume. Seemingly like a fume in the air, with a spark of flame, everything can explode at any time. The spark of flame here is the Spell Chants. With a quick chant of a spell, anyone can evoke magic so long they have Mana in their bodies.

While in magicis Mundi, the magicless world, the mana in the air is almost non-existence making it harder for people to develop mana in their bodies. Thus, that's the reason why there are no mages in this world as magic couldn't be detected by science after all. Though rare, some people did manage to develop mana.

Though the main training currently was for Red to expand his mana capacity, Ryong had a different idea.

[Continue thou's breathing and absorb the mana in. From there, slowly flow it into your heart.]

As Red listens and tries, however, he was only able to continue the flow of the mana halfway before it

kind of disappeared to the rest of his body. He was only able to flow it through his heart once or twice.

Still, he didn't give up and continued his self-training until mid-afternoon.

Then it was time for lessons.

A class with a total of 9 students. It was a relatively small class, making it easier to focus on each student's weaknesses. There were a couple of them that stood out to him.


[Red's POV]

Starting with Zenith. Being one of the more aggressive mages, he fights using his bare hands, equipping only a gauntlet that charges up along with magic. Using mainly wind-element magic, he has an explosive nature, making his attacks more destructive than the rest, blowing and ripping anything that gets in his way. However, that's also his downfall due to his inability to control his strength as well as his form. On top of that, he sucks at fighting fundamentally, being the kind of idiot who charges without thinking.

Next would be Eve. As knowledgeable as she is. She is well-versed in magic theory, which expanded her arsenal, filled with many different spells. Her main source of equipment would be using her staff to evoke her spells. Maybe because of her staff, the power behind every spell is amplified, making it more powerful. However, that's it. She knows too much but panics when it comes to fighting against her opponent. She also has the habit of closing her eyes when she evoked her spells.

The last would be Riri. Riri excels at remaining calm and composed when she is struck by a difficult situation. Using her wand as her weapon and Earth-element being her strongest suit, she would often use her quick wit and thinking to expose her opponent's weakness and strike by then. However, what she lacks currently is the magic power needed to finish the job. This caused her to lose in most of her sparring sessions as she didn't have enough power to finish off her opponent.

The rest of the class, however, still needs time to continue training themselves.

Shirley lacks knowledge of magic theory, limiting her arsenal and making it hard for her to find the right spell to use against her opponents. However, she has the best accuracy out of all her peers and fires all her spells without missing a single time.

Renne tends to be too protective to the point where she only learns defensive spells. This makes her tough as she acts like an immovable fortress, staying in one spot and tanking hits. but because of this, she would always appear more like a training dummy for the rest to throw their spells at, and when she runs out of mana, she would be defenseless.

Ava, on the other hand, had a good foundation in both offensive and defensive spells, with fire magic being her strong suit. However, like a flame that was extinguished once, she loses her confidence every time she faces an opponent in front of her.

Next, Trevor is a good strategist when it comes to deploying people to attack. Using his leadership and the ability to look far ahead, he manages to execute his attacks well with the help of his teammates, giving me a hard time following their movements. However, when it comes to fighting 1 on 1, with none of his teammates around. It was harder for him to land an attack since he lacked the firepower as well as the stamina to last long in a fight.

While Grace...She is merely not interested in the class. She has always been near Eve and has been with her at every moment. Using a sword and shield as her weapon, she fights at a close distance against her opponents, and from what I noticed, she has an excellent foundation and great strength. But for some reason, when sparring against her opponent, she would always either lose on purpose or draw out her fight until the time limit is up. It's as if she was intentionally hiding her strength. 

Lastly, Desmond. Truth be told. He's bad at everything. Physically and mentally. So far, he had lost all his matches. Ava, who has lost her confidence when having an opponent in front of her, beat him with her eyes closed. Grace, who tried to prolong the match, by stalling time, couldn't even do it due to how tremendously bad he was at controlling his spells. He manages to miss all of his spells, making it hard for her to act. In the end, she had to knock him out with her shield. The difference between him and Irene was similar to heaven and hell. However, the kid never gives up and continues to push himself, making it more worthwhile teaching him.

As the day passed, the next morning came, and I had my breakfast with Irene again. The same routine began as I munch the sunny side-up off my plate when she dropped the news bomb for me.

"The academy's annual Magicae Festival is held in 3 weeks, are your students ready?"

With a scrap of egg white in my mouth, I chewed on my food before replying, "Huh?"

"Every year, the academy conducts a tournament for the students to battle each other out so that they can gauge their skill level. Participating in it is optional, but it will provide a good career path for them as the audience that is watching the matches are prospective investors/recruiters that would be there to scout the students. But as a teacher, if not a single one of your students are participating in the event, you might lose your job."

"Wait how is that fair for us?"

"It's how things work around here, especially for Combat Instructor. Without a single one of your students participating, there is no other way you could show the progress of your student's growth other than in combat."

You are reading story The Mask delivered to me at

- Gulp.

"Oh, and you can't force a student to participate, this information is to be kept with the faculty members at all times. If the students found out from you, you will be kicked out immediately as well.", Irene explained without betting an eye while she continues focusing on the floating newspaper.

Now what. If I'm fired here and return to school, my results definitely be a fail for the semester. Worse, it would leave a stain of bad record on my resume. 

As I sat there in silence, Irene got up and pat my back, giving me a pity look.

"Good Luck."



In the dark corners of London, silhouettes of shadow gather in the alleyway as piles of bodies can be found lying around, disembodied, and disfigured.

"The plans start in 3 weeks, I assume all of you know your role?"

One of the larger shadow silhouettes who was chewing on something replied, "Are you sure you can maintain your role in the first place? You ARE talking about a place that is a myth.

A smaller figure appears and speaks, "Fool, how dare you speak to my liege in this manner. The plans will work. We have already garnered the attention of vampire royalty. We are left with just one step."

"But how is gathering all of the vampires in one spot going to change anythi___"


A lady who happened to stumble upon the gruesome sight screams and falls on the ground as her legs gave out on her.

A man stood out from where he was as he walked toward the lady. With every step he takes, his footsteps echoed through the streets as he stood directly in front of the lady.

From the pocket of his coat, he took out his wand, pointing it at the unexpected passers-by.

[Medusa's gaze]

A green flare appeared from the tip of the wand, as the lady's facial features started changing. Her entire body structure changed from flesh to stone as it started from the bottom of her feet, which slowly spreads up to her head, with a single drop of tear flowing out of her eye that turned into a stone. All that was left was a statue of the lady.

"I will not repeat myself anymore," the man replied before flicking his finger at the forehead of the statue, toppling it to the ground as the weight of the statue smashed the statue, breaking it into pieces.

The rest of the silhouettes watched in silence as the man took another object out of his pocket.

"This will be our target so keep your eyes opened."

The photo thus depicts a picture of Eve Orean.

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