The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 65: Aftermath of Semi-Finals

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Seren woke up abruptly, finding herself in the guesthouse bed. With a dull migraine hitting her head due to her sudden movement. She grabbed her head tightly, hoping it can lessen the pain in her head. Breathing through the migraine, she focused on what happened before she passed out. The last thing she was before she fainted was her Father's back and his voice speaking to her.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Remembering the scene, her face cringed as she plants her head on the pillow in embarrassment. Suddenly, the door to her room swings open. Queen Molly made an appearance and walk looking more cheerful than usual.


"How are you feeling, Seren?"

Looking at her body, there were no open wounds or cuts before. Her wounds were probably healed by the high priest, but her muscle was in a bad shape were it was pretty roughed up so they were still aching and sore. Seren replied to Queen Molly, "Sore here and there but I'm fine. Where's Father?"

"He's with Red currently, speaking to him."

"So he prefers to visit his disciple instead of his flesh and blood huh."

"You know that's not true. If anything, he's there to reprimand him for going too far."

"Yea right." Seren replied, dragging the blanket to cover her head.

Queen Molly, sighed in exhaustion before whispering to herself, "Two of you act the same."

"I heard that!"

"Well, I wouldn't want to interrupt your rest now, so I will be leaving." Queen Molly said, standing up from Seren's bed and heading for the door.

Seren hid under her blanket, staring into a blank space in silence. Just as Queen Molly was about to leave, she turned her head and spoke, "Oh before I forgot, I did have a message from your father."


"He said, I'm proud of you for how far you have come with your own strength. When we're back in Mydarn, grab your gear. We have a lot of work to do."

Upon hearing those words, Seren grabbed her legs tighter and curled up in the bed. The figure on the bed started shaking lightly and sobbing can be heard.

Queen Molly, tries to take a peek, to look but Seren covered herself well under the blankets. She smiled before leaving the room.

Seren, still under the blankets, starts weeping as soon as she heard the door closed. 


"Like I said. I'm not sure what happened. I was so focused on dodging the magic spells that I didn't know what happened!" Red exclaimed.

"You dumbass, one not in control of his body means that he does not have control of his action.", King Darius shouted while knocking Red's head with his fist again.


Ryong ponders what happens, and using his magic, he spoke to King Darius telepathically.

[To be honest, this wasn't the first time this happened.]

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"Are we sure it's not a battle trance or skill? The skill [Berserk] had similar side effects when used."

[No skills were used, other than Techniques. My creation can verify that.]

The King of Mydarn wanders around the room. Before asking, "How did it happen last time?"

[He fought against a strong opponent and something else possessed him, changing the mask completely to something else.]

"Another creature?"

[One even I'm not sure. One thing clear, it had 6 ears for some reason.]



While the 2 old men were thinking about what happened. Red, took the chance and slipped past them and jumped out of the windows.

"These people nag too much," He said as he scurry along through all the guards with the skill [Infiltration] which was linked to his [Hunter] Passive Skill.

As he was interrogated in the guesthouse which was in the 3rd Sector of Ferdra. It would be a long distance to reach back to the Colosseum. But it was also free time for him. Weirdly enough, Ryong was still communicating with the King even though the charm was a distance away from the King.

"Maybe there's a strong mobile data stored in Ryong's Charm that I don't know about."

The sun had already been down a while ago when he was still in the building. Now, all that's left is just the cold wind breezing through the night. Red walked around trying to find a quiet area. As he walked around, the only safe place he could find was the large garden located right in the middle of the entire hotel.

With no one patrolling this area, Red sat down on one of the benches there and stare into space and recalled the fight he had with Princess Seren. Deep down he knew, that he was in control of his every action. 

At the point where he almost killed the Princess with Fang, he just wanted to go with the flow. She was trying to kill him initially, so why shouldn't he do the same? That was his thought process at the time. 

He watches the moon in silence, admiring the view that was displayed to him. The Moonlight illuminates the starry sky, showing the stars shining brightly in the sky. The flower sparkles along with the tree, seemingly glowing in the dark. It was a beautiful sight.

Red thought to himself, that there were a lot of things he need to do when he reached home Immediately.

He wants to eat some actual earth food, Pizza and Rice were at the top of his list. Eating bread every day in this Medieval fantasy setting is killing his taste bud. 

He still has homework from so long ago. What about his projects? It's 30 per cent of the entire semester.

He wants to play on his computer and catch up on his shows. Having one day to just sit down and do nothing isn't asking too much right?

He wants to find friends to hang out with and chill. It's fun to hear their nonsense from time to time.

He also wanted to visit Sasaki to thank her for her help.

He made this promise with Sasaki before all hell broke loose in the hotel previously. 

 He especially wants to find his family to catch up and talk with them. He missed them a lot.

That's where it hits him right there. 

He just wanted to go home.

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