The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 44: The Snake Temple

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Heading forward the next few days, had just been training. We travelled the continents hunting monsters and helping people on the way.

I asked Kin___Master Darius is there a destination we have in mind, he said yeap just forward to the North-West Direction.

One of the request was to subdue a band of bandits located in the forest. Master Darius went ahead and took a nap in the forest front entrance while asking me to go settle it myself. I sighed and entered. Within the forest, I tracked and around 9 of them waiting to ambush. But they were a little sloppy with print marks visible everywhere. Also they had been releasing bloodlust due to the sight Master Darius sleeping comfortably on the ground, shaking his leg.

"They must have felt annoyed, huh."

[Well he does have a talent to pissed people off.]

I readied myself in a lower stance, preparing to infiltrate. Oh, my spear and Sword were ego weapons. Apparently they had a mind of their own and grow stronger as I grow stronger as well. Doesn't that make them the same as Ryong?

When I told Ryong that, he got pissed as hell, while Master Darius, who can hear Ryong somehow laughs until he dropped on the ground.

"Exactly, at least the weapons can be used. He can only used as decoration in your room." He said laughing and wheezing out at the same time. 

Ryong didn't speak to either of us for 4 hours.

Additionally, I could just summon them instead of holding them all the time as well, which is convenient. I named the sword Fang, and the Spear Stix. It was easier calling it that way.

I sneaked behind one of bandits, Sweeping my feet on his leg. As he was too stunned to know what happen, he was in the air still processing that he was just tripped. Before he lands on the ground, I gave a [Right Straight] to his jaw, pounding him to the tree he was hiding in. 

The rest caught on what happened and all rushed towards my direction. I summoned Fang, grabbing it, moving along the enemy. And I start deciding my moves, they were rushing in with bladed weapon, either to hack or slash me. From there, I stepped in going in a straight-line forward cutting them all in their hands. Their hand all started to bleed until the point, it hurts for them to lift their weapons up. 

They all surrendered at the point making it not really a challenge for me.

"You're done? Let's go. I need to drop a mail at the next town."

We tied them up and left them over the next town's guard. Master Darius said to meet him later while I proceed ahead to stock up on our supplies and food.

We were in one of the more undeveloped town of the region, as the Lord of this territory were not doing their duty as a noble. It belonged to the Kingom of Forstguard even though it was within the territory of Mydarn. It seems like it was an agreement between the both king agreed for peace between the 2 countries. Additionally our end 

destination of the journey will actually be at Kingdom of Forstguard as well. 

However because this was not under Master's Territory. We can't do anything about it. The one unique issue regarding this area was that, it was also a desert terrain. Because there was still snake worms coming here, apparently the tunnels they make can be a shortcut to Mydarn. But you would need to travel at least 2 days by horse.

I pondered around the market as someone bumped into me. I apologise for it and left. Just to find out that my coin pouch was gone. 

"Shit, that little bit__" I turned around, just to find that she disappeared. Holding on to the egg tightly, I quickly jumped on one of the roof, to have a clearer advantage. Using [detection], I found her wandering about a back alley. She ran all the way back to the back alley, just to reach a dead end.

In the most cliched situation happened when, two thug looking guy appeared to here and demanding she give them the money. The girl hold it tightly leaning against the wall, trying to protect.

"Hais. Annoying." I said peeking from above, squatting down. I summon Stix and fling it in between their legs. 

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"Scram." I warned them coldly. 

The two ran off in a hurry with one I think peed on his pants.

I appeared in the alley infront of the girl and stared at her.

"....Here you go Mister?"

The next scene would be you seeing me holding th girls collar on top of the roof. She was pretty heavy, as she looks about 14-15 year old. So using my spear, I lift her up, using the end of the spear on the roof, with her feet dangling with nothing below to support her.

"You gonna steal again?"

"WAUHWHAHWHAHWH NONONONONONO I WONTTT!!!! PLEASE!!!" She says, trying to stay still as much as possible so she doesn't fall. Almost like a statue.

Dropping her off at the streets, I told her.

"Hope you learn your lesson. By the way if those men comes again, tell them I will murder them if they try to rob you again."

Nodding her head, I left the girl there to meet up with Master Darius.

"We're heading to the snake temple." was the first thing Master Darius said to me when I arrived.

"Huh? Why?" 

"I don't know, looks fun and we have time to kill."

"Sounds like a waste of time."

"Suck it up. Just head in." 

Because of that, we were heading to the infamous Snake Temple where lots of adventurer challenged the Temple only to have none coming out alive.

"You real enjoy seeing my pain huh."

"Well, it is entertaining."

With that, we both went in the Temple, just for us to plummet to our deaths as someone accidentally stepped on a trap. Activating the trapdoor below us. 

"Some of a Bit___" I yelled as we fell through a hole, dropping into somewhere.

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