The Matchbreaker

Chapter 1: Chapter

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Earth. Everybody likes this planet but hates it at the same time. They live there but actively destroy it. They have all the necessities yet they want more. It's a world where rich people get what they want. Whether it is a place, an object, or a person. Relationships, dating, friendships, all these are the norm. 


But have you ever wanted someone but couldn't have them? Just because they were already taken? What if, you had a way to have them? To break them up so you could have them? Or just because you simply care about them and want them to get out of a bad relationship? Well, in this small world, there exists a revolutionary service. The Matchbreaker.


The Matchbreaker. It is the exact opposite of a matchmaker. The Matchbreaker breaks people up. They take requests from concerned friends, disapproving parents, jealous exes, desperate nerds, and everyone in between to break up an existing relationship from the shadows.


The work of the Matchbreaker is hard, it takes skills, it is secretive. There are many Matchbreakers. Everyone can hire them. But only some are professionals. Though, one of the most successful Matchbreaker out there would be, 'The MatchBreeaker'. 


Pretty generic name. But that's what Bree, the matchbreaker behind this name, is famous for. 


Bree has had a 90% success rate in her jobs. People say if one truly wants to succeed, they should hire her. No one knows how she obtains the information or breaks them up. But it is always a clean breakup and no one ever finds out it had any outside influence on it. 


But who is Bree? Well.... 


Her full name is Brielle Verlice. And she has three identities. 


She is Bree the Matchbreaker. She is Brielle Verlice the CEO of Verlice Corporations. She is Elle, the wife of Rainey Elsher, the CEO of Elsher Corporations. 


No one knows these three people are one and the same. Because both Bree and Elle hide their faces outside and Brielle is the only public personality she has that people know about. Both wear a mask and a contact lens added for Elle. Bree because of her line of work and Elle because she is 'shy'. 


Truthfully, it was simply because Brielle wanted to mess with everyone. 


And because of this, many times her businesses clash together. For example, right now. 


Right now Bree is sitting in her office looking at a job to break up Rainey and her wife, Elle. 


She sighed. But then, she smiled a dangerous smile and accepted the job. This was going to be so fun.


Their relationship on the outside was said to be very... unhealthy. It was said that they constantly fought. That whenever they were together, a screaming match was bound to happen. That Rainey didn't love her wife anymore and hadn't divorced her because the marriage was a contract they had signed because of their parents. 


Now the funny thing about this was, it was all bullshit. Because you see, their relationship, was the biggest example of you should never judge someone's life with what you see on the internet. Because this was not the first time Bree had gotten a job to break her and Rainey up. 


She and Rainey met when they were merely 10 years old. Knew nothing about the world but both knew they wanted it to know their name. They became friends at 10, they fell in love and started dating at 15, they got engaged at 20, they married at 21. Multiple obstacles, family drama, and much more. But not once did they get tired of each other. They worked hard and today at 26, they are the two most known people in the world. 


Rainey Elsher, the youngest CEO of Elsher Corporations at 22 and the 3rd youngest CEO in the world with also being the youngest CEO ever to lead the number one corporation in the world. 5 '7, brown hair, slender body, piercing gray eyes, she was given the award for the most beautiful woman multiple times. On top of that, she was a genius, extremely competent, a great leader, charming, fluent in multiple languages, and anything else you could think of.


Then there was her. Brielle Verlice. The youngest CEO of Verlice Corporations at 23 and the 15th youngest CEO in the world with also being the youngest CEO to lead the number two Corporation in the world. 5 '7, black hair, fit body, dangerous gemstone green eyes, she too had won the award for the most beautiful woman multiple times. On top of that, she was a prodigy, consecutive topper in the world's hardest university, had many skill sets, charismatic, a polyglot, and much more. Adding to that, she was the most successful and the most sought out Matchbreaker in the world. Given nobody knew that but still, her prices weren't something anyone could afford. 


And these two people, were married to each other. Yet nobody but them knew. 


And right now, wearing casual but eye-catching clothes, a black mask, and calculating blue eyes that had mischief in them, Brielle entered Rainey's office after her assistant cautiously opened the door. 


