The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 109: Moran got what he deserve

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After deflecting the trajectory of the spell in another direction, Red brushed the dust off his shoulder before shrugging his shoulder. Even with his mask on, it wasn't hard for his students to guess what their teacher's expression was. Their mind all unified to answer:

'He's enjoying this...'

Alastor who was rolling on the ground stained his shiny robe and suit while struggling to get up. His mouth filled with blood, making it hard for him to breathe.

As he lifts himself with all his might, he clings onto one of his students and stares directly at me while he points his wand at his mouth, evoking another spell. Greenlight spewed out from his wand, with the light surrounding his mouth as his breathing stabilized and returned to normal.

"You...filthy peasant." he wipes the blood off his mouth as he spits again in the training ground. 

"You... Clean that up before I make sure your tongued is cleanly bit off." Red warns as he stares at the bloody spit that was defiling his teaching ground. 

'That Son of a bitch dirtied my space again.' was wahy was going through Red's mind. Though the training ground was a clean grass patch, it was annoying to see something dirty appeared out of nowhere. It was annoying to look at.

As the students watched the exchange between their mentors in silence, everyone could tell that Alastor was getting looked down on by the peasant he always look down on.

A vein popped out from his head as he tries to rectify the situation in his favor. But Red was not having any of it.

"Do you know how much troub____"

"Yada Yada Yada, do you know that you sound like D*nald Duck when he's mad?"

"You dare compare me to a duck? You insignifica___"

"Yeesh, man acts like a man-child. Do you want to tattle to the headmaster? I could accompany you if you need help pronouncing some words."

There were mumbles and giggles heard from the crowd as the students tried to suppress their laughter, afraid that things might escalate.

"THAT'S IT!" Alastor's face was red with anguish that he took his wand out and blasted multiple spells toward Red.

Though it wasn't an issue, to begin with as all Red had to do was stand at a different angle since all the spells were disoriented and his students were at a safe distance away.

Next, all he had to do was either slap the spell or whack the spells away, since all the spells launched were projectile type.

To do this, he clad his hands with Mana and just started slapping them away like flies.


[Mana Armament]

Armament Spell

Clad mana in the user's selected body parts to deal with the nature of the mana flow.

With immense training, one would be able to dissect and temper the nature of mana due to high exposure to mana sensitivity.

Status Effect: None

Magic Requirement: 1st Magic Circle 

Mana Consumption: Light


"What?!" was what Alastor exclaimed while in shock at how his spells were treated like mere flies disturbing him. Because he was so engrossed by the fact of what happened, he was unaware that Red was already on his right, throwing a roundhouse kick at full force.

However, thanks to his student suddenly warning him that he was able to react to Red's attack.

In that short period, Alastor was able to conjure a [Magic shield] to protect himself.

'He wasn't a Scholar rank mage for nothing.'

Was what went through Red's head when he saw the shield up. Unluckily for Alastor, [Mana Armament] works on his legs just as well.

Thus, with the [Right Roundhouse Kick] swinging at full force armed with mana, it managed to slice through the magic shield like butter.


Without getting a word in, a fist appeared landing on Alastor's face at full force, sending him flying in mid-air for at least 2 seconds before falling.

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Everyone present in the room, had their eyes widened as big as a plate when the professor who was known to be an extreme elitist was being treated like a rag, no less by a professor who was a peasant. Even worse, the professor was a newly appointed professor that joined less than a month ago.


"Yeesh, you overreact at everything," Red said while standing over Alastor shrugging and wiggling his shoulder while looking at his passed-out expression.

Though unknown to Red, his students who were watching very closely each one of his movements were focused and alert. It seems like this fight itself might have ignited a spark of flames in their eyes as seeing how their mentor beat up a high-status figure with no recourse nor care for consequence, made it seem like he lives by his own rules. It was refreshing and dazzling for them.

As Red finishes his onslaught on Alastor. He turned his head over to Alastor's student. With a glare, it was pretty much a signal for them to scram. They all left in a hurry except one. A Red-haired boy was staring straight at Zenith. The two locked eyes and had an exchange before he left quietly.

Now the only thing left out of place is Professor Alastor, who was knocked out. 

'Crap, what do I do now?'

One of the most important rules as staff of the academy is that without permission from the headmaster, one should not be allowed to duel the other faculty members. The main reason is, it might put the students in danger. Thus, those that do get caught dueling would tend to be fired or suffer a heavy punishment imposed on them. However, those with nobility status tend to get away because of their family's influence, so it was hard for the commoner to get any justice if they are mistreated.

Scratching his head in annoyance, Red lets out a heavy sigh before deciding to face the issue directly.

"Class. Settle your training by yourself today. I have to settle some issues at hand." As Red finishes that sentence. dragging Alastor by his feet, he dragged him away from the training ground, pulling him to the headmaster's office. On the way back, he chose to purposely drag Alastor's face across the spit that he spat on the ground earlier on as revenge for defiling his teaching ground. The disrespect the noble got for messing with the wrong person is high!

The students thus had another united thought together once again:

'Professor Jenkins holds a deep grudge...'


News of Professor Jenkins's violent tendency spread through the academy like wildfire, garnering the attention of everyone in it. Be it a fellow faculty member of the academy or the students. Talks of Cedrick Jenkins beating up Alastor Moran were quite the talk of the day. Rumors of how Cedrick Jenkins spread:

- He probably cheated and planted some sort of trap spells.

- I don't think so. He did fight with Mr. Edmund. Not only did he win, but Mr. Edmund was the one who recommended him.

- Maybe he used black magic?

- You never know... They are many weird things out there.

Those who were in the actual event kept their mouth shut. 

No one dared to tell their classmates and friends anything. Even if they did tell them, no one would believe them. It might make them look like fools.

How could the students believe that THE professor Alastor was knocked out by a simple punch?

Additionally, when the professor with a mask turned and faced Alastor's student. He emitted a presence that caused them to tremble and shake in fear. What they didn't know was that that was their first experience encountering someone with bloodlust. So they vow not to mess with anything that is connected to that masked outsider.

Thus who know the truth, chose to keep it a secret whereas those who don't know the full story, continue to spread the fame of Professor Cedrick Jenkins.


Elsewhere, in a certain room, a meeting was held to discuss the dispute between Cedrick Jenkins and Alastor Maron. The said room was in a court setting where the defendant are to stand trial for any crimes committed on the grounds of the academy.

Most of the academy's high authority figures were already seated in the rows, with the victim sitting beside the authoritative figures while the defendant would be standing against all of them.

There were even some murmurs about why he was wearing a mask. How do they know if that was him or someone else taking the fall for him? 

Alastor was seen sitting beside the high authoritative figures. Looks like the punch did a lot of damage to him than he thought, given that his face was fully bandaged up, only leaving 2 eyes holes. Either that or he was trying to earn sympathy points from the audience. Before the trial started, Alastor could be seen talking to one of the authoritative figures secretly, directly to his ears. 

Looks like bribery still existed in this area huh, was what was going through Red's mind.

With the headmaster being the last one to arrive, everyone else settled down and waited for him to start the conduct.

After the headmaster settled down, he started the conduct with an opening statement.

"Professor Jenkins. Do you plead guilty to conducting an assault against Professor Maron?"

Red stood there silently. With his mask on, no one could read his expression.

With a deep sigh, he lifts his head staring at the audience.

"I will do it again for free."

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