The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 5: The First Duel

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[Guard's POV]

It didn't make sense.

How is it that just a moment ago, the outsider was kneeling over trying not to puke over a kick?


3 of my comrade are all knocked out.

This won't do it, I must have revenge for them.

Just as I was about to dash in.

A Guandao stops my path.

It was my captain's.

Before I know it.

The captain and masked outsider were both exchanging greetings.

In a blink of an eye, they both struck each other.

The captain swung his Guandao vertically, while the outsider retreated to the left, countering with a straight punch from his right arm.

Even I couldn't react to Captain's attack. But the outsider managed to land a counterattack.

Blocking with the pole from Guandao, Captain took advantage of his weapon and Slash the outsider while retreating to the back.

The outsider got cut on his chest and backed off.

Captain lunges forward, keeping the Guandao close to his chest.

His eyes determined to strike down his foe.

He charged forward and take a huge breath and launch his weapon.

[Advance Spear Skill- Vital Strike]

1 strike becomes 2 strikes.

2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8.

8 becomes 16, the strikes seemingly multiplying.

Stabbing the outsider. The outside tries to block and parry with his gloves.

But as the strike increased, the outside couldn't keep up with the amount of damage sustained.

In the end, the outsider collapsed.

[The Leader Guards POV]

Though the match was quick, for someone who is using a glove for a weapon. He certainly exceeded my expectation.

He was quick however unpolished. He wasted too much energy trying to land his hits. In the end, he ran out of energy and lost focus. He was also only using his fist when he was fighting which I found odd.

"It's really a shame. I thought that I could at least have a little more time before you kicked the bucket."

As I turned my back and try to help lift my men up.

Suddenly a spine ran down my back.

I turned my head behind and saw the outside standing.

No, I would not call it standing, it's more like the mask was pulling the body up.

The painted eyes of the mask were glazing at me sharply.

As I grabbed my Guandao and slash him from on top of his head, hoping to split his body in half.

It stopped.

I tried and pull my weapon out. But it wouldn't budge. I stopped and stare at what was causing it to be stuck.

There it was. A single hand stopped the GuanDao. A weapon specifically made for me that weighed at least 30KG. I swing the blade with full weight and impact.

However, he managed to catch the weapon with a single hand.



The Guandao broke.

Just when I was about to react to my beloved breaking, a foot appeared in my left vision.

[Left roundhouse kick]


I stayed on my ground ready to retaliate. However, he disappeared.

The next thing I saw was a knee.

[Muay Thai Knee]


And before I knew it, the outside wrapped his arm around my neck, and


I blacked out.

[Guard's POV]

Our Captain was defeated by the outsider. As I stand tried to help my fellow comrades up, the outsider, more accurately, the mask stared at me.

He lifts his finger up and put it on the mouth section of the mask.

Giving a cold glaze at me signalling that no one should know what happened here.

I stared at the outside with my eyes wide open and body shaking in fear, nodding my head furiously to swear that I would not say anything at all.

And from there. He vanished.

[???'s POV] 

[Sleep child, i shall until anon.]

*Sleep Child, I shall see you soon.*

[Red's POV]

As light start pouring in my eyes. 

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I startled when I woke up, afraid to find myself in jail or worse. 

However, I was back in my room. On my bed.

"Woah, how tired was I to have dreams like that."

I stood up and gave myself a stretch. Noticing how incredibly sore my entire body was.

"Did I sleep in a bad position or something? While is my entire body in so much pain?"

Just as I was about to head to the bathroom to freshen myself up.


There was an immerse sharp pain on my chest. The shirt I was wearing seem to have blood on it.

I ran to the mirror to check on what caused it.

"What the Fu__"

There are a lot of scratch marks, ashes and bruise on my body.

 But one prominent mark that remained ingrained in my head, was the Long horizontal cut I have, right on my chest. The blood was still fresh and some of it were dripping.

I ran out to check my streets to see if was I still dreaming or am I still back in the same location as before.

I got pretty relief when there were buildings and people that were humans around. 

But upon closer inspection, things still weren't looking normal.

Yes there are still people or human everyone. However majority are accompanied by some weird looking creatures? There were even some people that had animal ears, tails or wings????

"What the hell is going on."

As I pondered at the sight that I was seeing. 

Running back to my room, I grabbed the mask that was the cause of all this and shouted:

"This! This is all your fault, what the hell is all this?? Get the f*ck out of my life!!"

Without hesitation, I threw the mask out of my window. 

Thinking I got rid of it for good. I turned back, wanting to go to bed to sleep thinking that it was all a bad dream. Just to find that the Mask appeared back on my bed. 

And the painting of the eyes on the mask was staring at me. Menacingly. 

"Uh oh."

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