The office was huge with everything from a resting area, small cooking area, couches for comfortable discussions and floor to ceiling windows right in front of the entrance. In front of them was Rainey's desk. 


Rainey was sitting there going through some documents and clicking things on the computer. She looked up seeing her walk with a purpose and raised her eyebrows in question. 


Yet the moment Brielle entered, and before the assistant could close the door, waving her phone around, she yelled, "You bitch! How dare you ignore my message! Who do you think you are!?" 


Rainey stopped what she was typing and with a look of mild surprise, she gestured for her assistant and the secretary beside her to leave and close the door. 


When they both left looking at the both of them with an exasperated expression and they were in the completely soundproof room with the one way see through door, that's when Brielle took her mask and her lens off and walked towards Rainey maintaining her expression but her eyes held a smile and sat down in front of her leaning back lazily on the chair. 


When Rainey finally saw the lit mobile screen clearly, she sighed, stood up, took it, and sat back down. Then she sent the message Brielle had decided not to send and then her own phone chimed. 


The message read, 'Yoo wifeyy. Whatcha wanna eat for dinner? What about Chinese?' 


So childish. But Rainey still replied a simple, 'Sure'


Then as she sent it, she spoke, "Let me guess. Someone else hired you to break us up?"


Brielle grinned then with her phone in her left hand, she made a finger gun with her right and said, "Ding ding ding!" and kept the phone in her pocket. 


Rainey sighed and continued, "And you thought it would be so funny to enter my office starting with 'You bitch'?" 


Now using both her hands to finger gun, Brielle replied, "Ding ding ding!" with a grin. 


Rainey sighed but there was a small smile on her face. "You are annoying as always, Elle" she said. 


Sliding her chair backwards, Brielle got up and walked towards Rainey with a grin and said, "Too bad you are married to me" and sat down on Rainey's lap and hooked her hands around her neck. 


Rainey smiled and wrapped her arms around Brielle's waist and replied, "Too bad indeed" and leaned up and left a soft kiss on Brielle's lips. 


Brielle smiled and hugged her while humming.


After a minute, Rainey spoke again, "Get off me now. I have a lot of work to do. Do your best breaking us up" she said patting Brielle's back to get her attention. 


Brielle leaned back, her face had a mischievous grin, "Of course I will!" she said and got off Rainey and stood in front of her, "After all, I'm getting paid five million for it!" 


"Five million? Who's paying you that much?" Rainey asked, mildly surprised. Five million wasn't a big number for her but it was still a big number to pay a Matchbreaker. 


Brielle grinned and looked at the computer screen. Then she sat back down on Rainey's lap only this time with her back to her and leaning back, "It's Freddy boy, of course! That man boy is still trying to get in your pants" she replied pointing to the email Rainey was currently reading. 


Rainey adjusted herself and Brielle and then with one hand on her stomach to support her, she leaned forward and grabbed the mouse, "Well, you just made my workload much less" she said and sent three separate emails for project collaboration from Frederick Group to her secretary to deny. 


Brielle chuckled at that. 


Then Rainey added, "Also, please don't use that sentence again. I don't know what was worse, you calling him man boy, or you saying that and saying getting in my pants next" 


Brielle laughed, "Probably the first one. Coz' the only one who can get in your pants is sitting in your lap" she said looking back with a wink and a grin. 


Rainey chuckled, "True" and wrapped both of her hands around Brielle's stomach. 


Putting one hand on top of Rainey's and using the other press a combination of keys and bringing up a very detailed chart, she spoke, "Also, he is not gonna be in the competition for too long. I got into his systems and calculated stuff and on a guess, his corporation is gonna go downhill in the next year or two" 


"You and your hacking into places you definitely are not supposed to" Rainey sighed and shook her head. But there was a smile on her face. 


Closing everything after pressing a combination of keys once more, Brielle replied getting up from her lap, standing up, and facing her, "Well. I'm just showing you my skill sets, ya know? So you know not to cheat on me in case you forget that I can't only destroy someone without even leaving this room, but I also am the best Matchbreaker in the world" she said with a grin. 


