The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 72: Finale of the Finals

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Arthur rose and performed the Moon Dance. Opposite of him was Red, copying his every movement and footwork. Although the skill was copied, Red was growing stronger and faster as he was fighting due to [Mimicry] not only mimicking the effects and damage of the skill. But his entire movement and legs were moving automatically as if he was being played around like a puppet. This meant that his legs were physically forced to move in the correct footwork.

If you have to put it in an actual term, Arthur would be his 3rd Teacher. 

With the two men doing the same movement facing each other, Arthur can't help but felt that it was as if he was looking in the mirror. Ironically, Arthur himself was growing stronger as he noticed the flaws he had in his movement and fixed them along the way. 

It was a weird situation but this act will forever be recorded in history as one of the more interesting fights in the Colosseum of Frostguard.

The audience stared in awe as they inspect both of the sword dances that were moving completely the same as one another.

King Albert raised his eyebrow in confusion and asked: "What the hell did you teach that kid?"

Archer looked at King Darius and asked as well:

"The Moon-Styled Swordsmanship is passed down from one successor to another successor that can learn more than 7 techniques. Did you manage to learn it and pass it to your disciple?"

King Darius scratched his head and closed his eyes and replied: "I got beat up by your woman, even I don't know what hit me. What makes you think I taught him that in 2 months?"

"Hmm. The footwork was sloppy at the start, looking like a failed attempt at imitation. However, if you take a closer look, his footwork improved the more he performed especially when Arthur is doing the sword dance alongside him as well." Emperor Agnus said.

"The kid had a copy skill." King Darius paused before speaking again, "But there's no copy skill I know that can copy an innate skill or copy the form of a technique exactly right down to the exact steps."

"Which meant that by right, he should not be able to copy the Moon-Styled Sword Dance, right?" Queen Molly curiously asked. 

The King did not comment and continued watching the fight.

The two of them swung their sword together one by one, clashing with one another with the exact same motion. Every time Arthur swung his sword vertically, Red would swing it horizontally and vice versa. It was like seeing a performance made by two people showcasing their skills.

But there was something different. Arthur's aura capacity and control were a lot stronger than Red's one. Slowly, the difference in their power starts to show as Red's sword gets pushed back, the more their weapon clash with each other. Arthur was also slowly figuring out what Red's ability was as he decided to use another one of his techniques as an experiment.

Closing in on Red, he sheathed his weapon, preparing for a quick draw. Red noticed it, and Instinctively knew it meant trouble. He raised his sword above his head and swing it down, hoping it cuts Arthur or stops him from executing another skill.

[Mimicy: Moon-Styled Swordsmanship Act I: Lunar Divide]

A simple forward swing, slashing vertically.

This was all it takes to cut through everything in its path. With the additional usage of aura, only a defensive move from Moon-Styled Swordsmanship can stop this attack.

Combo: 1

Condition: Practitioner of Moon-Styled Swordsmanship 

"I knew it, you could only copy moves that you have seen before," Arthur said after seeing Red using the same technique he used earlier on.

Arthur quickly used another technique to neutralise it against Red's [Lunar Divide].

[Moon-Styled Swordsmanship Act II: Tail of the Lunar Beast]

The Sword of the user grows to a huge size using the Aura of the user. When slashed, creates 1 crescent-shaped horizontal slash that devastates everything down its path. The crescent slash will shrink the longer distance it goes. The smaller the crescent, the sharper it is.

Combo: 1

Requirements: Practitioner of Moon-Styled Swordsmanship 

Arthur's attack collides with Red's, as they both slashes smash into each other, causing a stalemate between both. However, the crescent attack made by Arthur starts shrinking into a smaller size but retaining its power. In the end, it broke through Red's attack and nearly cuts his head off.

Because of this Red's body is now defenceless. Without wasting a single second, Arthur closed in the gap and release his next technique.


[Moon-Styled Swordsmanship Act V: Windy Night]

With the usage of Aura, The User creates multiple large crescent slashes in a small radius surrounding him. The target and the crescent slashes seemed to be stuck in time as multiple slashes were joining together and stacking on top of one another, causing what looks like a tornado.

As the user finishes generating all the Slashes around his domain, he snaps his fingers, resuming time for whatever lies in his domain. All of the slashes formed like a tornado, decimating everything other than the User.

