The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 58: Conversation between Royalty

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[Red's POV]

I lay in my room resting, trying to preserve my energy. To be honest, there was an orb in the resting room that acts like a TV that allows you to watch the match. But, I like surprises. I wanted to improve by going into the match blindly. Because of that reason, I chose to avert my eyes from it and sleep. From what I saw in the participant lineups. There were at least 4 royalties in this competition. And all 4 of them managed to win their matches.

I lay down on the bed that was provided and rest. Remembering the Pet Farm feature, I asked Blue to open the feature.

Seeing White in 8-bit format walking around was cute but I wanted to see her live. So I selected White and clicked on the Interaction section. From there a live screen TV size appears to show what was the little snake up to.

White was moving too slow, crawling on her belly across the grass, prowling. Looks like she was hungry, as she crept up on some weird-looking chicken. The chicken had 3 legs for some reason. Like a mutated version or something.

In a blink of an eye, she suddenly thrust her Fangs forward, aiming it at her prey's body. The chicken? dodged the attack, flapping its wings trying to escape. Not willing to let it escape. White closed the gap fast, rushing towards her prey. In a swirling motion, she spins her body, wrapping the chicken's body tightly.

The chicken was relentless, pecking White's scale with its beak. It looks like the pecking got on White's nerves as she tightens her grip on the chicken. The chicken thus starts pecking furiously hoping to escape. But White didn't give it a chance. She bear her fangs out and They penetrated the chicken's body. Looks like the poison was already Lethal even at such a young age as slowly the chicken slowed down the pecking and lay there motionless. In the end, it turns into lunch for White as she looks happy and eats it grotesquely.

As much as it is weird to see that sight. Suddenly an idea came across my mind. It was the swirling motion projected by White. I continue to visualize the motion that White was emitting when there was a knock on the door.

"Sir Red, it's your last Match for the day."

Looks like it was my turn to fight. I stood up from where I was resting and head out to the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Now we reached the Quarter-Finals of the Tournament. Buckle your seat belt, it's part 2 of the competition."

"First up, we have the Barbarian King's Disciple againnnnnn! Red!!!!"

I stood out from the shadows and walked ahead to the center. I could hear the audience speaking among themself.

- It's the newbie.

- Is he going to fight barehanded again?

- That mask looks creepy, it's as if it's staring at me.

- Mom! I want that mask too!!

It's really weird to hear all these different opinions about me from strangers. Standing in the center, I look in the direction of my next opponent as he slowly emerges out of the shadow.

A Man seemingly the same height as me stood forward. He was about my age. He was blond and had part of his hair tied in braids. He was also beautiful looking?? As all the female audience kept quiet immediately and stared at him in awe entranced by his good looks. He waves around and smiles at his audience sweetly and bows his head shyly. He dawns a red armor accompanied by a longsword that was shining brightly in emerald green color.

"Let us welcome Red's next opponent, the Empire's Heir, Lionel Agnes, who devastated his opponent in a matter of seconds with just his sword!!"

Lionel stares at me quietly with his hand on his hip, ready to draw his sword at any time, while still smiling at me.

"Now, Let the Match BEGINNNNN!!!!!"

The moment the gong was sounded, Lionel disappeared. Just for him to reappear 45 degrees to the right swinging his sword at me. At such a close distance in less than a second that the match started. I lift my arms up and guard myself with the gloves, only to get overwhelmed by the sheer force behind his blade as I got flung all the way to the ground.

I recover from my position to find him looking at me with his eyes. This man... His eyes were completely different compared to before. It looked like a dead fish's eyes. Cold and Merciless, he wants to end this in an instant. It was like seeing 2 different people in one body.

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The crowds go wild as Lionel took control of the battle within seconds the match started.

[King Darius's POV]

"That brat is still the genius I see," I asked, smiling at the Ruler of Eldona Empire, Emperor Agnus.

The Emperor smiles and chuckled, replying:

"That boy has been training like mad for 2 years for today, wanting to impress me. I heard from my attendant he has already beaten most of the elite knights in a duel back in Eldona."

King Albert added, "You can really see that, from his fighting demeanor, it's as if his entire personality changes." 

"It was even more surprising for me. When I went to one of the duels that were conducted. I couldn't recognize my own son when he fights. It was as if he had another person living in him. When I approach him after the match, he said that his memories were hazy from the fight he had." The Emperor said as he places his hands on his chin, observing the current fight,

'He might be a genius in swordsmanship. Have you trained your disciple for a long time?" King Albert asked.

"HAHAHA. You'll be surprised. I only taught him for 1 month." I replied confidently. 

Both King Albert and Emperor Agnus stared at me in silence, and simultaneously, both place their palm on their head. Including my wife who heard the entire conversation. Molly then pulled my ear with her hands and argued:

"Are you trying to get your disciple killed, you irresponsible monster!" She said that as she drives her knuckle into both my temple. King Albert and Emperor Agnus both laugh in silence staring at the scene.

"These two really haven't changed at all, from all those years ago even when they are royalty now." Emperor Agnus laughs.

"Truly, matchmake in heaven." King Albert added, trying to contain his laughter. Just then, the Queen of Frostguard appeared and stood behind King Albert with a cold demeanor. 

"What about us darling?" Queen Yule replied, creeping on King Albert and whispering in his ear. 

The King of Frostguard got startled as he turn around to see his wife looking at him. 

"Hello, dear. Here have a seat beside me."

As I watch the shenanigans, between the Frostguard couple. The audience ahead suddenly gasped at something. I turned my head in the center of the arena. Red stood up. And now he was cracking his knuckle and head.

He places his hand in the air, just for a sword to appear out of nowhere. The sword was unique that it didn't come from its traditional route as a long sword. Instead, the blade was wavy.

"So, he realise this wasn't an easy match and chose Naga." 

Emperor Agnus was curious and asked, "What kind of blade is that?"

I replied to him, pointing my finger in my mouth. 

"Sshhhh, I don't want to ruin the surprise. Just continue watching it." 

Both Kings, Queens and Emperor looked at the stage with curiosity. 

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