Rainey rolled her eyes, "Where will I go to cheat on you? I simply have no energy for it. You suck all of it in a day" 


Brielle grinned then, "That's not the only thing I suck though, is it?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. 


A light tint of red appeared on Rainey's cheek. But she composed herself and replied, "We have known each other for 11 years. We have been married for 5 years. We dated for 5 before it. And yet, you are still so childish" 


"Didn't I literally say in my vows that I will never stop being childish? Did you forget, Rainey? That is rude. I remember your vows word for word, you know?" Brielle said then with a pout. 


"I didn't forget your vows, my Brielle, I just hoped you'd grow up. Now I see that was wishful thinking from my side" Rainey replied then with a grin. 


Brielle huffed, "Rude. Anyways, I'll leave now. Have fun!" she said started walking away. 


Then she stopped, turned around with a grin, picked up the glass of water, and dumped it on Rainey's documents and sprinted to the door giggling. 


"Elle! I'll have to change my clothes now, couldn't you have aimed better! Elle!" Rainey complained, sliding her chair back and looking at the water dripping from the table and the soaked documents. She didn't need those documents. And even if she did, she had a digital copy of it. 


Brielle giggled, put on her mask and opened the door, looking at the secretory and the assistant sitting in the waiting area, she gave them a look, and left towards the elevator while Rainey yelled behind her, 


"Elle! Come back here! Clean this!" 


To normal people, this tone of voice would be considered angry. But to them, Rainey was not angry at all. It was all perfunctory, 'I'm so done with your shit', kind of words. 


So while the secretory and the assistant rushed in and checked her soaked desk and documents, Rainey received a message from Brielle, 


'Incase you needed them, check your desktop <3'


And checking her desktop, she found a new folder had appeared. So while the secretary and the assistant got rid of the soaked files, she opened the folder and found perfect digital copies of the documents Brielle had destroyed.


A smile immediately appeared on her face. The secretary and assistant looked at her with a scared look and continued to work without making a noise.




It was late evening. 7 pm. And Brielle went back to Rainey's office to get her off of work because she knew that woman would definitely do overtime without even knowing it. 


Everyone had left when she arrived. Only the secretary had stayed. She reluctantly opened the door for her and stepping out, she closed it. 


Brielle hadn't worn her contact lens today. She had worn a cap instead which hid her eyes enough. She had brought them with her though of course. 


Taking her mask off and then tossing her cap on the couch, she sat down in front of Rainey. 


"Hey, Rai, that's enough work for today. It's so late! Let's go shopping and relax!" she said then. 


Rainey sighed but she did close her desktop and got up to tidy her desk. 


Brielle wordlessly helped her. 


"Let me put on my contacts" Brielle said after being done with her side and took out her contact lens box. 


"Wait" Rainey said then. 


Brielle confusedly stopped. 


Rainey then stepped forward and encircled her arms around her waist and dropped a lingering kiss on her lips. 


Brielle smiled and went in for more. 


They kissed softly for a few minutes. 


As they separated and opened their eyes, Brielle asked, 


"What was that for?" 


"I like your real eye color more" was what Rainey replied. 


Breille's smile softened at that, "I know" she said. 


Rainey sighed then, "I really don't know why you insist on keeping your identity hidden. So many people hate you because of that, you know?" 


"Because it's fun to fuck with people and see them lose their minds when they can't do anything. You know I love to spite people. Everything I've done in my life is to spite someone. You know that. Plus, isn't it funny as hell for you too??" Brielle replied then with a small grin. 


Rainey chuckled then, "It is definitely funny. The amount of people who think they can break us up is hilarious. Though, don't you care about your reputation at all?" 


"What reputation? Elle doesn't exist. You just called me Elle one day and they believed it was my name. Not my fault" Brielle shrugged. 


Rainey gave a short laugh at that, "That is true. You never did say your name was Elle. Welp. Let's go shopping, shall we? Even though it's not going to be the most fun experience, is it?" 


