The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 48: The Master’s Test

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To be honest after traversing from the snake temple. Nothing else honestly got interesting afterwards. It was the same process. Walking, hunting for food, training Aura and repeat. The training was pretty brutal.

The old man forced me repeated get on my track with my basic training as well as some extra training he added that would apparently benefit me. Running a 10km run no matter the place. 500 Push up and 500 Sit ups. Next is conditioning where I had to squat down to improve my lower body muscle. Jump squats for explosiveness in my legs as well as practicing Kicks. He then moves on to practicing with all the weapon I owned, every day with a different weapon.

I did managed to challenge my skills fighting some monsters and opponents out.

There was that King of the Jungle, the infamous Man-Hunter which turns out to be a bear. The Scorpion Man which was some ancient race where it was half man, half scorpion but I finished him off in one move. I also did a number of quest for the adventurer's guild since we were on the way to fighting monsters as training.

Sadly, I still wasn't able emit Aura on my weapons yet.

According to Master, you can only emit aura on your blade once you have reached enlightenment and became either a weapon master or Aura Master. For Master Darius, he chose the route of Aura Master. He said that complete master of Aura could be used in any weapon while being a Master in a weapon leaves you with overwhelming power when holding that weapon. Though he did mention those weapon Masters were monsters themselves. For Aura Master, there were only a single digit number of people who are allowed to have that title. Apparently it takes one with pure talent to be one.

I asked cheekily:

"Hey that means I have talent in being one right?"

"My daughter could emit more Aura than you when she was 5 years old." Master scoff as he replied.

Hearing that really got me completely dejected. As I wept around the corner, I still continued my training diligently.

This process of training continued on all the way until we reached entrance of Frostguard. Apparently there was an event held there that the King must attend.

Frostguard was the Kingdom we are headed to, a different continent that is known for cold atmosphere due to the snow mountain surrounding it. However it wasn't that cold according to the King when he was there for a meeting. The Location we are headed in Frostguard was Ferdra, the capital of the Kingdom. Apparently there are a lot of different food and never seen before that can only been seen there.

Though it was far, but we were already technically in Frostguard when we stepped foot in the town that had the snake temple.

But currently i can safely say that we reached the Kingdom as we passed by the two snow mountain.

It was really a sight to see, from the valley, you could already see the entire landscape of the Kingdom. It was pretty beati____

"It's beautiful. I know. I was always jealous whenever I came here for conference." Master Darius cuts in.

I told myself, I swear he must have a mind reader skill or something. We continued walking when suddenly the King stopped and starts sweating.

"We were in disguise right?"

"? You are still in disguise though. I'm still wearing a helmet."

"Ok good. When we reach Ferdra, changed to your mask. I completely forgotten we destroyed the snake temple. They are going to have an arrest warrant for us.


As there were still a distance from the entrance of Kingdom of Frostguard, we decide to have a proper rest before going to the capital. Thankfully, White the baby Imoogi was wrapped around my neck. It was like a scarf keeping me warm.

Upon reaching a tavern in the nearby town. We sat down to have a drink to rest and recover from the cold.

"It's been another month already huh."

"Well it has been a fun one. But that's all I can teach you now already. Tomorrow I have to return to being a King already." Master Darius chuckles as he inhales down an ale.

"Shouldn't there be a test or some sort of lesson given for the last day." I replied, immediately regretting what I just said.

He smiled at me with a menacing grin and said

"Let's end your training with a test."

The test was simple. There's a rumours that there used that a Griffon is living on top of the mountain. That it would occasionally fly down to the mountain grabbing the villagers to eat it. While Griffon could normally be tamed, this one couldn't. It always end with the Griffon killing people like it's plaything. So what was my test? To kill the Griffon and gather it's head and head down the mountain.

That leads to me climbing the mountain half way with only nothing but my weapon. Master Darius was there instructing me to while heading up.

"How much longer to the top?" I asked, with my entire body trembling, with my entire body sore and in pain.

"Just a bit more. Come on, you don't even need to climb it. Just jump from one point to another." Master Darius replied.

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"I'm not a monster like you." I replied, out of breath, trying not to fall.

"You don't reach the top in 2 minute, I'm gonna make you do another 300 push up with no breaks."

"God dammit. I cursed as I force myself going higher and higher."

"Ill be on-top waiting." Master Darius said jumping up like it's no big deal.

I tilt my head, checking the situation below. Seeing that I'm actually climbing a mountain with nothing but just my barehands and occasionally a knife. As my eyes starts getting heavier and my muscle starts to relax even a little. Suddenly, a voice shouted.

[Pay attention!]

I woke up immediately, grabbing on the rocks tightly. My winter apparel slightly wear and torn from the couple of times roughed up in the mountain. As I try to look up to see where I was heading to, the snow continues to pile up on my face, making me not able to see clearly above.

Focusing my breath to calm myself down, I gathered the courage to proceed moving up the mountains. The mountains looked at least the height of a skyscraper.

Suddenly a text notification appears.

[*Master, are you scared?*]

It was from Blue. It has been a while since I heard from her.

"Uhhhhhh, What do you think?" I replied, dragging my body higher,

[*You do know that you have climbed up at least 2346 Metres up. I doubt no one will ever find your body if you ever fall.*]

"You're not helping."

[I see the top.]

I looked up relieve to see that I reached the point already. I climbed up while rested on the platform, wiping my sweat and checked my surroundings.

The entire top of the mountain was empty, except for an empty space in-front. That empty space looked like a nest. This must be where the Griffon stayed. Maybe it had went out to hunt for food?

But it was strange there were no signs that it actually lived here. No fresh blood or bones of men, nothing for it to lie and rest here. It was as if it abandoned his own home?

I continued to investigate until suddenly I felt an incredible bloodlust. With my body filled with goosebumps, I widened my distances and took out Naga, The Whipping Sword.

"Hoh, you sure took your time." Emerging from the blizzard and heavy snow that piled the entire mountain was Master Darius.

He looked off. Like not his normal joking and silly personality. He lowered his eyes and stares at mine, readying himself at the middle.

"Master, what are yo____"

"30 Years ago, when I started out my journey to become to strongest, the journey was harsh but I got by it defeating everything and everyone who challenged me."

"The challenges were getting boring until I reached Frostguard, seeking for stronger opponents. There I heard the rumours of the griffin at this very mountain. I climbed up, barely surviving the trip up here. Just to get ambushed and grabbed by the Griffon where I fought him to survive. It was a long and tiring night, it took way too long due to the disadvantages in the environment but after a stalemate of 8 hours. I managed to beat it."

"To me, it was one of the toughest fight I had. And to honour and thank the Griffon for the amazing battle I had for the first time."

Master Darius suddenly stab a sword onto the ground.

"I created my first ego weapon, using the heart of the griffin."

The sword he was holding was a beautiful silver sword with a symbol of a Griffon at the pommel of the sword.

"Today your test begins." Master Darius, No. King Darius said, raising the sword pointed at me.

"You will be facing the Griffon Slayer."

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