Combo: 11 to 23

Status Effect: Bleeding

Requirements: Practitioner of Moon-Styled Swordsmanship 

As time seemingly stopped for Red, Arthur sheathed his sword and snapped his fingers. Before he knew it, a barrage of slashes bombarded him, cutting nearly his entire body. He manage to parry some of the attacks while being cut up in the tornado but the damage was still severe, causing him to bleed head to toe looking like a tomato.

He drops to the ground hard, with blood spilling everywhere, the ground looked similar to how a red carpet is, due to the amount of blood spilling.

Red was exhausted, still trying to catch a breath from the attack but it didn't last long, as Arthur was already rushing towards him. 

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In the corner of his eyes, there was a new notification.

[*N%w Ski// ach!£veD*]


But with his body in so much pain, he ignored the message and summoned all his weapons. He was desperate and now he was going to die trying to land a hit on Arthur.

Dragging Naga, he slams it against Arthur's sword, predicting he would guard against it. He did, as Red took Stix, charging it with mana and aura, rams the entire spear on the ground towards Arthur.

Pillars of Ice emerged from the ground all aiming to pierce through Arthur. But Arthur being the monster he is, took one step behind and launched [Tail of the Lunar Beast] again, destroying all the ice.

With his body being this torn up, Red knew he doesn't have much time left to face this monster. He could feel his body starting to break down as his vision starts getting blurry as time go on. His muscle is cramping from all the excessive movement and his breathing getting a lot heavier. He was about to pass out at any moment but his pride wouldn't allow him. He had to prove that it was not impossible to beat the sword saint.

Discarding both Naga and Stix, he chose Fang. In its dagger form for speed to get closer to Arthur. With the flame emerging from Fang's blade, he cuts faster and faster. Or so he thought as a simple kick is all it took to bring him down to the ground.

"Give up already," Arthur warned as he kicks Fang away from Red's hand.

Still trying to catch his breath, Red lay on the ground, helpless as his entire body just shuts down. He couldn't move anymore.


[Time to stop. Even if I use Heal, thou can't even lift your finger anymore.]

"Huff.....huff.....yea. I'm so tired."

[Thou deserve a break. Thou did well facing against a sword saint.]

"Alright, I'll stop being stubbo____."


Red's body stopped moving. He was motionless. King Darius was the first one to feel it as Red's aura just disappeared.


Everyone in the stadium was stunned upon hearing that. The Priests quickly stood up and were about to run into the Arena when Arthur lifts his arm signalling them to stop.

[Red? Wake up now!] 


King Darius who was the only one who was able to hear Ryong, realised that he was cut off while talking. Suddenly his entire body was covered with goosebumps. There was an unknown presence somewhere. He could feel it but he couldn't find where it was. Until something caught his eye.

Red's Mask.

It was changing shape. Now the mask had 6 ears instead of two. The Beast inside had also changed into something else. Red's motionless body began moving again. 

He stood up cracking his body. As he stood still, Arthur's face's expression was that of someone who was puzzled. Red raised his hands in the air, as Combo-Maker, which was summoned on the ground previously, flew to his arm.

He grabbed Combo-Maker and spins it around before placing it on the ground.

Although Arthur was skilled, it was true that he had not been in a war before. So all the Royals and Nobles that have participated in a war knew something was wrong. Red in this state is too dangerous.

King Albert roared towards his mage: "RAISED HIGH BARRIER ON THE SWORD SAINT NOW!!!"

Arthur who was confused about why the King of Frostguard raised a defensive shield for him., looked in the direction of the audience. The strongest powerhouse in the world was all in panic. He turns his head back to Red to see him walking slowly towards the barrier.

Red rose his staff in the hair, preparing to slam it down against the barrier. Arthur couldn't understand why they had to raise such a high level for this normal staff when the staff flew straight down to the ground, breaking the barrier like it was paper.

Arthur widened his eyes in shock, quickly performed another sword dance and went ahead to attack Red by driving his sword straight at him.

"STOP!!" King Darius shouted. 

But it was too late.

Red grabbed the tip of the sword with two of his fingers.


The next thing that Arthur knew was that the staff came flying coming in contact with his body before everything went black.

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