Brielle laughed too, "Don't worry about that. I'll order Chinese for home" 


"Of course you will" Rainey shook her head with a smile. 


Brielle grinned at that and put in her lens and they both left for shopping. 




It was a high end mall. A lot of celebrities came there too so the security was very tight. 


They both decided to just roam around and just buy what they wanted. They were rich. Of course they were going to use it. And also, drama. 


A lot of people had already recognized them and were taking pictures while whispering among themselves. There were even some paparazzi around. 


Rainey and Brielle, or well, Elle, had just as much popularity as a celebrity would have so this was very normal for them. 


They entered a clothes shop and started looking around. 


Rainey bought a purse for Brielle. Of course it was beautiful but it was not the one she chose originally. Brielle loved it anyway but she had to do something. So she gave a look to Rainey and exclaimed, 


"Is this what you bought for me?! I hate this, Rainey! Do you not even know what I like now?!" 


And she was loud enough that people around them heard her clearly. There were a few camera clicks too. 


"I didn't buy this!" Rainey retorted then. 


"Excuses excuses excuses! Do you not have anything else to say other than that?!" Brielle said next in an angry tone. 


"Just change it then! You don't have to scream at everything!" Rainey exclaimed back then. 


"It's already paid for. There's no need!" Brielle said next and took the bag and left the store. 


Of course the wrong purchase was organized by hers truly. But we knew that. 


Then as Rainey was following behind her, her phone chimed with a message. It was from Brielle. 


'It's beautiful' 


And those two simple words were enough to bring a smile to Rainey's face. 


But she quickly hid it by putting her hand on her mouth. 


They visited a few more stores after that. Some orders were right, some were wrong. But all were beautiful. 


There were a lot of camera clicks throughout their visit. Some paparazzi were even brave enough to approach them to ask questions. But of course they didn't answer any of them. 


It was 11, they were just leaving the mall when they were swarmed by reporters. Normal citizens were also gathered around. 


"Miss Rainey, is it true you don't have a good relationship with your wife??" 


"Miss Elle, is it true you have filed a divorce against Miss Rainey??" 


And more questions like these were asked. 


"We have a very good relationship. Please excuse us" Rainey said then and grabbed Brielle's hand and pulled her through the crowd. 


"Miss Rainey, Miss Rainey! We all saw you both inside! Why do you keep lying??" a reporter was brave enough to ask such a straightforward question. 


Rainey looked at him then. It was a cold, piercing gaze and the reporter froze in fear. 


Then she spoke in an equally cold voice, "I would advise you, for the nth time, not to make assumptions about us" and walked towards the car, never leaving Brielle's hand. 


Just as Rainey had opened the door for Brielle, a yell came from one of the civilians, 


"Leave our Rainey, you bitch!" 


And a tomato came flying at Brielle's head. 


Rainey easily caught the tomato and tossed it at the useless security. They caught it with trembling hands. 


"Miss, I can easily sue you for that. And I have a feeling you won't win that case. But I'm not going to. So next time, think twice before you accidentally ruin your whole life" Rainey coldly said to the die hard fan and sat Brielle in the car and did the same herself as well. 


"Nice catch!" Brielle said then with a grin. 


Rainey laughed, "Such an idiot" 


Brielle grinned, "That was hot, by the way" she said then. 


Rainey chuckled, "I'm glad you could find such a situation hot"


Brielle simply grinned at that. 


They both drove home then. 


There was some trending news that night about them. Such as, 


'CEO Rainey fights with her wife again at the shopping mall' 


'Was CEO Rainey crying after fighting with her wife?' 


That one had a photo attached when she had covered her mouth with her hand so people didn't see her smile. It was hilarious. 




These small incidents happened for the next few days. Too much couldn't have happened as they didn't go outside too much. But it was enough for them to enter trending everyday in those days.


It was the fifth day. It was afternoon. CEO Brielle had just entered the premises of Elsher Corporations. 

You are reading story The Matchbreaker at


She was received by the secretary personally and led up towards the office. 


People turned their heads to get a look at her. They whispered and murmured amongst themselves trying to find out a reason for why she visited personally. 


