The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 83: Returning to Daily Life?

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[Red's POV]

Although the subjugation of the Nine-Tailed-Fox was over. Things on my end weren't.

Firstly, I wasn't in the right country. I'm in Japan after falling through the portal here. Which meant that I was here illegally. 

Secondly, I have no idea how long time has passed since I was in the other world. Things might look the same here and now but who knows how long has it been.

Lastly, now that there are multiple Champions gathered and seen me. What are they going to do to me?

Kamiyami Haru turn in my direction and walked forward to me.

"Shit, what the hell? Does she wanna fight me or something."

[Calm down. It should be nothing.]

[*cAlM dOwN :)))))))*]

[Stop it Blue.]


"Go easy on her haha.."

As the Kamiyami walked right straight to me, she stopped moving and kept a distance between us. 

My mouth turns dry as I struggle to swallow my saliva.


Then, she did a 90 Degree bow. 

Shocked, I stood there like an idiot and just stare at what the heck was going on.

"For protecting the country from such an eminent threat, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you."

Due to the Champion of Amaterasu bowing to show gratitude, the rest of the Shinto practitioners also bowed in unison to show their thanks. As I was standing wearing my mask, the only thing I could think of on the spot was bowing back to them.

Though it's been a while, the silhouette of the animal spirits started to appear again after so long. There were a huge amount of animal spirits floating around and some were slowly emerging from a hiding places. 

The obvious spirit was the one right in front of me. A great white wolf bigger than the Kazue's Okami. Red marks were painted along his body with a symbol of the sun painted on the forehead. It sat down without beating an eye on me. 

There was another wolf behind that was grey and had the symbol of the crescent moon on its forehead instead. It should be Kinoshita Seiji's animal spirit. The wolf lay down and slept while the owner was walking around. Seems like only Abe Kazue could see her animal spirits out of the rest of them. 

Though her Okami wolf is nothing compared to these 2 beast.

However, appearing someone else was another legendary beast. An enormous white tiger that was even bigger than the 2 wolves. It was very obvious that it is a powerful beast. With sharp Claws and muscle in its body which was the very definition of powerful. It walked around proudly, with a dignified look in its eye where everyone else seemed like an insect to it. The tiger then continues circling one particular person as it stands on guard looking after its owner. That person happened to be Otani Katsu.

When I tried to find Lee Jeong-Hun's animal spirit, I failed due to the person himself already disappearing. Seems like he left already.

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"Hey Ryong, why wasn't I able to see the Animal Spirit earlier on?"

[The magic energy used there is slightly different from Mana, Qi and Aura. Since thou entered the Spirit Realm a while back, it seems that energy is slowly dissipating.]

"Seems like they think I can't see them." 

[I wouldn't be too sure about that.]

The White wolf proceeds to stare and sniff me right after that, before ignoring me and heading back to his/her master.

With that, the adventures in Japan ended. 

Nakamura Yuuma, the First Champion of Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto was the first one to approach me regarding the situation of how I'm going back home. Because of that, I had to reveal my identity to him and continue our conversation for the next 2 days. Surprisingly, we became good friends from that day onward. He also allowed me to call him Yuuma. The dude could actually speak in English well, but because of Ryong's magic, I managed to have a sort of translation spell which allowed whatever language I spoke to translate to the other party's native language.

The only one that wasn't happy with any of the arrangements was Abe Kazue, since she couldn't stand my presence and she was angst at the fact that I was willing to reveal my identity to Yuuma even though I just met him.

I also got the opportunity to find out that there was a particular clan that deals with all the miscellaneous issues when it comes to awakeners and Champions in Japan. The Clan that is in charge is named the Nakamura Clan, and the head of the clan happens to be Yuuma's Father. It was because of the Nakamura Clan that news and information of the clan managed to transmit throughout the various temples and clans to take action. Though looks like the Nakamura Clan's front appearance to the public is that it's a pharmaceutical company 

I got the opportunity to travel around Japan for a short holiday as well as keep my promise to Sasaki. It was pretty chilled. I was even invited to the different temples that are dedicated to the different goddesses I had in contact with. I bowed and paid my respect, thanking them for all the help I had received. 

From there I managed to introduce White to Sasaki and Yuuma but seems like she was pretty shy due to how she was wrapping around my belly while showing only her head up, staring curiously.

Oh! it also seems like only 2 weeks have passed on earth, which was a great blessing for me. Being stuck for 2 months or more in the other world messed up the sense of timing in my head and with the timezone within the portal being entirely different, things might have gone south very badly.

Although Ryong did mention, regardless of which portal I went to, the timezone will always be different even if I returned to the same world.

Regarding my school project, I went ahead to check on the status of my project with my teammates. It looks like the part I did before I disappeared has contributed to the project a lot according to my teammates. So it was ok for me to take a break. Though this hasn't been much of a break for me.

My family on the other hand was informed that I would be going elsewhere with no network because of schoolwork. Most probably something that the Mikoto Clan did behind the scenes... 

All in all, it seemed that my luck has been good when it comes to this situation. The way that everything comes together almost seemed...unnatural. 

But Bahh, who cares. Lady luck has finally shined upon me.

As I took the private plane that the Nakamura Clan provided me to return home, I lay my head against the headrest and relaxed. From there I summoned White to stroke her head while taking the Egg, King Darius passed me and placed it on the empty seat beside me.

While closing my eyes, a notification could be seen in front of me again.

[*New Update to Status*]

[*New Messages from Various Chats*]

With things finally seemingly not so crazy, I could finally see the progress I made.

As I opened the Status window. 

The status info was...pretty surprising.

"What the hell is this?"

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