Brielle had a reputation just as high as Rainey. Her corporation might be number two but it was only number two in front of Rainey's. And Rainey was the strongest. Yeah you get it. 


As the door opened, Rainey was sitting there at her desk typing something. 


Seeing them, she gestured for both the assistant and the secretary, "Leave us" 


Both of them had a look of surprise that they quickly hid and with a quick nod, left the office. 


As soon as the door closed, Brielle laughed, "Man, that is always so funny" she said walking near the desk and sat down on the chair. 


Rainey chuckled, "What are you doing here?" she asked. 


"Well, I was hoping we could go for lunch?" Brielle replied. 


"And you came here as Brielle because...?" Rainey asked next, already closing everything on her computer. 


"Because drama of course!" Brielle replied with a grin. 


"Sure" Rainey chuckled and got up tidying up her desk. 


Tidying up, she walked towards Brielle who had gotten up as well. 


She offered her arm, "Shall we?" 


Brielle grinned and looped her arm around hers.


They both walked out of the office hand in hand ignoring the stares from the assistant and the secretary and everyone else. 




The restaurant was high end. Excellent security, great staff, and delicious food. It even had luxurious private rooms as it was a popular place for high profile people to eat so one could find a number of celebrities eating there at any time of the day. 


Brielle and Rainey got seated at an open air table instead of a private room. They could already feel the stares of different people. They ignored it and waved over a waiter. 


After giving their orders, they simply waited in silence and passed the time on their phones. 


The food came relatively quickly. 


"It tastes pretty good actually" Rainey said then. 


"Of course it does! I'll only bring you good places, you know?" Brielle replied with a grin. 


Rainey chuckled, "Of course" 


"Here! Taste mine" Brielle said next, holding up her dish. 


Rainey ate it without hesitation. 


"Hm, that's great too" she said then, after she finished chewing. 


Brielle hummed. "Now. Yours please!" she said grinning, pointing to Rainey's dish. 


"You just wanted to taste mine all along, didn't you?" Rainey said then. 


Brielle fake gasped, "How rude! Isn't it only fair that I get to taste yours too??" 


Rainey shook her head with a smile and offered Brielle a bite. 


Brielle ate with a smile humming happily. 


Rainey smiled looking at her. 


They ate their food with loving smiles throughout. 


There was a lot of breaking news that day. 




Another incident happened two weeks later. 


Well, small incidents have been happening the whole time of course but, this one's noteworthy. 


It was Brielle's building and office. 


It was a pleasant morning with the temperature just right for people to go to work in a better mood. And Brielle was too. At work, of course. Standing in front of Rainey who was on her desk, standing between her legs and softly kissing her with her hands on her waist. 


She moved to her neck, sliding down her shirt to get better access to her neck. Honestly, she wanted the shirt to join the jacket that was on the ground. 


Rainey gasped softly and tilted her head to the side, wrapping her arms around her neck. 


They were enjoying their time. But then, her office door, which is restricted to everyone unless she says otherwise, was shoved open with Brielle's father in the front and.... a reporter? 


So, what's happening here? Yeah. Let's summarize why her father is here. 


The thing is, Brielle overtook the company from her father by force. It took her a long time, a lot of studying, and a lot of money for it. 


Her father was a scum man. Left her and her mother in the city and went to his company enjoying his trashy life with women and sending them the bare minimum of everything. That was why Brielle had decided she would take everything from him for herself and her mother that he doesn't deserve. 


And well, at 23, when she finally did, her father, no, Matthew, lost everything in a night. She even changed her last name along with the corporation's name. He tried attacking her reputation multiple times but she had become too powerful. So in the end, he took over a small company of a relative by force and settled there. But, that didn't mean he fully stopped. He tried many times from the shadows. None succeeded but that didn't stop that scum. 


And today, was another of those days. He had probably seen all the news about a possible affair between her and Rainey thanks to the amount of times she went out with Rainey in these 2 weeks but none as Elle and he is probably trying to use that or something, she doesn't know. He probably grabbed that reporter from the corner he was hiding at near the entrance waiting to interview her. 


So, Brielle stopped kissing Rainey's neck and looked at the both of them from over Rainey's shoulders with a cold look. 


Matthew and the reporter, with his camera rolling pointing at them, were frozen looking at their position. 


Then her security, five retired special forces officers, three men and two women, came running. And froze too. 


"So..?" Brielle said one word looking at her security. 


They flinched hard. "Yes, ma'am! Sorry, ma'am!" they yelled saluting and grabbed Matthew and the reporter. 


"Give me a good explanation later. Leave me please. I'm in the middle of something" Brielle said next. 


Rainey softly chuckled. 


They dragged the two and left with small blushes on their faces. Matthew couldn't even say a word as he was dragged away looking at Brielle with widened eyes. 


Brielle hadn't even waited till they had left the room. She had resumed her activities the moment she had finished talking. It was actually the reason they left so fast. 


Rainey laughed at her antics and kissed her deeply. 


The internet broke that day with a certain video that was posted by an anonymous reporter that Brielle had coincidently forgotten to silence. And of course, a certain scum also lost his only remaining company as well.




It was 3 days later after that incident. None had gone outside. For the drama, of course. But rumors about 'affair between Brielle and Rainey confirmed' were floating around. Well, it wasn't hard to recognize Rainey even if you could only see her back in that video. Reporters were staking out and losing their sleep to get just one interview. 


Brielle was currently chilling in Rainey's office and working on some of her corporation's work same as Rainey. There was nobody in the office except them. Then Rainey got a visitor. It was Frederick. 


"The man boy is actually here to see you by himself! Aren't I a good Matchbreaker?" Brielle said then with a grin. 


Rainey chuckled, "Yes yes" and called her secretary to let him in. 


Brielle just simply put a mask on without bothering with the contact lens and with her phone in her hand and laptop in front, she waited for him to enter. 


He entered wearing extremely expensive clothes and a very formal polished look. Though seeing her on the couch, his face fell. Brielle giggled in her mind. 


"Mister Frederick. What brings you here? Take a seat please" Rainey said then formally. 


Fredrick didn't take a seat. But instead said with a disgusting smile, "Let's talk comfortably on the couch, how about it?" 


Rainey was about to decline but seeing Brielle there, she agreed. After all, she'll get to sit near Brielle. 


It was a big L shaped couch with another one in front of it. Rainey sat down on the L shaped one with Brielle on her diagonal left and he sat in front of her. 


Then he spoke looking at Rainey leeringly, "How are you doing, Rainey? I've just come to ask about your health and also to talk about the projects we will be doing together soon" 


"It seems like you've not been informed yet, Frederick. I am not collaborating with your company" Rainey said straightforwardly. 


Frederick was genuinely surprised, "Why's that?? I think it's a great opportunity for us to get closer. As business partners, of course" 


"It's not something I'm interested in right now" Rainey replied.


Brielle was watching this interaction with a scowl on her face. She always hated this Frederick guy. He just gave off a disgusting vibe. And seeing his history with women, he was absolutely, utterly, disgusting trash. She was rearing to destroy him. 


"Maybe trying something new, you'll like it?" he said next, looking at her in a weird way. 


It was then Brielle thought. What was stopping her? Literally nothing. So she pressed a simple button on her laptop. 


Then he moved to sit beside Rainey and spoke again, "Are you sure?" keeping a hand on her thigh. 


Brielle's hand clenched around her phone. Rainey actually clenched his hand and squeezed it until he begged for her to let go.


"Keep your hands to yourself, Frederick" she said in a cold tone. 


He held his hand with a pained look and exclaimed, "I will sue you for this, Rainey! You will lose your remaining reputation as well!" 


It was then Brielle laughed, "You should really think about your own remaining reputation" 


"Shut up, you bitch! Don't speak between me and her!" he exclaimed. 


Brielle chuckled but didn't say anything. Just pointed at his phone. 


It was then when his phone started chiming like crazy. 


He was startled and looked at it and there was news of all kinds. All of his acts he did in the shadows were out in the light with solid proof and evidence. 


Then his phone rang. It was his father. He picked it up, trembling. 


"Who did you offend, you bastard son!! Police have stormed all your residences and your company and are raiding it! Come back right this instant!!" his father bellowed over the phone and hung up. 


He looked at the phone with a shell shocked look. 


Then he looked at Brielle with fear, "W-Who the hell are you even??!" 


So Brielle took off her mask. "I'm Brielle Verlice. It's a displeasure to meet you" she said with a terrifying smirk. 


He audibly gasped at that and fell to the ground. 


She walked towards him and bent down, "Never offend me and never touch what's mine. Enjoy your life in prison" she said with a smirk and covered her face again. And just then, security and police came inside the office with guns. 


Brielle sat back down and the police handcuffed Frederick telling him to remain silent. 


Sending him away, they approached Rainey and Brielle, 


"Ms. and Mrs. Elsher. I hope he didn't cause you too much trouble. Please let us know any offenses he has committed. Have a good day" the police officer said and with a small bow, left the office. 


Brielle took off her mask and got up laughing as soon as the door was closed.


"That felt so damn good! I should've done that so much sooner!" she said, laughing happily.


Rainey stood up too with a smile, "I thought you were going to let him destroy himself?" she asked.


Brielle hummed, walking towards her, "That's true. But I didn't like the way he looked at you and touched you" she said looking into her eyes, stopping a feet away from her.


Rainey smiled. "Thank you for caring for me as always, Brielle" she said.


Brielle smiled back.


Then, Rainey kissed her softly.




It was merely a day later, Brielle arrived at Elsher Corporations.


"Wanna spend the day together and then visit mom? She hasn't seen you in a while and she was asking for you" Brielle said after they were given privacy.


Her mother was one of the three people who knew she and Rainey were married. The other two being Rainey's parents.


"Of course. I'm looking forward to meeting mom after so long" Rainey replied.


"Great! Let's go, then?" Brielle said, holding out her hand.


"You... are going as Brielle? You aren't going to..?" Rainey asked then.


Brielle smiled softly. "Yeah. It's been long enough. I wanna visit places and hold your hand and kiss you in front of people. Plus, isn't it a great time now?" she finished with a grin.


Rainey chuckled, "Okay" she said and took Brielle's hand and started walking.


But, Brielle pulled on her hand and hugged her.


"I do love you, you know?" she mumbled.


Rainey smiled. "I know. I love you too" she said and kissed Brielle's nose softly and pulled Brielle outside.


Brielle let herself be pulled with a chuckle and a smile.


As soon as they stepped out and reached their car, they were surrounded by reporters and journalists. 


"Miss Rainey! Is the news of your affair true??" 


"Miss Brielle, are you and Miss Rainey dating?" 


"Miss Rainey, are you cheating on your wife in broad daylight?!" 


"Miss Rainey, have you and your wife divorced??" 


And more questions like these were thrown at them. 


Brielle laughed, "How is she cheating on her wife when her wife is the one who was kissing her?" she said with a smirk. 


Everyone fell silent for a few seconds. Then loud murmurs broke out and everyone started asking her what she meant. 


Brielle chuckled, "C'mon! Connect the dots! Aren't you guys good at that? BriELLE. Elle. Got it yet??" she asked. 


It was as if everyone malfunctioned. Then they all started asking her why she had hidden it and why Rainey lied. 


So Rainey spoke, "I never explicitly stated Elle's full name was that. You all just assumed it" she said. 


Then came the question, "Then why did you hide instead of telling us and acted like you both don't get along?" 


Brielle replied immediately, "To fuck with everyone, of course! It was hilarious seeing all the breaking news everyday!" she said, laughing. 


Everybody fell silent. Not because they didn't believe her. They did. She was famous for having a very playful and mischievous personality and for pulling pranks that were big in scale but did no harm in reality. 


"Bye then!" Brielle said then and her and Rainey sat in the car with the help of their bodyguards, who did a great job maintaining their expressions, and left to spend their day together away from people, just the two of them, smiling. 


What prank will Brielle pull next? 


The End. 



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